Wheeling Gull Isle the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking
Wild Fauna
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105 Posts
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Pack Activity 
Takes place on the afternoon of May 29, 2017.

This thread is MANDATORY for characters wishing to join Undersea.

This is an active participation thread that takes place on Wheeling Gull Isle. If your character is not on Wheeling Gull Isle, you must make a roll call post with a snippet of where your character is and what your character is up to. No rounds. No posting order. Welcome home! ♥

@Adeline @Anatha @Aria @Axolotl @Calypso @Cattail @Constantine @Faeryn @Ixchel @Kalika @King @Komodo @Morrighan @Nova @Tael

The light of the sun was drowned out by a sea of cumulonimbus clouds so heavy they cracked open and assaulted the coastal territories with a deluge of hard-edged rain, turning the world a bleak shade of charcoal. The horizon line was all but blurred out, and it was difficult to tell where the ocean ended and the sky began. Only when shafts of distant lightning illuminated the faraway northern sea was it possible to see the white-lipped crests of high arching waves.

Greedy waves sucked and nibbled at the cliffs and crags that dotted the coast, growing particularly violent toward the eastern seaboard, scattering seabirds and chewing up sand. Snaking rip currents whipped wildly beneath the vicious churn of the shallows, rendering the water unsafe for even the most experienced seafarers, and the land bridge that connected the Wheeling Gull Isle was all but useless beneath the still rising tide. Any wolves that had taken residence there were essentially stranded.

posted by coelacanth.
Messages In This Thread
the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking - by ThE nArRaToR - May 28, 2017, 01:58 PM