maybe an @Aquene? <3
the cache of pelts was growing.
tamar departed the little store-room, headed for the common area. she had half a mind to make it more inviting, somewhere where the plebians and soldiers could gather alike.
in the space outside the denning areas, the red girl began to drag and arrange several small furs against the ground, humming gently to herself as she worked.
tamar departed the little store-room, headed for the common area. she had half a mind to make it more inviting, somewhere where the plebians and soldiers could gather alike.
in the space outside the denning areas, the red girl began to drag and arrange several small furs against the ground, humming gently to herself as she worked.

January 13, 2022, 09:19 AM
She had given her body a few days to recover in the sense that she had not immediately sought out a spar in the days following her spar with Germanicus, not use to the feeling of being so deeply bruised from the actions of another. Instead she had focused on her duties as a healer.
She was carrying scrub pine needles, replacing that which she and Kallik both had used in their treatments when she noticed a petite red girl, curiosity lighting her eyes as she laid out several small furs against the ground. This must be Tamar that the Lady Ruenna mentioned, right? Ruenna had called her a housekeeper though the term was foreign to Aquene.
“Hello.” She greeted in a friendly manner as she set the scrub pine needles to the side where they would be sheltered from the wind. “What are you doing?” She asked curiously, wondering what the woman’s intent was with her current task.
She was carrying scrub pine needles, replacing that which she and Kallik both had used in their treatments when she noticed a petite red girl, curiosity lighting her eyes as she laid out several small furs against the ground. This must be Tamar that the Lady Ruenna mentioned, right? Ruenna had called her a housekeeper though the term was foreign to Aquene.
“Hello.” She greeted in a friendly manner as she set the scrub pine needles to the side where they would be sheltered from the wind. “What are you doing?” She asked curiously, wondering what the woman’s intent was with her current task.
January 13, 2022, 09:24 AM
tamar looked up.
the dark and tall woman who approached smelled of herbs. the former maidservant dipped her head in a reflexive bow. had they been within the mesa, the physician would have been ranked far higher than herself.
but they were not there. they were here in mereo.
it was something tamar was forced to often recall. "i would like a place where we are all able to gather from time to time."
the smaller skins would form a larger one, she hoped, one around which soldiers or plebians alike could sit. eventually the red girl straightened with a shy smile toward the black wolf. "i am tamar."
the dark and tall woman who approached smelled of herbs. the former maidservant dipped her head in a reflexive bow. had they been within the mesa, the physician would have been ranked far higher than herself.
but they were not there. they were here in mereo.
it was something tamar was forced to often recall. "i would like a place where we are all able to gather from time to time."
the smaller skins would form a larger one, she hoped, one around which soldiers or plebians alike could sit. eventually the red girl straightened with a shy smile toward the black wolf. "i am tamar."

January 13, 2022, 09:35 AM
Aquene’s eyes widened at the sight of the woman bowing to her. She was no monarch and the action confused her, though she said nothing of it, instead easing back into the conversation. She did not want to question further in case it was some form of social protocol of which she was not aware. She knew her role within Mereo was important, the Matrona and Imperator had made that clear, but she had not thought it that important.
She started to explain and Aquene’s grin widened as she looked at it. “I like it. I think that would be a very nice thing to have.” She had thought all of the soldiers to be stuffy and grumpy… but she had seen other sides of them. They were wolves too, and deep down she had always known that, she had just never seen that before. The soldiers at home were distant, even in treatment.
She had thought the same of the ones here, but she had met a few who were warmer. Tamar. “It’s nice to meet you, Tamar. I’m Aquene.” She offered back in return. “Would you like any help? Lady Ruenna says you are a housekeeper, and I’m admittedly not entirely sure what that means… but I’d be willing to try and help if you need it.”
She started to explain and Aquene’s grin widened as she looked at it. “I like it. I think that would be a very nice thing to have.” She had thought all of the soldiers to be stuffy and grumpy… but she had seen other sides of them. They were wolves too, and deep down she had always known that, she had just never seen that before. The soldiers at home were distant, even in treatment.
She had thought the same of the ones here, but she had met a few who were warmer. Tamar. “It’s nice to meet you, Tamar. I’m Aquene.” She offered back in return. “Would you like any help? Lady Ruenna says you are a housekeeper, and I’m admittedly not entirely sure what that means… but I’d be willing to try and help if you need it.”
January 13, 2022, 09:50 AM
tamar was reluctant to accept help.
she forced herself to nod all the same. assistance was not necessary, and she felt as though she were impeding the far more important tasks of the doctor. but aquene had asked and so she would accept the aid.
"in the pala — where i came before," tamar murmured, eyelashes shuttering in annoyance at herself for a moment, "i was in charge of tending dens. i freshen them with flowers when it is not winter and throw out old pelts that are no longer usable."
"during the snow, i place pine branches below the mattresses. the scent is clean and helps to keep the biting insects away." tamar had spoken a great deal. she swallowed apologetically and glanced to her right, where germanicus led two of the auxillia away on some patrol or another. and she thought of arsenio.
she forced herself to nod all the same. assistance was not necessary, and she felt as though she were impeding the far more important tasks of the doctor. but aquene had asked and so she would accept the aid.
"in the pala — where i came before," tamar murmured, eyelashes shuttering in annoyance at herself for a moment, "i was in charge of tending dens. i freshen them with flowers when it is not winter and throw out old pelts that are no longer usable."
"during the snow, i place pine branches below the mattresses. the scent is clean and helps to keep the biting insects away." tamar had spoken a great deal. she swallowed apologetically and glanced to her right, where germanicus led two of the auxillia away on some patrol or another. and she thought of arsenio.

January 13, 2022, 11:48 AM
Aquene did not catch up on the reluctance of the woman, instead stepping in to help with the arranging of the pelts. It felt nice to take a small break from her own duties. A nice shift in her schedule that happened spontaneously was important for her own sanity, she felt. She started to explain where she had come from, and what her job had been… It was fascinating, and a job that Aquene had never witnessed in her birth pack. Though really, she shouldn’t be surprised. Her father had been a man of necessity, and anything not considered necessary for survival was not welcome within their borders.
“That sounds lovely.” She imagined the clean and refreshing scent could bring peace to those who might have a troubled mind. Keeping insects away was an added bonus. “That’s fascinating, and saves me much work along the way, not having to deal with insect bites on top of other injuries. Thank you.” Aquene was truly amazed and felt it ingenious. She noticed the Imperator in the distance, leading a patrol no doubt and made a mental note later that she was to find another spar. She had been resting long enough. “You are a wife, correct?” She remembered the way Arsenio spoke of his wife when he had escorted her to the farther reaches of the canyon. He spoke very fondly of her.
“That sounds lovely.” She imagined the clean and refreshing scent could bring peace to those who might have a troubled mind. Keeping insects away was an added bonus. “That’s fascinating, and saves me much work along the way, not having to deal with insect bites on top of other injuries. Thank you.” Aquene was truly amazed and felt it ingenious. She noticed the Imperator in the distance, leading a patrol no doubt and made a mental note later that she was to find another spar. She had been resting long enough. “You are a wife, correct?” She remembered the way Arsenio spoke of his wife when he had escorted her to the farther reaches of the canyon. He spoke very fondly of her.
January 13, 2022, 12:43 PM
aquene began to help her.
tamar stifled the urge to deny her, to say that she did not need help. as they worked, she realized the pleasantry of it. in akashingo she had been another servant, slated to eventually end in pharaoh's embrace. and satsu had been so very cold.
mereo was not familial but it was familiar. there was freedom here. "many of the plants you use for healing have sweet-scented flowers," she commented gently, pale brown eyes lifting to aquene's observant face.
"i am wife to arsenio. i knew him where we lived before. he married me here." a soft, breathless laugh given. it was still all so new to tamar. "is that something that you have interest in? one day."
tamar stifled the urge to deny her, to say that she did not need help. as they worked, she realized the pleasantry of it. in akashingo she had been another servant, slated to eventually end in pharaoh's embrace. and satsu had been so very cold.
mereo was not familial but it was familiar. there was freedom here. "many of the plants you use for healing have sweet-scented flowers," she commented gently, pale brown eyes lifting to aquene's observant face.
"i am wife to arsenio. i knew him where we lived before. he married me here." a soft, breathless laugh given. it was still all so new to tamar. "is that something that you have interest in? one day."

January 13, 2022, 06:47 PM
Aquene did not believe in hierarchy, and from what she had been told the civilians had none. They were all the same, and separate from the ranks of the military that the outpost revolved around as well. Sbe hummed with a soft smile and nodded. “Often times, the stems hold the medical properties in them… if you would like, I could bring you some of those flowers for the dens.” She offered cheerfully, just happy to once again come across a friendly face. The others could be so stiff and cold that sometimes it felt stifling.
She was the wife of Arsenio? Her grin grew wider. “He has spoken very fondly of you. He gave me an escort to the other end of the canyon the other day while I was collecting herbs.” She offered, knowing how much the man adored his wife. “I do not know… I was to be married once before, but it wasn’t of my own volition… if I find someone who will talk about me the way Arsenio talks of you, then perhaps… but I am content to be on my own until I do.” She had no plans, though she knew it was an option she had. Despite her exemption from the rule, she could choose to take a husband here.
She was the wife of Arsenio? Her grin grew wider. “He has spoken very fondly of you. He gave me an escort to the other end of the canyon the other day while I was collecting herbs.” She offered, knowing how much the man adored his wife. “I do not know… I was to be married once before, but it wasn’t of my own volition… if I find someone who will talk about me the way Arsenio talks of you, then perhaps… but I am content to be on my own until I do.” She had no plans, though she knew it was an option she had. Despite her exemption from the rule, she could choose to take a husband here.
January 14, 2022, 03:59 PM
tamar nodded, brightening.
"thank you, aquene. i would like this." she felt that the doctor and herself already had a rapport. it was an odd feeling. tamar was unused to the equitable sensation; she had lived in servitude to a woman she would not soon forget.
the girl wondered now if those memories might always plague her. her face grew warmer as the other spoke of arsenio and how he talked of tamar. it pleased her to know that he held her in such regard even when she was not with him.
of course he did. "there is not a man like arsenio. he is — like sunlight. he brings warmth and promise with him." tamar laughed and flushed and cleared her throat. "i hope that you find someone who is so worshipful."
"thank you, aquene. i would like this." she felt that the doctor and herself already had a rapport. it was an odd feeling. tamar was unused to the equitable sensation; she had lived in servitude to a woman she would not soon forget.
the girl wondered now if those memories might always plague her. her face grew warmer as the other spoke of arsenio and how he talked of tamar. it pleased her to know that he held her in such regard even when she was not with him.
of course he did. "there is not a man like arsenio. he is — like sunlight. he brings warmth and promise with him." tamar laughed and flushed and cleared her throat. "i hope that you find someone who is so worshipful."

January 14, 2022, 08:19 PM
The woman thanked her and she was shaking her head. “It is no problem at all, Tamar.” She was more than happy to help any way she could, and if they were plants where she did not use the flowers, only the stems, then she would be happy enough to turn them over to the woman for her own work. Ruenna had informed her of Akashingo but only of Mereo’s relationship with them. She knew not that it was where the woman had come from, nor the manner of her work there.
She saw the way the woman seemed to light up at the mention of her husband. Aquene thought it was sweet and cute of her, truly. “I do believe you are right. He was very kind… all of the other auxilia often are so grumpy, but he laughs it off and jokes around.” She offered more of her own experiences with him. “I hope you are right.” She did not believe she would find such a man however… she was not sure a man existed who might see her in the way Arsenio saw Tamar… or even just saw her in a romantic interest at all. It didn’t feel realistic.
“Only time will tell… and if I were, the man would have to be of Mereo.” Those were the rules, and while Aquene knew she had some leeway due to the importance of her position, at least in Ruenna's eyes, she did not believe she had that much leeway as to take a husband outside the pack… nor was she sure the pack would be pleased about an effective maternity leave when she recovered from the labors of childbirth should she bear his children.
She saw the way the woman seemed to light up at the mention of her husband. Aquene thought it was sweet and cute of her, truly. “I do believe you are right. He was very kind… all of the other auxilia often are so grumpy, but he laughs it off and jokes around.” She offered more of her own experiences with him. “I hope you are right.” She did not believe she would find such a man however… she was not sure a man existed who might see her in the way Arsenio saw Tamar… or even just saw her in a romantic interest at all. It didn’t feel realistic.
“Only time will tell… and if I were, the man would have to be of Mereo.” Those were the rules, and while Aquene knew she had some leeway due to the importance of her position, at least in Ruenna's eyes, she did not believe she had that much leeway as to take a husband outside the pack… nor was she sure the pack would be pleased about an effective maternity leave when she recovered from the labors of childbirth should she bear his children.
January 15, 2022, 07:08 PM
tamar grinned, an open, pure look.
"arsenio is always laughing. joking. it was part of why i was so drawn to him." aquene then spoke of her own prospects. the girl looked carefully at mereo's medic. she was comely and strong, with an introspective cast to her features and a measured way of speaking.
"i do not think you will find it difficult to bring a man here," she said with a more intimate laugh. "men want what they do not have."
perhaps it was the mesa that bittered her tongue now. tamar shut her mouth a long moment. "i suppose it comes down to whether or not you wish to be a mother."
"arsenio is always laughing. joking. it was part of why i was so drawn to him." aquene then spoke of her own prospects. the girl looked carefully at mereo's medic. she was comely and strong, with an introspective cast to her features and a measured way of speaking.
"i do not think you will find it difficult to bring a man here," she said with a more intimate laugh. "men want what they do not have."
perhaps it was the mesa that bittered her tongue now. tamar shut her mouth a long moment. "i suppose it comes down to whether or not you wish to be a mother."

January 15, 2022, 09:17 PM
Aquene grinned and chuckled lightly, nodding in response. She had seen that out of Arsenio and she admired it. The woman went on to compliment her own prospects and she just offered a shy and uncertain smile back. She did not see in herself what others often saw in her. She had moments of strength and confidence but they were fleeting between periods of uncertainty. “I suppose you are right, though most of the men here seem grumpy.” Even if they did have softer exteriors, they were used to the ruggedness and harshness and it appeared that Tamar had scooped up the only one that wasn’t so guarded.
The question was one she had never truly considered, humming softly as she shrugged lightly. “I suppose I’ve never really considered it… in my mind, I treat the wolves surrounding me, deliver their young… in a way I take on a motherly role to everyone… I’ve never really considered the idea of having them myself.” She explained in thought before offering a soft smile back. The woman had given her something invaluable to consider.
The question was one she had never truly considered, humming softly as she shrugged lightly. “I suppose I’ve never really considered it… in my mind, I treat the wolves surrounding me, deliver their young… in a way I take on a motherly role to everyone… I’ve never really considered the idea of having them myself.” She explained in thought before offering a soft smile back. The woman had given her something invaluable to consider.
January 16, 2022, 03:44 PM
tamar rolled her slender shoulders.
"in akashingo there are several guards. they were warmer. but they are also given privileges there that the imperator does not allow his soldiers." her face was hot. she would elaborate if asked but she felt that aquene was intelligent enough to ascertain her meaning.
"those who give care are often good mothers. but it will change the focus of your life." she did not think that the medic would allow herself to misstep. germanicus held a far stricter rein in mereo than she had expected.
it was comforting in a way. she smiled at her new companion. "i am able to perform basic care for wounds. i would ... i would like to learn more about puppies. about their early care." she peered curiously at the darker she-wolf.
"in akashingo there are several guards. they were warmer. but they are also given privileges there that the imperator does not allow his soldiers." her face was hot. she would elaborate if asked but she felt that aquene was intelligent enough to ascertain her meaning.
"those who give care are often good mothers. but it will change the focus of your life." she did not think that the medic would allow herself to misstep. germanicus held a far stricter rein in mereo than she had expected.
it was comforting in a way. she smiled at her new companion. "i am able to perform basic care for wounds. i would ... i would like to learn more about puppies. about their early care." she peered curiously at the darker she-wolf.

January 16, 2022, 08:18 PM
The woman listened to the explanation, confusion striking her features at first as she opened her maw to question it before her eyes widened as the realization spread across her features. Oh. She closed her maw and felt heat rise to her own cheeks as well. She was a healer, these things should not faze her, but she was also a healer who was newer to having to address these kinds of topics. She had received the talk herself, but before coming to Mereo it had not been as big of a discussion in her life.
“I’ve noticed the same.” She offered warmly, knowing that she had seen such things from the other healers in her pack. “Would you? Like to be a mother, I mean.” She asked, curious if the other woman had ever given it a thought or thought it was for her as well. She hummed softly, nodding as she tilted her head to the side. “Those are good skills to have, and can be developed on. I could teach you about puppies. I’ve delivered several litters from my time healing for my birth pack.” She was more than willing to offer her knowledge. It was one of the many roles she had adopted since arriving.
“I’ve noticed the same.” She offered warmly, knowing that she had seen such things from the other healers in her pack. “Would you? Like to be a mother, I mean.” She asked, curious if the other woman had ever given it a thought or thought it was for her as well. She hummed softly, nodding as she tilted her head to the side. “Those are good skills to have, and can be developed on. I could teach you about puppies. I’ve delivered several litters from my time healing for my birth pack.” She was more than willing to offer her knowledge. It was one of the many roles she had adopted since arriving.
January 21, 2022, 03:20 PM
it was tamar's turn to redden; she looked away.
but when she rejoined aquene in their conversation, it was with a small smile. "yes. arsenio asked me. he said it must be my choice, for i will be the one to carry them. children, i mean." the girl gave a small and self deprecating laugh, annoyed at her own shyness but knowing that the dark medic would understand.
the offer of knowledge was a gift. "please teach me, aquene," she said gently. "i did not remain with my mother long enough to learn." this was not something she mentioned often, if ever. it signalled a growing trust between them.
she settled herself to listen, grateful for the other's presence in her own.
but when she rejoined aquene in their conversation, it was with a small smile. "yes. arsenio asked me. he said it must be my choice, for i will be the one to carry them. children, i mean." the girl gave a small and self deprecating laugh, annoyed at her own shyness but knowing that the dark medic would understand.
the offer of knowledge was a gift. "please teach me, aquene," she said gently. "i did not remain with my mother long enough to learn." this was not something she mentioned often, if ever. it signalled a growing trust between them.
she settled herself to listen, grateful for the other's presence in her own.

January 27, 2022, 10:22 AM
Aquene watched as the woman looked away, a sympathetic and kind smile on her features because it was quite an awkward topic for some, and an open one for others. Due to the nature of her training, it was a mix of both. She still felt like she didn’t always know how to talk to other wolves.
Still, she saw that smile, and she echoed it warmly back. “You have time, Tamar.” She assured the woman softly. She was young, and this was not a decision that she needed to make right away. “I still get really shy when I talk about it… the Matrona asked me to give the mechanics talk to another member of Mereo the other day and I swear I gave myself a fever trying to get through it.” The heat had risen to her cheeks and lingered there for so long.
She pleaded to learn, and her eyes softened, offering a nod. She was more than happy to share her craft. The dispersal of knowledge was one she found a particular focus on. “I can teach you, Tamar. I would love to. Where would you like to start?”
Still, she saw that smile, and she echoed it warmly back. “You have time, Tamar.” She assured the woman softly. She was young, and this was not a decision that she needed to make right away. “I still get really shy when I talk about it… the Matrona asked me to give the mechanics talk to another member of Mereo the other day and I swear I gave myself a fever trying to get through it.” The heat had risen to her cheeks and lingered there for so long.
She pleaded to learn, and her eyes softened, offering a nod. She was more than happy to share her craft. The dispersal of knowledge was one she found a particular focus on. “I can teach you, Tamar. I would love to. Where would you like to start?”
January 29, 2022, 10:10 PM
tamar laughed softly.
she could guess who this was, she felt. there was only one other so young who might need such education. "i have been with arsenio," tamar said plainly, the curve on her mouth remaining. aquene would not need to start with the basic facts of these instances.
her own awareness had begun in mereo.
was that not the reason she had first gone to arsenio?
she blinked a long moment. "i once saw a child born ill. it was as though he could not get enough breath." the image had terrified her as a young girl, and even now it clearly affected tamar. "he did not live." she swallowed. "i want to know what to do in these times."
she could guess who this was, she felt. there was only one other so young who might need such education. "i have been with arsenio," tamar said plainly, the curve on her mouth remaining. aquene would not need to start with the basic facts of these instances.
her own awareness had begun in mereo.
was that not the reason she had first gone to arsenio?
she blinked a long moment. "i once saw a child born ill. it was as though he could not get enough breath." the image had terrified her as a young girl, and even now it clearly affected tamar. "he did not live." she swallowed. "i want to know what to do in these times."

January 29, 2022, 10:30 PM
Aquene could not help but let out a breath of relief at the mention of her having been with her husband. That made things so much easier… form there, it was all medicine and that she happened to be skilled in. At the mention of a child born ill she frowned. It was not uncommon, at least in her experience, without proper prenatal care… but herbs helped aid in growth and development.
“It depends on what the cause of shortened breath is… sometimes, there is a build-up of birthing fluids… in that case, you want to nose at the babe’s chest to help shake it loose. They will cough it up and their breaths would be fuller in return.” She explained, knowing it was not the only cause. “Sometimes, the trauma of the birth is enough to tighten the chest… it can be treated with herbs, just in small amounts. You have to encourage the child to take them which is difficult, but they seek to suckle soon after birth. I once saw my mother treat it by placing the herbs on the mother’s teat. The child took them while feeding.” It had been a nifty trick she had never would have considered without her mother’s guidance, truly.
“It depends on what the cause of shortened breath is… sometimes, there is a build-up of birthing fluids… in that case, you want to nose at the babe’s chest to help shake it loose. They will cough it up and their breaths would be fuller in return.” She explained, knowing it was not the only cause. “Sometimes, the trauma of the birth is enough to tighten the chest… it can be treated with herbs, just in small amounts. You have to encourage the child to take them which is difficult, but they seek to suckle soon after birth. I once saw my mother treat it by placing the herbs on the mother’s teat. The child took them while feeding.” It had been a nifty trick she had never would have considered without her mother’s guidance, truly.
January 30, 2022, 01:16 PM
tamar listened intently.
she was grateful that aquene was so willing to share this knowledge with her. her curiosity grew and sparked; the girl paused only a moment before continuing. "it is good that this can be helped sometimes. now i am curious about the size of a child."
"arsenio is taller than i. larger. i do not think i will gain more height than this. is there a danger that our children will be — too large?" her mind was skirting an old, old conversation she had once overheard, one involving pelvises and children stuck inside the body.
a thought came to tamar. "will you be with me when i give birth, aquene?"
she was grateful that aquene was so willing to share this knowledge with her. her curiosity grew and sparked; the girl paused only a moment before continuing. "it is good that this can be helped sometimes. now i am curious about the size of a child."
"arsenio is taller than i. larger. i do not think i will gain more height than this. is there a danger that our children will be — too large?" her mind was skirting an old, old conversation she had once overheard, one involving pelvises and children stuck inside the body.
a thought came to tamar. "will you be with me when i give birth, aquene?"

January 30, 2022, 06:38 PM
Aquene lived in an interesting paradox where anyone accepted into Mereo could be trusted with her life… and anyone who did not bear that pack scent could not be trusted with anything. Tamar fell into the former of these groups, and for that she was happy to share her knowledge. Her head tilted to the side curiously at the mention of a child’s size. She started to explain and Aquene hummed in understanding.
“Worry not, I have not seen a case of this yet, and I have seen some considerable size differences.” She assured the woman first to put her mind at ease. “Puppies can get stuck, but it’s usually when they try to come from the womb sideways or bottom first… you want a puppy to arrive head-first into the world. As a healer, I have been trained to help position them by pushing on a mother’s belly so they arrive head first and avoid such a fate. In the event I am unable to move them, I can assist in pulling them out.” She did not want the woman to worry about that. “Your pelvis is smaller, but your body will not grow children it cannot deliver.” The nutrients to the pup through their umbilical cords would assure that.
The question came and she smiled warmly, nodding. “Yes, I will… a huge part of my job is assuring that the next generation arrive safely, and that I can do everything in my power to make the experience easier on expectant mothers.” She assured her once more.
“Worry not, I have not seen a case of this yet, and I have seen some considerable size differences.” She assured the woman first to put her mind at ease. “Puppies can get stuck, but it’s usually when they try to come from the womb sideways or bottom first… you want a puppy to arrive head-first into the world. As a healer, I have been trained to help position them by pushing on a mother’s belly so they arrive head first and avoid such a fate. In the event I am unable to move them, I can assist in pulling them out.” She did not want the woman to worry about that. “Your pelvis is smaller, but your body will not grow children it cannot deliver.” The nutrients to the pup through their umbilical cords would assure that.
The question came and she smiled warmly, nodding. “Yes, I will… a huge part of my job is assuring that the next generation arrive safely, and that I can do everything in my power to make the experience easier on expectant mothers.” She assured her once more.
January 31, 2022, 12:08 AM
tamar relaxed.
"this is good. it is my largest fear. of course i have several," she laughed in self-deprecation as she looked down at her paws. "i wonder what will happen if my time does not come. or if i cannot make milk. or if arsenio will lo — mmm," she ended, cutting herself off with a swallow.
"but i have you now," tamar smiled, reaching out to touch aquene's paw. "and i can learn from you. also i — i have some small experience with wounds. only washing them, really."
"this is good. it is my largest fear. of course i have several," she laughed in self-deprecation as she looked down at her paws. "i wonder what will happen if my time does not come. or if i cannot make milk. or if arsenio will lo — mmm," she ended, cutting herself off with a swallow.
"but i have you now," tamar smiled, reaching out to touch aquene's paw. "and i can learn from you. also i — i have some small experience with wounds. only washing them, really."

January 31, 2022, 12:24 AM
She was glad to bring the woman some peace with her words, and noted the hesitance and the thoughts with a frown. “I imagine that is not the case… even if there are struggles in making milk, there are herbs for that too. I assure you I’ve also never had a case of a mother not producing for her young.” Well, not a living mother… she did not state that aloud, remembering her own mother with a pang of sadness. “Arsenio is not the kind of man to waver; he loves and adores you, and he will support you when the time comes for you to have children.” She had little doubt about that.
The woman touched her paw and she offered a warm smile. “Washing wounds is a very important step to prevent infection. It’s part of the reason I’ve placed myself near the oasis. Moss balls with water soaking them can be used to clean wounds before they are treated.” She offered encouragingly. “I would be more than happy to teach you what I know, whenever you’d like a lesson all you have to do is stop by my den and ask.”
The woman touched her paw and she offered a warm smile. “Washing wounds is a very important step to prevent infection. It’s part of the reason I’ve placed myself near the oasis. Moss balls with water soaking them can be used to clean wounds before they are treated.” She offered encouragingly. “I would be more than happy to teach you what I know, whenever you’d like a lesson all you have to do is stop by my den and ask.”
January 31, 2022, 06:46 PM
was aquene a friend?
it certainly felt to be true. but tamar had learned not to trust such sweet sensations. she pulled away slowly with a gentle smile. "i think that i will come to you. yes. it would be good to learn more."
a pause. "i want to keep the stories in mereo. maybe when i come back, you will tell me one. and i will give you one of my own." the young wife grinned again and stood to her paws. "do you need anything for your den?"
tamar lingered just a moment longer.
it certainly felt to be true. but tamar had learned not to trust such sweet sensations. she pulled away slowly with a gentle smile. "i think that i will come to you. yes. it would be good to learn more."
a pause. "i want to keep the stories in mereo. maybe when i come back, you will tell me one. and i will give you one of my own." the young wife grinned again and stood to her paws. "do you need anything for your den?"
tamar lingered just a moment longer.

January 31, 2022, 06:53 PM
She pulled away from the touch, but Aquene thought nothing of it for it was meant to be comforting. Such touches had always been common amongst women in her life… it did not occur to her that it might not be for others. She offered her genuine soft smile she often carried and nodded once more.
Keeping the stories in Mereo? Her eyes widened. “S-stories? What kind of stories?” She asked, curiosity in her tone but a sense of dread in her underbelly. Surely this woman did not mean to keep her history? Aquene knew she would need to think something up on the fly. She hummed and nodded. “Yes, please… if there are pelts that can be brought for when I have patients so they may rest on them?” She asked, having taken to sleeping within the medical den so she was never too far from her supplies. She only had the means to seat one patient in the area where she had taken to sleeping, but it would be nice to have multiple able to rest as a result.
Keeping the stories in Mereo? Her eyes widened. “S-stories? What kind of stories?” She asked, curiosity in her tone but a sense of dread in her underbelly. Surely this woman did not mean to keep her history? Aquene knew she would need to think something up on the fly. She hummed and nodded. “Yes, please… if there are pelts that can be brought for when I have patients so they may rest on them?” She asked, having taken to sleeping within the medical den so she was never too far from her supplies. She only had the means to seat one patient in the area where she had taken to sleeping, but it would be nice to have multiple able to rest as a result.
Aquene speaks both русский язык and Common. She does not carry a Russian accent. Her knowledge of Russian is not common knowledge.
January 31, 2022, 07:09 PM
tamar was not a stranger to fear.
"any you want to tell me." she looked into the doctor's eyes. "and i will not ask anything else." was this the secret between all women? that they must say so directly that they could provide safety?
"i will bring some. enough for three beds, perhaps."
tamar dipped her head and stepped back then away, turning toward the housing shared by mereo. she would begin her hunts and her searches at once.
"any you want to tell me." she looked into the doctor's eyes. "and i will not ask anything else." was this the secret between all women? that they must say so directly that they could provide safety?
"i will bring some. enough for three beds, perhaps."
tamar dipped her head and stepped back then away, turning toward the housing shared by mereo. she would begin her hunts and her searches at once.

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