Bearclaw Valley [m] You can be everything you want to be before your time
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
570 Posts
Ooc — ebony
patchwork knightking waited for the return of his queen, indigo eyes shining with eager pointedness when he spotted the grace of her loping form. blood laced with ameline's inviting fragrance, spiced now with —
he had not understood until it was upon them last year. and this — he understood his agitation as of late, his intent guarding, his unlikely unwillingness to range further for prey.
ancelin slid down from the redrock sentinel marking entry into their valley and nipped fiercely into her guard hairs. "you smell nice," he smirked, mouth against her neck, tail waving with sheer delight to see her again, returned, wreathed in the feral wilderness.
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RE: [m] You can be everything you want to be before your time - by Ancelin - January 02, 2025, 04:58 PM