Two Rivers Isle teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey stopped up short and shifted. A small lift of her lip. The only warning that she didn't appreciate the tone. Look at me. I see you're sour attitude hasn't changed much. At least you talk though now.

ALthought Sadey felt like she may regret that the girl could talk now. She also found irritation deep in the pit of her stomach at the girls attitude. And she knew were she to fight the girl. Colt would take Red's side and that would be alright. Sadey Walker didn't need nobody. But she tried to be calm for now. She remember well the piss and vinegar of being young and stupid.

Can't kill me. I always stay alive. And it was true. She'd gotten through more scrapes than alitlte bit and had survived everytime. Even this last time with a side near about open enough for the buzzards to pick at.

Then the sickly sweet and Sadey snorted. Make your self known girl or get out of my face. I don't like fake's don't act like you're happy to see me or you think i was on vacation.
Messages In This Thread
teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - by Redbird - June 27, 2023, 12:38 PM
RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - by Sadey - July 07, 2023, 08:58 PM