Neverwinter Forest the past that changed you
1,335 Posts
Ooc — torvi
Master Warrior
A low sounds breaks through the relative silence — as silent as a forest can ever truly be — but it confirms Drogon’s suspicions: that he is not alone in this forest no matter how ridiculous the notion of being alone in the vast expanse of Neverwinter Forest was. The sakaali’s path alters and as the woman draws nearer he can see her through the gaps in the sparse foliage. She is hard to miss, he sees now. Her coat is startling red against the bleak and monochrome palette of winter. Drogon finds himself taking a few steps in her direction but as he draws nearer he stops abruptly, lifting his chin to drink in her scent. His ears flutter back as he is hit with a sudden pang of familiarity. It’s the kind that bears no answers but that leaves a persistent ache in one’s heart. He cannot place the feeling and knows that he has experienced it once before when he had visited the Hinterlands and came across the girl that called herself his sister. Roarke she had called him.

Drogon hesitates then, torn between the desire to explore what he has suppressed for most of his childhood and what he has done best: flee. Whether there was anything significant in this, whether he knew her or not …in the end what mattered was that Drogon was no longer a frightened child terrified of being heart broken again. He is a man grown …or all but and he had learned long ago to stop running. So, he draws nearer yet, his steps cautious but utterly non-threatening, glacial gaze assessing her as he draws near enough to see her closely now ( though there is still plenty of respectful distance between them ) feeling another tug of familiarity.

It could be nothing he attempts to assure himself weakly but …somehow Drogon doubts that to be the truth.
Messages In This Thread
the past that changed you - by Hemlock - December 16, 2017, 04:01 AM
RE: the past that changed you - by RIP Wintersbane - December 16, 2017, 04:25 AM
RE: the past that changed you - by Hemlock - December 16, 2017, 04:53 AM
RE: the past that changed you - by RIP Wintersbane - December 16, 2017, 05:17 AM
RE: the past that changed you - by Hemlock - December 16, 2017, 05:30 AM
RE: the past that changed you - by RIP Wintersbane - December 16, 2017, 06:19 AM