Moonspear Starbright
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All Welcome 
Family bonding! <3 @Kinusi @Tarkik @Alaric

Three days had passed since Elentari became a mother again, and Alaric, a father for the first time. In her eyes, he had always been a fatherly figure to Acrux and Maggak and all the other children of the Spear. But this time was different. Special.

He had a daughter all his own. His blood flowed in little Kinusi's veins. Elentari knew with all certainty, that Kinusi and Tarkik would want for nothing. Alaric had a wonderful track record if last year was proof of that. They would grow up well loved, protected, educated and entertained. 

It was early days yet. Elentari left the den only for very short periods of time, leaving her son and daughter under the watch of their father. Her belly was sore from Tarkik's rigorous gums. Her spine stiff, in need of a good stretch. She never complained, far too invested in the joys of motherhood. 

After a quick grab from a cache, she returned. The soft steps of her dark paws announcing her arrival. In her mouth, she clutched two fresh pelts. Just for her newborns. One russet, of a squirrel. The other, of a chipmunk. Tails still attached to serve as a pillow or a gnawing toy later. And they were the perfect size for the pups to grow into. 

She crooned lowly, sweetly as she swept in to be with them once more.
4 Posts
Ooc — Decay
his mother's return did not go unnoticed. 

with a joyous yip, he launched himself forward as gracefully as was allowed—which was very little, regardless of how much he would have liked to admit it.

but as soon as the fur of a tail tickled his nose, all attention was lost.

a toothless jaw snatched onto one of the tails; of which, it didn't matter. it was quickly dragged across the den, little hops carrying him backwards as the pelt flew this way and that.

he would be entertained for quite a well, if the show wasn't enough to prove that.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric had no problem curling around the children. Singing them soft songs. Gentle brush of paws over little sweet heads and shoulders. He couldn't feed them  yet, and they for sure couldn't hear him. But he was able to make  forays into vibrations. They could feel that at least.

A soft look at the exuberant boy. Even deaf, and blind. He was voracious and a little bit wild. A little bit like Alaric himself, who would gladly take the boy as his own, treat him as his own even if he wasn't. Kinusi there was no doubt. She held the brown tips he and his sister did. But as far as he was concerned Acruk and Maggak could call him dad. Any of the kids on the spear could. Even the older ones if they so wished.
13 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kinusi was moved from one end to the other. As her brother though she didn't know exactly who he was. Just that he was important. He jarred her and shifted. She let out a small noise of protest, lyrical and quiet. But simply shifted herself and moved closer to the soft fluff of what was also someone important. Not knowing it was her dad yet.

A tilt of ears, whirring of paws. It was hard work and it made her tired. She yawned and curled her small body tightly to go to sleep. She wanted some milk, but clearly that wasn't happening right this second.
133 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Treepie couldn’t wait to meet Elentari’s new babies. @Sialuk explained that the newborns were not only quite fragile, they were also blind, deaf and dumb. Besides, she said, the new parents needed some time to bond with them before the rest of the family entered the picture. She told Pie to be patient.

But the precocious little calico knew the way to the other woman’s ulaq. They pretended to chase a grasshopper through the grass before slipping away along the trail leading to Elentari’s whelping den. They approached slowly, sniffing the air. They marveled at the new smells, smiling and twitching their tail.

Aya! they called out to the den’s residents. It’s me, Pie! I want to see the babies!
Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-

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