Luneshale Pass pobrecito
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sometime come the wolf
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Ooc — Lauren
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he’s given himself a few days to heal. limbs fat with inflammation, his hip’s a constant throb. despite this, he won’t reach for salves or bonds. it’s au naturale or bust - soto’s principles won’t bend. 

@Juárez and @Octavio know about the skirmish in the valley. their numbers are too small for reprisal. rest assured, soto will get his. those bearbillies won’t know the bullet’s coming from them until it tears through their skull. he’ll sleep better knowing their bodies will rot among the red-grass. 

he licks at a snare of flesh on his leg. the sun drones on overhead. a whipoorwill cheerily whoops from the sumac above. 

soto sighs and turns on his other side, waiting for dusk to fall.