Ocean's Breath Plateau eunoia
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph ambled along the borders, dipping in and out to find new pathways. Always more sights to see and things to discover. Each new thing a faint ping in her chest as she realized she had one less person to share it with. It felt difficult, she was not conscious of the letting go, well she was conscious of it but she was not consciously enacting it. And yet her mind seemed to linger on Samani less and less. It felt like a betrayal and yet she could not stop the slide of days and time.

A new scent, on the fringes of her wanderings interspersed with the smell of sap and trees. She saw a figure in the distance and wondered who they might be. Her tail let out a friendly wag. "Hello?" She called out a bit ahead of herself as she trotted to greet them.
Messages In This Thread
eunoia - by Barbatos - October 10, 2023, 11:33 AM
RE: eunoia - by Heph - October 14, 2023, 10:20 AM
RE: eunoia - by Barbatos - October 16, 2023, 10:11 AM
RE: eunoia - by Heph - October 20, 2023, 08:04 PM
RE: eunoia - by Barbatos - October 24, 2023, 10:48 AM
RE: eunoia - by Heph - October 28, 2023, 09:55 AM