Noctisardor Bypass newanen
18 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
At first, the notion of accompanying Heda on evening patrol sounded absolutely dreadful to Gideon. As much as he loved his mother and cherished time spent in her company, patrol to a three month old wolf puppy who wasn't especially inclined toward guardianship amounted to the following:

"Stay on the path, Gideon."
"Keep an eye out for wolves, Gideon."
"Stop putting those weeds in your mouth, Gideon."

But then Heda promised he could stay out after dark with her, and that changed everything.

Are there big scary monsters? he asked as he tagged along after her, tails a-whirring and paws a-bounding. What about bad guys? Oooh! Oooh! What about Snargledegrumps?

Gideon had recently seen a badger waddling about the edge of the rendezvous, minding its own, and learned just how grouchy a badger was when he tried to approach it and it grunted and growled at him. Ever since then he had christened them Snargledegrumps, some mangled amalgamation of snarling and grumpy.
Messages In This Thread
newanen - by Heda - June 29, 2024, 07:47 PM
RE: newanen - by Gideon - July 01, 2024, 10:52 AM
RE: newanen - by Heda - July 02, 2024, 10:14 AM