Wapun Meadow A bed of flowers, a good place for a nap
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
The girl met her with the warmth of cordiality, and Taktuq met her with a smile. Here, she got a better look. Petite and well kept, with a leanness that spoke of a traveller’s life. And she held no scent to her. Nothing but of the woods and mountain rocks.

She must have come from the West.

Regardless of where she was from, she was here now — and with enthusiasm! Taktuq laughed with understanding - she still remembered the days she had travelled alone - and beckoned the stranger with a nod of her head, even as she joined her.

They are often nearer the forest, she explained, as she began to lead them towards Fox’s Glade, but not so close that the foxes get them. Recently, she had begun to find burrows nearer Bearclaw Valley as well, but she did not frequent those. Are you better at flushing or catching? The sending or receiving end? To her, the stranger looked quite capable of both.
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RE: A bed of flowers, a good place for a nap - by Taktuq - May 31, 2023, 09:50 PM