Redtail Rise six weeks, five days
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
All Welcome 
@Augur ! @Thursday Evening welcome, too <3 

New Snow woke and emerged from the den, playfully nipping the hindquarters of her two cubs. The winds of change were in the crisp air; today, she would range with them further from the whelping den in an effort to aid them in gathering their bearings. It was not yet time to move to the rendezvous, though that would come soon enough. She hoped they would finish their weaning sooner than that.

With or without her young in tow, New Snow found the scent of her mate and decided to follow it for a time. There were plenty of eyes to watch the children beyond her own, and they were at the age where they could be left alone; she was only vaguely aware that there had been even more young to come into the fold since last she ran with the pack.

She hoped to hunt nearby, and did not intend to take long. An ear backturned as she listened for the sound of her young, all while her nose worked to differentiate preyscent from that of her mates latest trail.
72 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Derp. I didnt see the tags! I can remove this if you want.

Reki had taken it upon himself to find a gift for Leelee. He didn't know what a princess would like, and he was exceptionally discerning. Knowing what he might like - or any boy - was different from what might please her. Still, he ranged along a hunter's path as if he belonged there.

Soon enough the scent of Augur grew strong. It was then interlaced by the familiar smell of a mother; Reki didn't know that, but he detected New Snow and the similarities to his own mother Chacal (milk scent, new fur, soft earth) fully distracted him from his quest.

He veered along the trail and chased that scent, almost desperate to see what was at the end of this proverbial rainbow. Something deep inside of Reki yearned desperately for something, he just didn't know that something was his mother.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
It was the sound of being followed that caused New Snow to slow. For the footfalls belonged to no adult. Different even than the sound of her own young, New Snow was reminded that even she was among the eyes that looked after the young here when she could range away. For a short time, she could do this, and did not shirk from the idea of looking after any other cub.

New Snow liked children. Leggy though this one was, their proportions were an indication of their age as they came into her line of vision. So the Clawan turned to meet them, tail wagging as she extended her muzzle to sniff at the boy (if he allowed her close) who was altogether new to her. He looked of the earth, brown-furred and golden-eyed.
72 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
What he found was someone new. They looked a lot like Augur, and smelled of him, so the child's first thought was a sibling or friend. Her smell was sweetened by milk scent (however vague that may be by now) and Reki felt immediately at ease.

She saw him and soon reached close to gather his own scents. Reki had the urge to burrow in close to her and surround himself with the warm, familiar feelings she elicited; but she was still a stranger, and he was the king of personal space limits.

um. . . hi. Reki hummed. You're Augur's friend. But you're prettier than him. The boy was making observations and wasn't so reserved about them. Are you looking for him?
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow looked to the young one when they spoke with curious eyes. Much of their words she did not understand. She could comprehend perhaps three of them, and her ears twitched as they were said. Augur. This one was one she knew for her mate. The mention of him caused her to brighten, and her tail waved. Look was another, but it was attached to something she was not so certain about.

And so she grumbled, and gestured to the leaf-laden earth. How old was this one? Would they understand? A falling leaf twirled toward the earth beside her, and New Snow looked toward it before she sprang at it. Her mouth was gentle, but the leaf was brittle and some of it broke between her teeth. The action served the instinct she sought to follow... but also, her spirit of enjoying the day and having fun.

She threw her head with a huff. She imagined this one was too young to make a kill, but she did not know it. Either he would tell her, or she could find out! New Snow made way toward the rabbit trail she had noted, where the scat had been freshest. Would he follow, or return to the rendezvous? She paused long enough to see what he would decide.
72 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The woman appeared to brighten, or at least her posture shifted in a way that Reki read as affirmative when Augur was mentioned. She didn't speak back to him, though. He did not question why, and did not make any assumptions about it. Some people were quiet — he could be very quiet for long periods of time, too. Maybe this lady was like Augur, because he very rarely made any noise at all (words or otherwise!).

Before he could ask any questions, even before Reki could think of what to say at all, the woman was moving. She seemed to be. . . playing? Her antics were more puppy-like than adult, which made Reki smile, and he held in a laugh, even as he caught sight of the falling leaf. She caught it expertly and Reki's laughter became deeper, more pronounced.

He was in awe! She turned and he was drawn to following after her. There was no telling what she was up to, or why, or if he was truly welcome — but if she didn't want him there, she'd make that known too. Augur did that sometimes: brought the boy along, or carried him back to the rendezvous, or chased him off after playing. It wasn't frightening now, and almost expected.

The boy followed happily, but was ready to bolt if necessary.