Nimbus Summit you preyed on my innocence, tried to bury my name
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Once her voice reached him, his dark ears stood tall. She did not sound well, and he wondered if she was suffering from an illness.

The woman went on to introduce herself as Themis, the leader of a group in the Shadewood. Issorartuyok nodded his head, pleased to meet her, pleased to hear that his people had done well to tend to one of her injured. He wondered if it had been Lane or Antha who had assisted the member of her village. Beyond this, his thoughts toyed with the idea that she might have carried an illness inside of her that needed tending.

When Themis explained that she had recently given birth, that her children had not been fit to travel, Issorartuyok understood. The northerner bowed his head to her, ears splaying. His thoughts traveled to his wife and the children that she carried.

Themis, please, step with me into Atautsikut. Perhaps we can find the healer who assisted the member of your village. I will not keep you long. But I would like to show you some food and rest after your travels. Perhaps this would help to aid the weariness that clung to her voice. He was certain she wished to return to her children, but Issorartuyok was honest in saying that he would not hold her there.
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RE: you preyed on my innocence, tried to bury my name - by Issorartuyok - April 29, 2022, 12:08 PM