Lion Head Mesa You're staring while I'm blinking
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
By pharaoh's order, the newest nebet had been selected as a mentor for the fellahin. It was a peculiar task given, but not one she would question. After all, who could know this life better than she? Growing up, brothels were all she knew. Now, she was in one again, but finally by her own will. Ramesses had not forced her in this position, but rather blessed her with it. How could she dare decline!

Late in the afternoon, Sokha sent a fellahin to collect the maidservant, @Nazli. Today, they would speak of what was to come. Only tomorrow, would the true lessons begin.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
the time came that she was to meet her first tutor. another fellahin arrived to summon nazli, who very nearly refused, but... with a resigned breath and legs which felt like they might buckle at any point, she hurried along.

the stranger waiting for her was beautiful. they looked somehow regal and feral, self-aware in a way nazli was not. by comparison nazli was as gawky as ever; learning to hunt had helped streamline her figure somewhat, but she could not compare to the adult fellahin before her.

hello, you called for me. there was no question - the girl was almost beside herself with nerves.
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
While awaiting the maidservant, the lithe woman had comfortably seated herself atop a flat lining of furs. Another sat near her, with a pile of extras not too far away. She had Jawahir to thank for this. The collection would not have been possible by her own doing.

Soon enough, Nazli appeared in her doorway. Almost immediately it was evident that the girl was beside herself with nervousness. The nebet felt plain pity for her. If only her teachings would come with nothing short of perfection, these pin pricks would leave the poor girl entirely.

Welcome, Nazli. She offered quickly, followed by a soft smile and a leveled chin. She would not act higher than the fellahin, regardless of her title. Please, sit. With a wave of her tail, she gestured to the fur lining nearest to her. I am Sokha, nebet of Akashingo as of new. Pharaoh has asked me to act as your tutor for this time on. Slowly, she would explain the reason behind her summons. But before delving deeper, a question was placed before the maidservant.

Do you know what it is you might be needing a tutor for? Sokha knew the answer to this, plain and well; but she was curious to know if the girl knew herself. It was important that something like this not be thrown upon her so abruptly, for such would surely scare her off. 

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
the furs decorated the floor in a way that was luxurious as well as suspicious, at least to her. what would be expected of her here? why were so many well-treated furs on display except for some use she could not fathom?

soon the woman was introducing herself. nazli tried to reel in her thoughts and found herself unable to look at the furs, or the woman, and she wanted to turn tail and leave; but she knew that wasn't an option.

do you know?
yes. the girl softly croaked.
swallowing thickly, she settles to her haunches without touching the furs. the floor is cold.
what am I... how, do we, um... she could barely get the words out! begin? what is expected of me, here?
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The fear... ever so clear — ever so sharp. 

Nazli knew, but she would not speak it. This could not remain. For a woman who is to serve with passion, she must show no hesitance and no timidness. 

Brows furrowing, Sokha looked to the girl with hardened concern. You tell me what is expected of you, Nazli. Tell me why you are here. What are you here to learn? You must speak it.

The maidservant would not go on in this way. The nebet would not allow it. For once in her many days, she must be firm.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
There were times Tavina held that look in her eye, and that tone to her voice. Moments where the lesson was more important than the feelings between them. It was not so hard to see or hear from this, a stranger, except for the demand. Nazli didn't want to speak of it - this heinous use of her body, this co-opting of her freedoms.

She felt a wave of resistance. Her spine straightened. She thought of how free and strong she had felt within Mereo as a mere guest! And now, now she was to give all that up again. To be used.

I am here because... She wanted to resist and feel that strength return to her. There was no way, here, now, like this. The iron in her spine slowly melted. I am to learn the arts of pleasure, of... the true uses of a fellahin.

Oh, how she wished she'd run when given the chance.
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Waiting, waiting, waiting.. — the hesitance continued. 

Only later, after long moments, was it forced from her. The girl's spine shrunk as she spoke, gaze worn by what the nebet assumed to be anxiety and embarrassment.

All Sokha could do was feel her own gaze soften, pooling over Nazli with nothing but warmth. Her voice came like honey, trickling down across the oak as though it were newly set free of the bark. Lift yourself, girl. Do not sit so low. Learning something such as this should not make you feel ashamed, nor any less yourself than you are.

Oh, what could be a better way to explain... 

When I was a girl..- not far from your own age, I was selected to serve a brothel. I had long since been taught the ways of passion and pleasure, but had never understood what it truly meant. So, I thought blindly. If I felt nothing, then it meant nothing at all. But when pharaoh brought me here, I understood. In Akashingo, to serve in this way is to honor our divine ones, our gods, and ourselves. We are using the gifts we are given to bless those that have chosen us to please them. And when we do so, we are rewarded and praised. Perhaps not always physically, but spiritually. It was then she frowned, fearing she had said too much that the girl would not understand.

Slowly, Sokha rose and joined Nazli. She sat at the fellahin's side and pressed her flank close, hoping that the girl would not draw away from the offered comfort. I understand that this all may be difficult to process, but in due time, you will understand that all of this is meant to give you growth. Gently, a soft nose would graze the furs upon the girl's crown; occasionally, even small teeth would nibble at the stray flecks of dirt that need be preened. I am here to help you grow, but not to frighten you. All you must do is ask and we can take as much time as you like. I can teach slow.. in small increments, so that it does not become too much for you.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
It took a moment for Nazli to understand what was being shared. That it went beyond using someone; her purpose was divine, or as close to it as she could get with her station in life. She didn't have to like it - there was no avoiding it now anyway - but maybe through these lessons she could become less afraid of it. The others, those older fellahin who had come before Nazli, they thrived. Why not her, too?

Thinking of the divine nature of the act, and the similarities between such a ritual and those of the we'eb, gave her some comfort. Nazli still did not know what to expect. But she thought of Senmut, of his morning prayers done without fail, and felt a little better.

I would like to know more. As much as I can learn... well, before acting. Before being taught the... acts, these passions. It still felt wrong to speak of it! How small she felt, and childish for being squeamish on the subject. She would soon be year upon the earth and yet she was afraid of this?

This, which she had no name for. The specifics evaded her. If only this were a choice.
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The girl wanted time — as much as could possibly be given before any physical means were introduced. She wished to postpone such things until she no longer could. Sokha understood these worries, but still knew well that the girl could not keep away forever. 

There will be plenty of things to learn... but, Nazli, you must understand that you cannot shy away from these acts for too long. 

But yes, there were other things to learn.

For now, ask what questions you believe appropriate and I will answer them to the best of my ability. She waited in silence, now, curious to know what queries flitted through the young girl's mind.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
It would be hard for Nazli to put her thoughts and feelings in to something verbal, as she was shy about it all, and so nervous, and that nervousness bled in to every aspect of her experience now.
Sokha was patient.
For every question Nazli managed to voice, there was an answer. Some were short while others became more detailed - each brought a heat to Nazli's cheeks, a stuttering to her heart, and some even a gasp; her eyes averted but she sat there rapt in her attention, listening, trying her best to recite pieces of the information.
It was hours later that Nazli was permitted to leave this first of many lessons.
Her mind buzzing with new knowledge that felt taboo to know; and, with no one to share it with, she spent the night processing all that was told to her. She had to prepare herself for her future - because now there was no avoiding it. Sokha would give her plenty more lessons.
Her future was certain, regardless of how Nazli felt about it.