Deepwood Weald The dark that creeps, shadows seep
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei found herself moving from the mountain. Nothing arduous mind. Simply a small jaunt to stretch her legs. She felt safe in the shadows of the mountain. And even the deepweald no longer bothered her as it once had.

She walked, a girl truly enjoying her freedom. Pretty green eyes taking in the small shafts of light that filtered into the canopy of green. It was still frost bitten and dripping with pretty teeth of ice. She hummed softly. A day approaching spring. A girl on the cupse of new adventures. It was a good day.
La Muerte
14 Posts
Ooc — Kai
among the shadows was where he made his keep - darkness surrounded him and he had let it fall where it may. a moonlit crown of wilted roses.
he pursued a rabbit that dare have the courage to turn and face its predator, un upheaval to the natural order that sent him in a ruthless snarl. in a test of strength, the rabbit was felled, no match for its pursuer. it was swiftly made work of, the remains a heap of bone and torn fur, a man licking his muzzle at his easy victory.
the warden looked upon the landscape and saw a fair maiden - now this couldn't stand, no. fliaithri took his approach on small paws; an angry expression, eyebrows furrowed.
who be you? he started.
XP (0/200)
HP: 15/15

STR: 3
DEX: 3
CON: 2
WIS: 2
INT: 1
CHA: 2
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The scent of must and blood tickled her nose. Nostrils flared outward as she took a whuff and another. Green eyes searching the limited light. Where was it?

She jumped as he materialized from the shadows. A stalking he beast small as she. Grey of limb and body eyes like the sky, but cold. She froze in fight or flight mode. Her eyes wide and stare askew at his direct rudeness.

Excuse me? I'm Ajei?

Based upon his reaction she figured a question in return would be ignored. She felt the telltale rise of her ruff in surprise.
La Muerte
14 Posts
Ooc — Kai
excuse me? i'm ajei? she said. in turn, he responded with an name's not important, really. and an exhale. call me whatcha like, i don't care. he eyed her with sharp blue, assessing how likely he'd win in a fight if shove came to bite. but there was truth to his actions ; those smaller than they should be need not be friendly, as one never knew what sort of nasty would wanna poke around for fighting. one could never be too careful.
so, ajei-ma'am, what kingdoms lay 'round here? intel, vital. he'd know it all. important. stop with questioning him. he needed to question.
it had never failed him yet.
XP (0/200)
HP: 15/15

STR: 3
DEX: 3
CON: 2
WIS: 2
INT: 1
CHA: 2
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei scowled at him. You are not very nice you know.

He had what was it called that Napoleon syndrome. Where you had to prove you were big and bad when you were small and frail. 

She blinked at him. ::Moonglow, morningsong, Brecheliant. And Moonspear. All on mountains.

She shifted taking a small step backward unsure.