Two Eyes Cenote prometheum
749 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
All Welcome 
since folks are on npc, this can be optional for eset, safiya, and tavina!

two teachers.

class was called that day. kheti and tiye filed in together, followed by kiyya, and lastly @Safiya, the littlest mazoi who had joined her father.

the classroom had been scoured and readied and scoured again. today's lesson would be the dissection of a rabbit, still and warm upon a plinth of stone.

she glanced to @Eset, steadying herself; she turned to the waiting faces, seeing inji there along the back wall.

"who can tell me if a rabbit's heart is like our own or not?"
There is always unintended consequences
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya filed in and stared at the rabbit still warm on the stone. A furrow in her brow. She wasn't sure what was going on, but was willing to learn.

Safiya studied and then spoke. I'm not sure. But I'm going to guess no. We are built largely different everywhere so our inner organs would be different too right?
before, I was not a witch
672 Posts
Ooc — tazi
There were only rare instances where Eset felt entirely out of her depth. This was one of them.

Tavina was carefully pointing out everything; arteries, muscles, lungs and lymph nodes. The animal was cleaned but the coy’s eyes hung over a droplet of blood on the stone table. Blood.

A heart. A pulse. They’d had that, once.

She wanted to vomit. She imagines Nala standing here proudly, or wafting around the classroom attending to questions, an effortless aid to Tavina’s genius.

Eset forces the sentiment from her face, sculpting herself coolly to gaze across the room of faces to Safiya. She focuses upon the young mazoi's eagerness, meeting it with a pleasant smile.
749 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
her smile was wide. "we are built closer to a rabbit than you think."

she pointed out the chambers of the heart and where it sat in the chest, glancing once to eset. her co-teacher was quiet. pensive.

and so she brought her eyes back to safiya. "it's important to know where a heart is, on anyone, or anything. one, if you ever need to learn medicine, and two," lashes fluttering, "you must know, as a guardian to muat-riya."
There is always unintended consequences
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya's nose twitched. A small dose of irritation at having guessed wrong. A moment of darkened thoughts on her possible empty head. But she forced herself bsck to the lesson learning. 

I think I'd like to know both. It's important to be able to dress your own wounds yes?

A titl of an ear. Our any animals built differently?
before, I was not a witch
672 Posts
Ooc — tazi
please skip me <3

Attentive, she watches the students, mindful of any paw that might raise questions. But in her thoughts Eset slips past a barrier into the gutters of torturous contemplation.

Were coyote hearts different from that of a wolf? Had a coyote ever lain here, on a table, probed and examined, exposed to a wolf’s dissection? As much of a test subject as a rabbit?
749 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"dress your own wounds, dress those of others. you may be called upon to move a very injured creature, and you should know how to do all of this. but first, to your question: rabbits have wide-set eyes that search around them. ours face forward, to better see these movements. a rabbit has powerful hind legs for great bursts of speed. ours are long for traveling great distances. and then, of course, there is the matter of teeth and claws. both we and rabbits have these, but only one of us use them for the purposes of blood-hunting."

eset was silent.
There is always unintended consequences
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya listened closely. Her thoughts racing. She would need to know healing out on the field. So she was determined now to learn whatever Tavina could teach her. She would be the best Mazoi she could be both in terms of causing harm, protecting and helping when someone was harmed. That was all important. 

They can still cut you up though. They can be alittle viscious and their legs hurt if they catch you in the snout.
749 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"very true, but rabbits do that in defense. not hunting." she nudged one of the small limp paws with her own. "see its claws? they are like ours. and we use them both for digging and for fighting. see also how the toes splay, like ours, to keep balance in things like snow and sand."

"a rabbit's teeth are also suited to its environment. you will see no fangs."

she paused, appreciating's safiya's interest.
There is always unintended consequences
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya listened. Slowly moving closer. Sea green gaze on the small pitiful creature in front of her. What she could do to it. She knew, but also she knew it could hurt her just as easily perhaps. Perhaps that was the true lesson to not underestimate anything.

True. This is because they only eat grass right?

She didn't know the difference between the vore's but she knew there was something different
749 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"grass. needles. here, even cactus leaves. their teeth are flat to grind, the skin of their mouths are thicker. they are made for what they do, as we are made for our own homes."

"it's good to know what's the same and what is different. this is called discernment."
There is always unintended consequences
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya eyed the creatures little mouth. The flattened teeth and the thicker mouth. She poked her tongue against her own tooth and the side of her mouth. Surprised and wondering. She wondered why their mouths were thicker. The wolves chewed bones and teeth. 

749 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
"discernment allows you to know what is safe and what is not. in this context, eating rabbit, using discernment means you would make sure the thing was all right to eat. not sickly. not riddled with mange. outside of eating or sleeping, in your role as a guard, discernment helps you to know what sorts of situations are safe and which are not."
There is always unintended consequences
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She listened. So it helped you know. This was something she needed to pay attention too. She didn't want to get caught in a battle she could have avoided.

What are things you need to look for? To uh discern?