Phoenix Maplewood Coming Home
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
All Welcome 
@Aditya @River @Dawn @Aviana @Faye Anyone from Morningside really! They are approaching PHX from the North-West side!

Sebastian and River fled North of the plains. When he couldn't find any tracks or familiar scents. As he turned further north he started to recognize it from his younger years. He had run into a pack with had been very territorial. It was how he got his first injury, how he met Andalusia. It had been such a long time again. He had been so young. Sebastian had to focus though, he had to bring River back and find their pack. He was worried about his pack mates. Every few kilometers the male sounded a howl. His back was bruised from the deer hooves, and some of his fur had been scorched.

The male had steered them East. He knew their allies were Easthollow. Even though, he had no clue where their pack was he thought that traveling east might help, seeing the name implied they were east. Sebastian's stomach was growling but he pushed on in a steady walk. They couldn't really travel much faster. Sebastian looked worried over River. "We will find them. Look there is a forest, we can rest there," Sebastian decided. He howled once more as they came close to the forest. Some of their packmates had to be around here right?
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny was resting and keeping to himself as was the normal ever since the fire. His eyes fluttered shut and he began to doze, only being asleep for mere moments before the nightmare kicked in again. Flames and heat surrounded him on every side except a path that lead away from home. The pained screams and cries for help from Dawn, Catori, Aditya and everyone else came from behind the flame. He was terrified and every time he thought about bursting through the flame to suffer with his pack, the flames lashed his backside and pushed him farther away. Unable to control his own body he began to run away, listening to the sounds of Morningside in agony.

"No!" he jumped up, legs splayed apart panting heavily as he stared wide eyed around him. The sharp movement made pain go through his body, burns aching and throbbing once more.  It took a moment for him to realise that he was awake and safe and it had only been a dream. Before he could really gather his wits he heard the howl and his head shot up, for a second thinking it was Shale. Though he realised his mistake and knew it was Sebastian he still took off, moving to greet the male and make sure he was alright and tell him that Aviana and Faye were alright. When he spotted Sebastian he gave a low chuff, eyeing River by the male's side and giving a relieved sigh. "Sebastian! River! It's good to see you." he greeted warmly.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his searches for river had proven fruitless. kitten had been returned to them, but her brother was still missing, as was sebastian. hadn't he seen them together briefly, before fleeing to the maplewood? they had either perished together in the fire--dawn had found bones, after all--or managed to escape. he prayed each day and each night that it was the latter.

it was a marvelous thing, to have prayers answered. the howl went up and his spirits with it; he headed briskly that way, heart hammering in his chest. his eyes fell first upon sebastian and then the boy at his side. he broke into a lope, barreling toward them, his tail wagging and tongue lolling madly.

"mithra," he gasped, covering river's face in joyful kisses, forgetting himself entirely. weeping, he pulled the child to his chest--whether he squirmed away or not would be up to him--and attempted to hold him there for a long moment, his relief palpable beyond measure. when he felt as if his emotions were expended (for now) he looked up at the medic, eyes like twin suns suffused with gratitude.

"oh, god, sebastian," adi whispered, feeling tears sting the corners of his eyes. "i'm so glad you both are home safe. thank you--thank you--for bringing you both home safe." his own failures could wait to be examined; for now, he was simply over the moon to have another two packmates alive and with him.
Two Rivers Isle
233 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He's been quiet through their journey, following Sebastian's instructions without complaint or hesitation — an easy enough task, when the grey male is the only thing keeping him alive. The silver-furred boy is certain he wouldn't be able to go on without him, even if he had somehow escaped the fire on his own.
He recognizes the Maplewood as they enter it, immediately noting the scent of Morningside wolves. It's not as strong as it'd been in the Plains, but he'd know it anywhere. Sunny appears then, and his breath catches slightly at the sight of a packmate, though he hesitates to greet him. They're brothers, yes, but he's not terribly familiar with him.
Just as what's left of his tail slowly starts to wag, someone else appears. Someone far more familiar to him. He's frozen in place at first, but he allows the embrace — and after a moment, he sinks into it, overwhelmed with emotion. Adi, He rasps quietly, the beginnings of tears stinging his eyes. He blinks them away quickly, fixing a gaze both sharp with worry and soft with affection on the man when he pulls away. Home, he hears him say — this is home. So the others must be here, then.
Where's — mom? Enough time has passed since the fire to know now that the damage to his voice is more permanent — from his throat injury, surely, and he's gathered as much himself already. His ears burn with shame at the way his question sounds, but he needs to know. Kitten, too, and Eventide — are they safe?
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian didn't expect that they would find the others so quickly but he was so relieved they did. When Sunny appeared he woofed in greeting. If Sunny was alright, did that mean Aviana and Faye were alright as well? "Aviana? Faye?,' he instantly asked the other male as he approached. Sebastian went to sit down, tired himself, as he heard someone else approach. He had pushed River on to keep going but he might not have made it on his own. His shoulder was hurting and he was extremely hungry. Though, because he had to be strong for River he managed to push on.

Aditya looked so happy. He watched how the male emotionally greeted River. He couldn't blame the man, he would do the same with his own children. He only admired the leader that he showed such emotion. Sebastian smiled tiredly. Then the male turned to him. "You are welcome, Adi," he returned. Glad to have the safety of the pack with him again. He hadn't felt comfortable traveling after the fire. "We thought we would go east to that Easthollow ally. But then we found you," he explained. "I'm glad we did."
373 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Aviana hadn't immediately responded to Seb's call. Since the fire, she hated leaving @Faye, even for a few moments. She tried to coax her daughter into coming with her to greet her Uncle. Either way, she knew it would be rude not to go, and so if Faye decided to stay at the makeshift den, Aviana would assure her she'd be back shortly.

She whined happily and her tail wagged as Sebastian came into view, and she took the liberty of nuzzling his shoulder. I'm so happy you're both okay, she said, giving a gently smile to River.

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