Neverwinter Forest plead
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
Tags for reference; AW if someone wants to join. He's just looking.
He did not ask @Kukutux or @Vairë before he departed; he only made sure the children would be looked after before stalking off toward the woods. He had been keeping a weather eye on the man, White Elk, who had come asking after his sister in law — when, apparently, he should have been suspicious of the other one.

Oh, Ariadne. He did not know these women well, but they were the kin of his wife. They were family to him, beloved to him, and just like real family, they were something of a thorn in his side.

In the woods, he called her name: "Ariadne!"

There was a subtle thunder to his tone that perhaps only Dutch would have recognized. But the fire faded from him when no one answered despite the scents lingering in the air.

Eventually, the brush rustled. It was only White Elk.

"Where are they?" he asked. Pointed. Clipped.

"I don't know," the younger man admitted, hanging his head.

Valiant was quiet for a long moment. Then — "Search the woods for them," he ordered, his voice subdued. "Any sign of them, coming or going. Search the nooks and cranies."

"Okay," said the herald, his own brows furrowed in worry. He turned to go, halting when first hunter called him back. "Yes?"

"Look to the sky, too," said Valiant.

"For what?"

Valiant's mouth twisted.

"Vultures," he replied, his voice flat. "Go south. I'm going north. If you see no sign of them in two day's time, come and tell me."

The two men departed from one another; Valiant felt listless as he began his search.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
Messages In This Thread
plead - by Valiant - June 19, 2024, 02:51 PM
RE: plead - by Kigipigak - June 19, 2024, 03:21 PM