Swiftcurrent Creek you're a sunflower
Tell me something that i'll forget
124 Posts
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Crystals of snow sparkled down from above, and his nose twitched as a flake landed on the tip of his snout before melting and dripping to the floor - though the winter was beautiful, he was weary of it. The little flurries appeared so delicate and precious, but Soltero had seen the dangers it could bring; the dual nature of the chill. Scarce prey, slippery surfaces, crumbling earth - the all consuming powder that thickened and hardened to stone. Sometimes he simply wished for spring.

He'd heard of the plateau wolves arrival (he was rather happy about the idea of Ruenna sharing his home now), but had taken the time to try and compose himself somewhat before greeting them, unsure how to meet the wolves in the appropriate way; especially with Kavik rising to status as alpha beside Constantine. The Beta was not against the decision, but he had yet to even meet the man, so it felt a little odd to accept him as another leader - with time, he aimed to fix this. But for now, there was only one he wanted to greet.

The Valento was busy seeking out @Ruenna, tracking her scent with one desire: to... say hi? He brought a limp rabbit in his jaws, large paws leaving sculpted tracks in the snow as his figure traipsed over the frozen ground. Hopefully she was still around.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Rue was also weary of winter, winter and all the heartache it had brought. As all the green things withered and the world smothered beneath snowfall, so too did Ruenna's life deteriorate and happiness asphyxiate. 

Constantine had seemed eager enough to welcome the Plateau refugees, but he was perhaps the only one. This likely had something to do with Kavik's swift elevation to leadership. If Kavik had consulted her on this decision, she would have told him decline such an offer. Being subordiante to a stranger would only breed resentment among the Creek wolves, especially since it seemed like relations here were already tense.  


Rue scented her friend nearby, and her heart-- heavy as it was-- lifted just a bit. She assumed he had been away or busy, as she hadn't seen him around since her arrival. Soltero was the one upside to starting over here, the one presence in Swiftcurrent Creek that wouldn't feel distant, strange or hostile.  

Rue sensed him nearing, and she oriented herself toward his approach. He appeared, carrying what looked to be a rabbit in his jaws. The whole picture was such a welcome sight, Rue felt hot tears welling behind her eyes.  She blinked the tears away as he approached, but the raw ache clawing its way into her throat remained. 

She wagged her tail as he came near, hoping to express how truly glad she was to see the man. After offering him a small smile, she cast her gaze downward, knowing her sad eyes would betray the heaviness in her heart.

"Soltero..." His name was all she was able to emit, voice both heavy with relief and wavering with pain.
Tell me something that i'll forget
124 Posts
Ooc —

Though generally he loved the way his name slid from her lips, the champagne girl's tone dripped with weariness and pain, something even the beta was able to locate despite his difficulties at recognising emotions. He lightly sucked in the flesh of his cheek, chewing it silently as his paws drew him nearer to close much of the distance between them. "-Nue," he uttered gruffly (as his voice naturally was) before remembering the prey in his jaws and lowering it sheepishly to the pale earth. "Rue," the repetition came, grey tail swaying warmly at his hind.

The Valento resisted the urge to bite his lip, finding his brows creased with concern at the sight of her; he had no idea how best to comfort Ruenna, and he may not have even realised she was upset if he hadn't made a habit of running into wolves right when they were on the verge of tears. Was the world trying to force him into overcoming his struggle?

"I..." he began, wondering whether he ought to address the situation immediately or weave past it and return when it felt more comfortable. He wanted to help - something that was, in moons before, rare. Slowly he padded closer, aiming to lightly brush his shoulder against her own, as he'd seen others do before. "I caught a rabbit..." stating the obvious, good job. "I was wondering if you'd like to share it with me?"
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
After Rue spoke Soltero's name, he answerd with her own, and despite her pain Rue had to chuckle at the muffled sound of his voice. He seemed to falter a bit then-- Rue didn't blame him, she must look quite a mess.  She did her best at offering a smile, and perhaps it did the trick, because Soltero came padding closer. His scent wrapped soothingly around her as he neared, and Rue found herself leaning into his light touch. Soltero wouldn't know how comforting even that small point of contact was to Rue... how nice it felt for someone to reach out to her. Especially when that someone was Soltero.

"Yeah, that.. I'd love that. Thank you," Rue agreed, heart humming with gratitude. She was starving. To be honest, she still didn't feel entirely comfortable taking from the Creek's caches since she had done nothing to fill them in the warmer months. She certainly did her best to help out, but in the winter prey was hard to come by and she didn't know the good hunting spots. Perhaps she would have Soltero show her where he had procured his prize. 

"Soltero?" Rue began, a note of pain edging its way back into her voice, "What have I walked in on here, in the Creek? Why do the wolves here feel..." What was the right word? .."Tense? Or like, sort of um.. distant?" Was it simply that the Plateau refugees were new, and others did not yet trust them? Had there been some who opposed the merger between packs, or resented Kavik's rise to leadership? Or, maybe it had nothing to do with the Plateau wolves, and Rue was sensing the residual tension from some entirely unrelated event. It was even possible that there was nothing amiss at all, and this was just simply how things were here in the Creek.
Tell me something that i'll forget
124 Posts
Ooc —
He felt a flicker of relief burn in his stomach at her acceptance, and nudged the rabbit closer, lowering himself down onto his haunches and glancing at the champagne girl as she spoke.


The note of pain did not go unnoticed, even to the beta's ashen ears, and he watched her inquisitively, ensuring he was close enough for them to share a little warmth - for comfort, he thought. Ruenna's concerns about the creek had him chewing his cheek, searching every nook and cranny of his brain for something logical and intelligent to describe the situation of the pack; in the end, he let out a sigh, brows creasing in the center of his forehead. "I... well... the season is a tense one in itself. The wolves here... there are many females, and few males, so I think... many are competitive."

Soltero hoped dearly she wasn't put off by the shifting demeanors of the wolves who resided here. He knew, deep in his shielded heart, they were all good wolves. "There was some... stuff between Constantine and his mate a few moons before you arrived, but I do not think i'm permitted to speak much of it. I only know much of it from their daughter, Talos, and I never wanted to pry." He'd worked incredibly hard to recruit and gather what remained of the pack, aiming to steer it in the right direction - he'd been rewarded for it, but the smoky traveller saw it as less of a reward, and more of a job. A job that he liked, no doubt, but a tricky one. He had to ensure their numbers didn't begin to dwindle once more, as they had done prior to his arrival. "Everyone is adjusting, and it'll take some time, but I think we'll be okay." Now he chewed at the inside of his mouth again, sure that he was talking too much, and he ought to keep his lips sealed now, tearing off a small piece of the prey and gnawing at it, still distinctly aware of the girl beside him.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Rue's question was followed by a short period of silence as Soltero pondered his answer. Rue let her head fall against the man's shoulder, resting it there as she waited for him to share his thoughts. Warmth spread slowly throughout her body from that small point of contact, revitalizing Rue and planting a seed of hope in her heart. 

She pulled away slightly as Soltero let out a resolute sigh, meeting his eyes as he gave his answer. Rue expression clouded at the implication behind his words, and suddenly she felt awkward for being positioned so closely to the male. Was someone competing for Soltero? Were they watching right now? Was this why Rue was having a hard time making friends here... they saw her as competition? Rue edged backwards from Soltero, her eyes flicking around to ascertain that they were alone. 

"I don't understand," Rue imparted with a shake of her head. "The pups born to Constantine, or any of the leaders... they belong to the pack. They belong to everyone. Why does it matter who births them?"  If this was truly the root of the problem, then whichever leaders wished to breed should make their selections from the competitors, announce the decision, and simply be done with it. That way, all the females would know where they stood and they could just get on with being a pack, for stars' sake. 

Soltero spoke again, and his explanation only compounded Rue's confusion. "Constantine already has a mate," Rue repeated this new piece of information slowly. "And Kavik already has a mate. Liri." Where was the ambiguity here? Who were the females "competing" over? It sounded like all the leaders were spoken for... all but Soltero, that is. Rue's brow furrowed. As sweet and good-looking as the beta might be, she wasn't willing to alienate any new packmates over him. The good of the pack comes first.. it should always come first. Why was the Creek allowing petty jealousies to tear their ranks apart? 

"I hope you're right," Rue sighed in response to Soltero's prediction that the pack would adjust. She stepped forward to nudge against the man's shoulder with her muzzle. "Talos is lucky to have you," she said, attempting to inject a note of optimism in her tone. Soltero's close relationship with the girl was one shining example of Rue's point in practice-- pups grew closest to the wolves who spent the most time with them, whether those wolves were their parents or not. If you live in a pack, you don't have to give birth to become a parent.
Tell me something that i'll forget
124 Posts
Ooc —
His lips turned downward in a frown as Ruenna backed away from him, feeling the rush of cold fill the space and shiver across his side. He longed to move closer again, to wrap himself in the warmth she provided, but... if she did not desire to be beside him, he would not push it. When the girl peered anxiously around in search of others, Soltero's frowned deepened a touch, a spark of dejection lighting in his eyes; was she embarrassed to relish in his company? Were his thoughts steering away from the track she'd set up for them? Perhaps he'd imagined she thought of him as anything... anything other than a friend. If he'd known her thoughts, known that she was avoiding competition, he would have assured her than none fought over his attention - from what he'd observed, Constantine and Kavik appeared to be far more desirable. Perhaps even Ruenna thought higher of them over himself.

"...It doesn't," came his murmur of agreement, fighting not to be swept away in his melancholy thoughts. "I don't know what the situation between Durnehviir and Constantine is, but I agree, a decision should be made... T-the longer they stay silent, the more confusing it all becomes..." True enough, but harder to be carried out, in reality. Relationships seemed to be all sorts of baffling. "The alphas may be taken, but the women still want them." Another sigh tipped from his muzzle, squinting against a soft beam of light that filtered in through the canopy above - why did they bother to seek out those who already had a mate, rather than find someone in the same situation as themselves? 

This was another reason for him to revert to his travelling days, but he'd made the decision to give up and join the stability of a pack - to gain friendships and secure his life during the rough winter. Now, he couldn't bring himself to depart. "Talos... she's so young. She never deserved to be caught up in such a mess." None of those children did, but there was nothing the beta could do to change it, nor did he desire to risk challenging Constantine with a petty arguement. Arguements never solved anything.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Soltero's expression had turned stormy, and Rue could only assume that was due to their difficult subject matter. Rue had not voiced aloud her opinion that a decision ought to be made, but Soltero caught onto the implication behind her words. "Exactly," Rue agreed. "It's already confusing, and... it's not a decision that should be made in the heat of the moment." Ugh, the heat of the moment, indeed. If Constantine did not make his decision soon, then his hormones would decide for him.

The alphas may be taken, but the women still want them. Rue wrinkled her nose and shook her head in disgust. She made no comment, not trusting herself to speak on that. If this was true, then the women here were placing their own desires above the greater harmony of the pack. It was a brand of selfishness that clashed with every part of Rue's nature, sinking into the pit of her stomach and roiling there. Constantine had children for stars' sake! Was anyone but Rue and Soltero thinking of them, and how they might react to a parade of hormone-driven women crashing through the pack and their parents' relationship? 

"No, she doesn't," Rue agreed again, heart breaking for poor Talos and whatever siblings she may have here. She swallowed, searching for something encouraging to say. "Children are resilient," she settled on. "She will be okay, especially since she has you for stability." Rue smiled at Solero, eyes shining with her deepening respect and regard for the man. He really was a kind soul. "I'm sure Constantine would hear out his beta, if you shared your concerns with him.." Rue suggested, searching Soltero's features for his reaction to this. "Just, maybe don't lead with the Talos stuff," she added quickly. It was common for parents to bristle at any implication that they were parenting incorrectly, after all.