Redtail Rise he will not see me stopping here
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
All Welcome 
Hello! Mute (not her actual name) is new here! She is voluntarily mute, hence the "name." There will be no speech in her posts. Come say hello! Just don't expect her to say anything back lololol. Also, I write short posts.

So, the stone had made her way farther into the Rise, rubbing along trees as she went, marking her scent, blending it with the scent of others in the pack. She had no real objective as she went, only wishing to make herself at home here, and just in time, for autumn had settled in, and soon it would be winter, cold and deadly.
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin was feeling rather full of himself. he felt closer to both his brother and masquerade, despite the fact they still couldn't hang together.

at present he was swinging a piece of squirrel tail around his head, lashing it back and forth so it slapped him in the sides of the head. his eyes were squeezed shut; he was not watching where he went.
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
A sound brought her to a momentary halt. A kind of growly thrashing. Mildly alarmed, she moved through the trees... and immediately relaxed, a smile gracing her mouth. A child, playing with a toy. He came closer and closer and--

She backed away, so as not to be whacked in the face with the squirrel tail, and as she did, she shuffled through leaves and stepped on twigs and dislodged small rocks, making noise because she could not speak. Would he hear and open his eyes, or would she have to dive to one side to avoid his vigorous play?
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin sensed he was not alone; he dropped his plaything and bristled. but she smelled like his aunt, and so he relaxed.
"who're you?" he asked, though he did not truly expect an answer. at least three wolves in the pack were eternally silent. ancelin wagged his tail, then nudged the squirrel fur closer to the new individual.
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
She was used to being asked questions that she could not answer, and so, when asked who she was, she merely shook her head with a smile and a shrug, her tail wagging behind her.

She ducked her head a little, still smiling, when the boy offered her the squirrel tail. Gingerly, she picked it up in her teeth and shook it a little, paws splayed far apart in a playful stance. Then she tossed it back to him.
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin caught his breath a little. she did not answer, but she wanted to play. he watched her with piercing eyes as she took the tail; he caught it when she tossed it back.
the boy's tail wagged furiously behind his hips. he offered it again, this time keeping hold of the other end. his eyes asked if she would like to tug-of-war the thing, ears lifted eagerly.
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
She grinned in delight, tail wagging at the idea of tug-of-war. However... she worried that the boy's little squirrel tail would be torn to shreds between the two of them. Alright. So she would "play" and let him win, and hopefully keep the tail intact.

She took the tail between her teeth and pulled and tugged and pretended that it was very difficult. In reality, she barely held the tail at all, so the moment he resisted her pulling, it would slip from between her teeth to let him win.
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin fairly vibrated with delight! he had no idea she was allowing him to win; he lashed his head back and forth in imitation of the adults, yanking it easily away from the newcomer.
the pup flung it to the ground and pounced on it several times, then flung it her direction again, eyes bright with the never-ending want to play.
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
She found a joy in looking out for pups. It had been her main job before she'd left her birth pack. Their boundless happiness and energy made her feel like a pup herself. Of course, she was still in her prime, only three years old, but her life had been difficult and sometimes she felt so much older than she was. But here, now, she felt light as a feather.

She took the tail up in her jaws again when he tossed it to her and shook it with relish, and, with sudden inspiration, she play-bowed, quickly, and then leapt away, the tail still in her jaws: Chase me!
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
when she frisked, he did as well. ancelin had no idea what to call her; he did not know her name. so in the mental style of the big hunter, she became 'runner' to the boy. and she was swift.
instinct brought him after her at once, not so graceful and clumsy with his large paws. he tried to circle and nip for her heels as if she were prey.
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
She ran a ways with the tail in her teeth, hopping about over-dramatically to avoid the boy's snapping teeth at her heels. She circled him as he circled her, leaping here and there in an attempt to get past him. After a minute or two of this, she fell over onto her side, as if he had caught her, as if she had given up, and released the tail, her tongue lolling as if she were utterly exhausted. She let her head fall, rolling onto her back, showing her belly: You got me!
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she leapt around; she evaded him; she led him in a circle until he was panting and winded and utterly completely thrilled. when she fell over, he rushed forward to mob her with his little teeth, though he was old enough to know he should not truly bite her, even in his excitement.
"that was fun!" he chuffed exuberantly, backing away a little. "you're really fun! i'm glad my aunt let you into the pack."
19 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
She pretended to be dead as he came and play-bit her, closing her eyes, head lolled back, tongue stuck dramatically out of her mouth. When he stopped biting her, she lifted her head, beating the ground with her tail and rolled onto her side again, using a paw to push the squirrel tail toward him.

Yes, this had been fun. She beat the ground harder with her tail in agreement with him, eyes twinkling. She felt lucky that her first foray into a pack outside of her family's had gone so well. Hopefully all members of the Rise were this friendly, even if they weren't this young.

[Fade soon?]
This character is voluntarily mute; there will be no dialogue in her posts. I write short posts.
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
we can fade here <3 always up for another or u can have augur :D

ancelin's tail had not stopped. educational play with the grown wolves of the pack was important to his own skills. but more than that, it had given him a sense of her. and he would not forget.
his brother was calling; ancelin rolled his eyes but stepped in that direction. "see ya!" he said cheerily to his new friend runner, before his own legs were carrying him in the opposite direction.