Haunted Wood I wanna do no work
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Pack Activity 
Pack Hunt: 16th January, late at night
Tagging Current Members: @Hela @Serem @Tzila @Eirwyn @Valour @Hashut @Ghidorah @Memory Related to: 1 2
She'd done the planning. She'd taken her orders. She had rested and was now ready, rousing her packmates quietly so the watchful deer would not be spooked by too much activity.
The painted devil waited for her packmates to join her so she could relay a plan to them.

The same plan, but in a nighttime setting.
They would divide into two groups, but not for two kills. Their numbers were too low. They would all go for one target, chosen by her. If Serem or Hela wanted to take the lead, she'd let it happen.
But she would challenge them afterward.
She knew there were changes to the ranks where Lieutenant didn't mean she was designated huntmaster, but it was the title Venny gave her.
She qualified best for the job.
Next Round: 5th Feb
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lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the warlord is the first to arrive, drawing alongside Vanity with a short glance in her direction, auds pressed forward as her gaze skims over the word of deer. she awaits her instruction easily enough; as far as she is concerned, Vanity is the most qualified out of all of them, and her own hunting skills are rather lackluster. all the same, the warlord is light on her feet; their most recent meetings have not failed to be fraught with tension.
Seelie Court
272 Posts
Ooc — Tori
Recognizing the summons, he left Serem's side, not caring if she followed. It wasn't his job to ensure a summons was carried out- not yet, anyway. If he played his cards right Valour would be an in. 

He arrived at the clearing, narrowing his eyes at the feisty little Alpha. She looked tense, and he smirked, Wondering if she was threatened by the older shewolf's presence. He turned to Vanity, inclining his head slightly. "Don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Memory." 
He didn't expect more than a cursory acknowledgement- it was obviously a hunting party. He scanned around him, noticing the deer several yards out. He had an Idea which he would go after- now if only the huntress would choose the same.
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She was disappointed to say the least.
Two. The Warlord herself, and another she'd not met but introduced themselves.
"Vanity," she replied with a nod. A few more moments.

She turned to Hela.
"Well this is disappointing. Are they all sick? Did you ask me to call a hunt for sick wolves?"

She wouldn't know if there was a sickness. She barely spoke to anyone but Hela, Serem, and Hashut - seldom then. Vanity was reclusive since Venny passed. He should've seen the birthing season at least. Seen the Nightwalkers after the famine.
Her head tilted, prompting an answer from the Warlord.

But thoughts came to her. Did this pack know who she was? 
Did they recognize her call was for a hunt?
They should, it was specific. That shows authority if the Warlord does not conduct a hunt, then they should answer to her now.
They need to know who you are.
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lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
no others show; the warlord feels bitter disappointment flood her veins. the newest member shows at least some initiative, though Valour, even her general, are missing. the wolves gathered beneath her are far too selfish, mercurial to answer even for a hunt that will benefit them all. her head swings around to meet Vanity's gaze, and finally, her temper gives. 

"I am your warlord, Vanity. I'm tired of your disrespect." Vanity is an easy target, and the rage the comes now is just as directed toward her as the rest of the pack. she's held it together for a while now, forced herself into adulthood, but the fact of the matter is that she's just a child. and tact and diplomacy are things newly learned, that only stretch so far. 

and so she lunges for the woman, intent on seizing her muzzle and shoving it into the dirt in an aggressive display of dominance.
Seelie Court
272 Posts
Ooc — Tori
Memory is taken aback by the sudden display of agression, though it's hardly surprising. The whole event is honestly a sham in his eyes- a pup trying to play alpha, with clearly no one loyal to her but another pup. A Huntress without the Dominance or pull to rally a successful hunt. He had half a mind to join the fight and kill them both. He sneers at the pathetic nature of it- Nix would have slaughtered them and ordered memory to hunt. And what was stopping him? He would wait for the fight to end. And then, should the huntress lose, he would challenge her for her position. Mind decided, he focused on the herd, moving forward without further instructions to take his choice of deer. If he moved well enough he could worry the flanks of the weakest one, eventually causing it to fall.
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
A child, who clearly has no respect in this pack.
Then tries to put one who followed instructions for reprimanding her 'in her place.
Her ruby eyes glistened with her fire as Hela lunged, and Vanity stepped back.
The time was not not to take Hela out of her position.

The woman took graceful steps back, snapping her teeth towards Hela should her attack reach further than calculated.
Amidst her defense, she caught Memory moving to the deer. At least someone was hungry. With luck, @Hashut would come and help them.
Vanity cared more about food than rank.

She took off after the apparent hunter, following his target. The right one. Seasoned, of course. Perhaps he'd be a better-suited mate than Hashut, since he couldn't get to a pack hunt quickly enough. They looked much the same except Memory was a shrunken version. A hunters version.

He snapped at the sides of the deer and Vanity moved to the other side, picking up the pace to launch her attack of the shoulders and forelegs. A running deer rarely kicked with forelegs.
​Quite frankly, Vanity didn't care if Hela sulked or followed. Hopefully kicked in the face anyway.
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La Muerte
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
With serem pregnant and swollen with pups he was relucto leave her alone but vanity's call brought him to her and they were hunting and he ran and followed the other male who ran to the deer and he snapped at the animals legs
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the woman steps out of reach, going as far as to snap in the girl's face. rage, quick and brutal, blossoms. snarl escapes her, even as the woman turns tail and runs. she's bold enough to risk a challenge, but coward enough to shut it down just as quickly when she turns tail and bolts after memory. food is the main priority, but her rage has her doubt that. 

still, she moves after the small group when Vanity does, hackles and gimlet stare signal enough that this is not over. when they near the deer, she throws herself against the side of the thing, sinking fangs into a flank. a kick catches her in the hock, but she hangs on grimly as the deer begins to slow, falter; a deadweight.
Seelie Court
272 Posts
Ooc — Tori
He is surprised, albeit pleasantly, that the rest of the pack gets their act together long enough to tail the deer and bring it down. 
As aspiring lead Hunter he takes the initiative, slipping towards the front of the animal. It can't kick him, and as he rounds the front of it the worry is more that he'll be stomped or headbutted. He makes a note to move quickly and savagely, jumping at the base of its throat and shaking it like a pup shakes a rat. It tears, and blood streams down his chest and over his face. He moves away, waiting for the exhausted animal to die of blood loss. Once it was formally downed, He turned, his eyes lit up, and approached vanity. "You failed to rally more than the wolves obligated to be here.  By your own admission you could not rouse your hunting team. You also failed to take initiative and guide the hunt. I did. Therefore I consider you unworthy of your post." 
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Vanity took up a leg. She didn't have the weight but she had the strength the hold on and force herself to a stop, hereby pulling the deer to a stumbling downfall, choking on its own blood and kicking out at Hela and Hashut.
Words poured into her ears, so she flattened them until she was sure this deer wasn't getting up. Then she looked around, making sure the stag wasn't coming back to avenge the weakest link.
Sometimes they did.

She brought up her splattered muzzle, looking at his painted face.
"This pack is out of order and some of our best are pregnant and unable to hunt. A pack provides for those who provide back." Serem was providing numbers and legacy. Vanity provided her food. 
She swept closer to Memory with a soft snarl, "A hunter in a pack is not selfish."
She glanced to Hela, a child who thought for herself. Now they'd lost their best - Alison and Black Hat - Serem could not hold the fort.
She glared back to Memory.

"Do you challenge me?"
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