Duck Lake kind of wishing that i never did saturday
omnipotent society of youth
179 Posts
Ooc — wen

his vater's name as spoken word startled him.

in the endless expanse of commentary that played solitaire in the vestiges of his mind, its the card that was always in his hand but played the least. he, who was not allowed to acknowledge his children as his siblings. he, who had been failed and forgotten but forgave with need of paternal connection. he, who ran away when the puzzle piece was too blunted to place.

he turns his head away now, and while he was cursed to always reply in silence, it was a case where it was the only eloquent answer.
Messages In This Thread
kind of wishing that i never did saturday - by Druid - May 15, 2024, 01:19 PM
RE: kind of wishing that i never did saturday - by Klaus - May 23, 2024, 09:41 AM