One of the stranger things that the storm had tossed up happened to be... Well, he didn't really know what it was. An object that didn't belong in the Wilds at all, something foreign to the island-home for sure, and not typically found in the sea. The object was cylindrical and made him think of the branches that Moorhen was fixated upon, except that it was clear like a pool of fresh water. It wasn't as long as his forelimb but it came close. There was a tapered end, and that stuck out of the sand like a tooth, while the fatter side was buried. Sea water had somehow collected inside of the object, bringing with it some sand and a few small mollusk shells (the kind that usually leave holes in the wet sand around the tide's edge, sometimes squirting unsuspecting wolves that pass by).
Titmouse was, therefore, perplexed by it. He thought it was a curious find at first, and approached without any semblance of apprehension. His paws left wide tracks all around the plastic cone as he circled it, sniffed at it, huffed air through his nose and across the bottle's open mouth, only to startle himself when the sound made a deep, resonating dooot with the effort. His black ears perked up and forwards as he took on an alert expression; but when nothing else happened, he ventured in with a nose-dive and listened to the material CRONCH beneath his teeth. The sound of the thin plastic buckling (but not breaking! wow!) then popping back in to place was another anomaly.
The boy huffed and looked around, wondering if anyone else was seeing the strange thing, or if maybe the storm had knocked all the sense right out of him.
January 10, 2019, 09:56 PM
when she wasn't with Currituck, Tahani wandered the island, taking in each and every new thing it had to offer. the sand, the surf, the myriad sea creatures. . .this was all completely foreign to her, and she didn't know whether it scared or excited her. certainly, there were decisions that had to be made.
Currituck was happy here, and Tahani was glad of it. would she stay, too? it was far from her element, and she hated to imagine how warm the summers would be. she remembered all too well the hellish time spent in Blackfeather Woods.
at the same time, given she'd lost the rest of her family, Tahani couldn't fathom leaving her daughter behind, even if it was for a place more suited to her northern heritage. Currituck had chosen to stay on this island, and so too would Tahani, at least for now. perhaps things would change with time. . .but all she wanted, at this moment, was to be by Tatik's side.
the wolf ahead of her was a curious fellow, a rangy young man who, upon further inspection, was missing an eye. that was only one of many scars, but Tahani had more attention for the object he was examining--something she'd never seen before.
Currituck was happy here, and Tahani was glad of it. would she stay, too? it was far from her element, and she hated to imagine how warm the summers would be. she remembered all too well the hellish time spent in Blackfeather Woods.
at the same time, given she'd lost the rest of her family, Tahani couldn't fathom leaving her daughter behind, even if it was for a place more suited to her northern heritage. Currituck had chosen to stay on this island, and so too would Tahani, at least for now. perhaps things would change with time. . .but all she wanted, at this moment, was to be by Tatik's side.
the wolf ahead of her was a curious fellow, a rangy young man who, upon further inspection, was missing an eye. that was only one of many scars, but Tahani had more attention for the object he was examining--something she'd never seen before.
hello,she said kindly, stopping a short distance away and canting her head in greeting.
what. . .what is?she asked, lowering her gaze to his treasure. she blinked at him, a gentle smile blooming over her face.
i am Tahani. you are?
Common · Inuttut
January 13, 2019, 06:04 PM
Remembering suddenly that Moorhen had dug out the red beam when he'd struggled with it, Titmouse thought of doing the same to this strange thing — but he circled it and wondered, loomed and investigated, chewed on that opening or listened to the bottle's surface crackling as it shifted beneath his teeth, and was honestly too distracted by the strangeness to continue with the excavation. He stopped when a voice permeated the air — one he didn't know — and he looked up to see the pale woman. She was unfamiliar to him. Older, bigger, reminding him on first glance of a walking chunk of sea ice.
It struck him then, just like his previous thought had appeared so swiftly, that Titmouse didn't know how to answer that question.
Who are you? He had so many names, and most of them he couldn't even speak aloud anymore. Out of necessity's sake he resorted to calling himself,
Then he turned his attention back to the clear object.
It struck him then, just like his previous thought had appeared so swiftly, that Titmouse didn't know how to answer that question.
Who are you? He had so many names, and most of them he couldn't even speak aloud anymore. Out of necessity's sake he resorted to calling himself,
Mou,with a little bow of his head. He might not have identified with the name much anymore, but the wolves of Undersea knew him as such, and it was easier than trying to wheeze out his real name.
Then he turned his attention back to the clear object.
I'unno wha dis,he admitted, plonking down on his rear like a child confronting an unfamiliar concept.
January 18, 2019, 02:51 PM
Mou,she repeated. nice and simple, easy to remember. he spoke, and there was something amiss with his voice. halting and slurred, much like hers, but damaged, unmistakably. her eyes darted to the scar along his throat, and she wondered whether that was the source of his speaking problems.
like her, he had no clue what the object was. Tahani lowered her head further to take a sniff of it; beyond the smell of salt and sea was a sterile, alien scent. it was not only something she had never seen but something she had never smelled, either. her brows drew together in puzzled curiosity, staring for a long moment before straightening and looking at Mou again.
hmmm,she murmured, not knowing how to categorize the object. instead, she turns her attention to the young man.
how--how long you here? on island? i n--i am new,she managed, shifting her weight on her paws.
Common · Inuttut
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