set just after the dawn thread
He's quiet as he walks alongside @Evergreen, headed for the heart of the territory. He isn't sure what they'll do when they get there, but he knows he wants to be far from the borders right now. Every few seconds, he glances to his companion, studying his expression. Yet he can't bring himself to speak, no matter how hard he tries. Instead, silence stretches between them.Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
January 22, 2020, 08:17 PM
They move on together, yet what lays behind them still pulses. Eve is uncertain himself what to think, let alone what to say. His face flush with embarrassment, round ears stay airplaned in guilt. Eventually, the silence gets too much, and he breaks it—
I’m—he starts abruptly, too loud to his own ears, and swallows.
I’m sorry.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
January 22, 2020, 08:37 PM
It startles him a little when Evergreen speaks, and he finds himself confused by the words. He pauses, gaze finally settling on the other.
Why?His voice is soft, equal parts confusion and concern. He can't be certain whether Evergreen is apologizing for the loss of his family that had, in the end, been his own decision — or something that had happened before he arrived, something that had caused the tension that had gripped Winterbourne's reunion with his sister from the first moment.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
January 22, 2020, 08:45 PM
It feels right to apologize, even if River doesn’t know what it is for. The pause in step is mirrored by the bearish wolf, and he shifts his gaze away from him slowly.
I… overstepped,he mumbles, admitting aloud what he’s thought since River came upon the scene.
I got upset that Dawn left… left you,he says the last few words quickly, mashing them together so they sounded less like two separate ones.
I’m sorry.He says, and turns mismatched green eyes back to him.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
January 22, 2020, 08:56 PM
Evergreen confirms his suspicions with his next words; something had happened, and his companion blames himself.
Oh,He says, letting out a breath as Evergreen's eyes meet his. A few moments pass before he speaks again.
I was upset, too. I wanted her to stay, or bring our family here, but… I know she would have thought of that, if she wanted it. But she doesn't want to be here, and I do. I was upset, I still am, but we both made a choice.He pauses to take in a slightly shaky breath, remembering the moment he'd voiced his own decision and realizing he has something far more important than this to say. Maybe now isn't the time or place, maybe waiting would be the wiser option — but he's never thought of himself as wise, and he's starting to learn that life will not wait for anyone. Still, his heart lodges itself in his throat the moment he realizes he's really going to say it.
I stayed for you.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
January 22, 2020, 09:00 PM
It is a sorrowful confession, and he knows that River is unfortunately right; if she had thought to bring them to Kaistleoki, even fleetingly, it is obvious that it was not the path Dawn chose to go down. He nods, just to show that he is listening to River, and he respects the decisions they came to, even if it isn’t what Eve had exactly hoped for.
The splintering of their family continues. Eve had hoped that if anything, the disaster that struck the Wilds would’ve shown how important family truly is. Alas, favorites are picked—a game of who needs who more. He’s upset, bitter, and saddened, but it is not and never will be his decision to make.
River has always been a handful of surprises, however. Mismatched green eyes widen, as the words slide out. Mayhaps he misheard, but Eve knows he’s grown accustomed by now to River’s gruff voice.
The splintering of their family continues. Eve had hoped that if anything, the disaster that struck the Wilds would’ve shown how important family truly is. Alas, favorites are picked—a game of who needs who more. He’s upset, bitter, and saddened, but it is not and never will be his decision to make.
River has always been a handful of surprises, however. Mismatched green eyes widen, as the words slide out. Mayhaps he misheard, but Eve knows he’s grown accustomed by now to River’s gruff voice.
M… Me?His mind immediately flashes, worried that despite his reassurance that Eve is doing better now, River feels the need to care for him— And if he is at fault for keeping him here, he could never forgive himself—
Working on wrapping up current threads!
January 22, 2020, 09:06 PM
He'd sort of expected this kind of reaction, but that doesn't stop the wave of anxiety that accompanies it. His gaze drops for a moment, and when he looks up to speak again his voice is slightly shaky.
Because... you gave me a home and a friend when I needed it, and you've always been here for me,He swallows.
You — you've been my family more than Dawn ever was, and I...His voice falters, gaze dropping briefly again, but he forces himself to continue. He needs to say this now, or he isn't sure he ever will.
I've realized you're more to me than a friend or a... crush. I've never um, been in love before, but I think... this might be it, for me. And I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore.He pauses for a breath, throat aching with the effort of speaking so much more than he's used to.
So um, I decided to stay. It's okay if — if you don't feel the same way, but I needed to tell you.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
January 22, 2020, 09:09 PM
This goes back to their conversation before, of confessions of likes and fears of what others might think. They have gotten to know each other, it’s nearly been a year since they first met in Sunbeam Lair, and come summer, when River became one of the first to join him in Kaistleoki.
He’s thought and thought and thought. Maybe that’s something Eve ought to stop doing. The insecurities ripple through him. Yet it remains something he likes, remains something he wants.
A shuddering breath exhales from the bearish wolf.
This goes back to their conversation before, of confessions of likes and fears of what others might think. They have gotten to know each other, it’s nearly been a year since they first met in Sunbeam Lair, and come summer, when River became one of the first to join him in Kaistleoki.
He’s thought and thought and thought. Maybe that’s something Eve ought to stop doing. The insecurities ripple through him. Yet it remains something he likes, remains something he wants.
A shuddering breath exhales from the bearish wolf.
I’m… I’m glad you stayed,he whispers—he feels guilty for it, but it is true.
I wanted you to be happy, I wanted you to… be with your family if that’s what might help you. But I’m glad you decided to stay… because I feel the same way about you. I… I think I love you, I think I’ve loved you for a long time now.He doesn’t know when the feelings started, nor how they grew to this amount. He still doubts he is good enough for River, that he can give everything that River needs in life. But River chose him, and for now, he’ll be happy.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
January 22, 2020, 11:01 PM
He lets out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as Evergreen finishes, and relief floods him. A smile tugs at his lips, unbidden, and he leans forward to press his nose to his cheek. A million thoughts are running through his mind, but he settles for voicing the simplest of them.
I love you. I'm glad I decided to stay, too,He echoes softly, summoning up the last of his courage as he pulls away.
But... if we're — um, more than friends, I want it to be... official. Um, if that's okay. It just feels... weird, not knowing what to call our... um, relationship.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
January 22, 2020, 11:12 PM
cries happy tears
Finally, he’s admitted it—not only to River, but to himself as well. So long has he kept his feelings under lock and key, too determined to hide them in what he felt was best. But it is mutual, and Eve feels tears start to form in his eyes.
The touch to his cheek is comforting, and he chuckles, out of relief and bliss all in one. He returns the touch, and dares to give River a kiss on the cheek.
Although he grows shy a moment later, he still wears a sheepish grin across his lips.
Oh,he breathes out,
R-Right. I’d… I’d like that too… being… official.Yours.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
March 20, 2020, 02:55 AM
His own eyes sting slightly when he sees Evergreen's shining with tears, but he blinks the wetness away quickly. He's too happy to cry right now, during this moment he's been waiting for since... forever, it feels like. And he's sick of saying um, so he abandons words entirely. Instead he steps forward to embrace Evergreen, pressing his face into the thick brown fur along the side of his neck. It feels like home.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
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