Blacktail Deer Plateau A witch of a witch of course
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Careful paws of multicolors pushed and prodded at the stone altars she had found. They were not prefect, but they fit her needs for now. And she had scratched crude bears into their hard faces. A pale stone from near the quarrys and a darker one from deep in the forests. She had cleaned them up as best she could. At each foot of them, a bone of some prey animal. The bones for Atka bleached and clean, the ones for Sos, chewed and gnarled, but at still pristine.

She had placed herbs and plants at each one. yarrow, wormwood, and so many others. Just small, weighed down by quartz and other sacred stones. She was pleased with it. Most of her worship came from sacrifices and small prayers, she was not one for amulets and baubles, too easily lost. But she could certainly understand the appeal.

She settled to her haunches and watched as the sun began to rise above the tree tops. Coloring the early morning in dapples of orange and red and cream. A new day, rebirth, Atka. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, allowing the sun to alight upon her face.
146 Posts
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The first light of day trickled through the plateau. Spreading shadows around while the cool air tinged his lungs. He had planned a patrol, to further familiarize himself with the place.

Only to be distracted by the heavy scent of the woman seer. Or was she merely a priestess? He did not know, but he did not speak on it either.

Earthy scents joined her. Things he might smell in a medic den.

Perhaps, whatever she worked on, may need his help.

Only he found her with an unexpected sight. Stones and bones and gems. The plants presented too. Some sort of offering or ritual. He was reminded of the way Ingram had his own bones.

So he did not wish to disturb, even if she might already know he was there. Carefully he seated himself nearby. Comfortable to only watch for now.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue eyes slid open at the feel of someone else, not of the spiritual coil nearby. She tilted her head, and blinked. Slowly growing accustomed to the brighter light. She dipped her head to him. 

I just realized I don't even know your name? I am Ash Paw.

She looked around her. The small grave yard and sacred place. It was beginning to show wear from many paws. It was beginning to look like a home around here. She liked that. It felt peaceful.

She stood and stretched, small limbs popping and pushing into place, tongue lolling. I was making the altar of Atka and Sos. This is where our religions will converge. There will be other altars here as other religions make themselves known. We hope to have a place for all to come together to have a safe place to worship what they wish.

She tilted her head and looked to him, blue eyes meeting golden. They reminded her of a falcon's eyes.

What do you wish to pursue in the pack? For instance. Ingram/Dreadfather is a seer, and a warrior. I am a healer, and a spiritualist perhaps. What trades would you like?
146 Posts
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Ash Paw.

He smiled warmly for it, until it was time to share his own name. Baudelaire, Although his tone conveyed that he was, in some way, displeased by it. His own name!

His parents would have him if they heard the way he spoke it.

Good thing he had been long gone from them for a long time.

Regardless he moved on, much more interested in her words. How she explained the religions that might have altars here. That they would all collect under the banner of Basilica in a safe place. It was admirable. Unlike anything he had heard before.

I do not know yet. And he was honest in this, a soft cant of his head. I am learning of spiritual ways every day, but I appreciate my patrols along the borders as well. A soft shrug of his shoulders.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She heard the way with which he spoke his name and she studied him. Your tone conveys that you are not want to share such a thing. Names are powerful things you know.

She tilted her head. Thinking of her own. She supposed it wasn't the normal name, and some may not like it.

There are many cleansing and rebirth rituals throughout many cultures and religions. If you dislike it so much, perhaps one of those may interest you. Ingram themselves have many names.

She nodded. I can understand this. I was not attempting to follow the healer trade until recently when i had the need to heal and realized i enjoyed it. Mostly, just.

She tilted her head with a joking smile on her face. To be bossy. 

It was not true, but if she could not poke fun at herself, who could.
146 Posts
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I just believe it does not fit me here. Basilica is a new place, and I am a new man beneath it. His lips twitched into a brief smile and his tail waved.

Baudelaire had been the name bestowed upon an heir, who had been expected to grow into a noble thing. One day his father might have seen him as a long, or a prince to claim land.

He had shed it all and felt furthest from it here.

So I should be mindful of if I get injured that you will boss me around? He teased in return, meaning no harm and it showed on the playful youth of his features.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash tilted her downy  head at his words and she murmured an agreement. Basilica has a way of doing that. I am a new femme underneath it's banner myself. Though still at the core myself.

She huffed and turned her pert little nose up. OF course. If I must, but you seem to be the type that would enjoy that.

She drawled and though there was no humor in her words, it could show in the lines of her face.

You know healing can be a sacred thing, much like religion. I utilize the same herbs i would for healing to sacrifice to the gods. To bless the pack. to bless myself.
146 Posts
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He laughed, warm and deep. What gave her such an idea! And yet he imagined she was not wrong at all. That he would indeed find little fault with her being bossy as she patched him up.

A thought quickly tucked away in favor of being respectful.

I've always seen it as sacred. It is a balancing act, no? Life and death determined by none other than the healer. Their gods too, perhaps.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His laughter was like a warm cozy den, or a happy lark upon the air. It suited him of a full body nature. Lively. She liked it and for a brief moment, she wondered what she sounded like when laughter took her on it's wings. It was not often.

She thought on his words and dipped blue eyes downward. This is true. Though I refuse to choose life or death. I will fight for their life, but if  I cannot win. I will send them to sos with gifts.
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Respectable, as any healer should be.

His eyes shone bright with appreciation. To know that he would be safe in her care, should the day ever come. When the day came, rather.

What kind of gifts do you send them with in such an event?
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw gave a kind smile and tilted and ear forward. She liked ot think she was a good healer. Perhaps not always respectable, but none the less. She tried.

Plants, stones, amulets, a prey animal, and a prayer. 

She tilted her head. She also told them all teh good things she knew of them, whispered in their ear, but that was something she would not boast of, and it embarrassed her a bit to admit that she did such a whimsical thing. They usually couldn't hear her, but on the off chance that they could. She would have them leave this world behind with pride and happiness and kindness.
146 Posts
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It seemed to be a whole ordeal.

Yet he did not balk over this. The religions here still lived well beyond his understanding, and he knew how serious each was to those who carried them.

This was her way and he would show her respect for it.

I see, He mused thoughtful and somber. If there is ever anything I can gather for you, for any practices, please let me know.

And he meant it.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Perhaps it was more than most understood, and she didn't always send those things all at once. Those were just the things she sent and the good words.

Ash held up a paw and shook her head. Dangerous offers, Laire. You may regret that.

However, she woudl teach him of the items if he so wished. He could use some of the gatherings of herbs in whatever his own perhaps eclectic views would find for him.
146 Posts
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Is that a challenge, Ash?

A brow arched over his pale gold eyes in a mischievous manner. More than prepared to rise to the occasion that she had laid before him. A challenge! It could be nothing else.

Ask and you shall receive. He hummed deep and warm.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
OOH this seems a good place to fade :D

Ash raised a brow and dipped a muzzle down. Blue eyes alight and bright. Her head tilted with pride. 

Perhaps it is. I will have to think on it.

She laughed at his words and shook her head. A small task then. Do you know what mint is? You find me some mint and some cobwebs.

She shook her head and turned away without a word. There was no word of her prize, or if there would be one. He wanted a challenge then so be, he would have one.