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Given to Towhee by Draper on January 01, 2020
Ghost Lion Crag · Ride or die.
Fuckin' savage, Towhee.
Given to Towhee by Arcturus on January 01, 2020
Ghost Lion Crag · Ride or die.
I'm sorry for the double kudos but LMFAO, this reply is especially gold. I love Towhee (and her ruthless counterpart, Towheat).
Given to Arcturus by Draper on January 01, 2020
Ghost Lion Crag · Ride or die.
"laid waste to his virginity" I'm dying. ?
Given to Towhee by Arcturus on January 01, 2020
Ghost Lion Crag · Ride or die.
I just wanted to say thank you for this thread. It has been an incredibly fun thread to write and read, Towhee's reactions are cracking me up.. and it's been a really pivotal one!! Thank you for all the fun posts to read and respond to <3
Given to Arcturus by Towhee on January 01, 2020
Ghost Lion Crag · Ride or die.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to explore Towhee's randy side! She's so much fun to play like this but it wouldn't be such a hilarious experience if not for toons like Arcturus, who make the whole thing so much more organically entertaining. We're not even done yet and this is already one of my favorite threads of all time. :)
Given to Kalika by Merrick on December 31, 2019
Northstar Vale · finding the path to follow
Given to Blondine by Tuathal on December 31, 2019
Bearclaw Valley · help is on the way
What a previous girl, she is most certainly a beauty <3 ahh I love her!
Given to Caiaphas by Chanel on December 31, 2019
Bearclaw Valley · those lions are coming, oh they're coming.
Given to Serem by Black Hat on December 31, 2019
Haunted Wood · Giants
wheezes @ serem calling bh a blabbermouth. reading this was so surreal, bh's first thread was them tearing each other apart. look how far they've come!
Given to Dragomir by Andraste on December 30, 2019
The Heartwood · starts soft and sweet and turns them to hunters
Given to Isilmë by Andraste on December 30, 2019
The Heartwood · starts soft and sweet and turns them to hunters
Given to Takiyok by Mahler on December 30, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · sehnsucht
this chilled me but in a fantastic way
Given to Mahler by Takiyok on December 30, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · sehnsucht
Such a different side to Mahler! I love it <3
Given to Jaylen by Andraste on December 30, 2019
Bearclaw Valley · matthew died in this house
so first off would be to offer a bear hug, obviously. Jay is so pURE ;a;
Given to Takiyok by Andraste on December 30, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · sehnsucht
Gimmie some of this Love Yourself juice that Taki’s been drinking oml
Given to Takiyok by Jaylen on December 30, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · sehnsucht
Given to Takiyok by Zephyr on December 30, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · sehnsucht
Given to Takiyok by Towhee on December 30, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · sehnsucht
Well done on so vividly describing her emotions in this post, I felt them all too.
Given to Tux by Rosalyn on December 29, 2019
Ankyra Sound · a blackout oath i swore and meant but couldn't conjure up again
I've missed your writing lots and am SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK. This is gorgeous
Given to Asmodeus by Rosalyn on December 29, 2019
Sun Mote Copse · Something happens and I'm head over heels
Smooth af. I LOVE HIM