Blacktail Deer Plateau thoughts keep steering me the wrong way
146 Posts
Ooc —
He had realized much too late that he could not find mint.

Mainly because he didn't know mint. Not a clue what to look for in shape, size or smell. He feared he'd bring back something other than she'd ask, so he brought no plants at all.

But he had managed to find a spiderweb, woven between some low branches. After using nearly all of his breath to try and blow the spider away it was finally free for his own thieving. Although he had to get creative, wondering how he might transfer the web directly to her.

Seeing it tangled between the branches gave him an idea. So he used a twig, sloppily spooling as much of it as he good. Hardly the work of a proper medic. But he had partially succeeded in his quest. Enough for him to feel confident to approach @Ash Paw, wherever she might be.

I'm afraid I come already with disappointments. He mumbled after he had carefully settled the spider-webbed twig down.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw had not offered any other description than the name of the herb she wanted. Nor would she it was all part of the challenge he seemed to relish. There was nothing to gain from it, other than to expand his knowledge of herb lore, and perhaps gain a small favor from Ash.

She was sought after and found. Upon his downy cloak of brown, in his teeth of winter white. He carried the branches of a rowan tree, and upon it's dainty tines, was gossamer and thread woven round and round.

It was more than she had even hoped for and it filled her heart with gladness. She could utilize this, and not need to hunt for some time.

Oh really. She raised a haughty brow, a small smirk dancing along her muzzle of dainty black, blue eyes upon his golden. And she waited.
146 Posts
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Mhmm. He drawled out a hum, feeling certain that she would cherish his humility in this task.

I'm afraid I realized I don't have a clue what mint is. I feared bringing you back something useless — or worse, deadly. He admitted with an apologetic warmth in his voice. Tail hesitantly flicked for a moment before it settled loosely at his ankles.

Happy to make it up to you.

His voice dared to teeter into a coo. Not too presumptuous, but certainly feeling comfortable.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eyes of azure stared him down. The coo in his voice not lost on her, and she realized she had been too kind. To familiar, but that was nothing to be done. She would simply have to make sure if he thought more than what he did. She would set him straight. She supposed she could be a flirtaeous beast if she wished.

She gave a sharp bark of laughter and dipped her head, closing her eyes to gentle slits in her laughter. 

One moment.

She slid into the den behind her and pulled from it's innards a small sprig of mint and lay it down at her paws. The sooty gray one near enough to show the color of the mint, and the spriggy look to it.

She raised a haughty brow. Who says mint isn't poisonous or deadly? I certainly didn't.
146 Posts
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He watched her. Keenly.

She returned with a sprig and words of intrigue. You didn't. But if I don't know plants, I could be bringing you back the wrong kind of deadly poison. He laughed, more making fun of himself than anybody else.

Is all of this for one of your altars or events? Or just healing supplies?
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He eyed her with wonder and knowledge in his eyes. This one was sharp as sword, and that could potentially make him dangerous.

Ash Paw smiled, a bit cooly. I would be able to recognize and as much as I detest poisons I can make use of them if the occasion warrants it and i can usually fix any side effects from you simply carrying it.

She bent her paw upon the sprig and broke it's stem, motioning him closer. Smell it.

She licked a toe from the juice, the cooling feeling making her smile. I use mint for altars and healing. One it freshens breath. Many younglings use it during breeding season. Two it can help ease stomach pain, and clears out your nose and mouth when ill with cold or breathing sickness. However, you mustn't eat too much of it, for then it will cause you to have a terrible stomach ache and diarrhea.

She held out a sprig of it. Taste it. But be warned it can be very strong.

I finish this thread and one more plant thread. I can get base healer
146 Posts
Ooc —
you know i'm always down to help you with that!! :D

She was confident and he admired it.

The smell of it was pungent against his nose. The oils that had been exposed by her from handling it were more than he had been prepared for. All of the reasons she listed seemed...superficial at best. Breath freshening? They all ate wild animals. The only thing that struck him as truly valuable was the stomach properties. Although it seemed to go in the other direction too...

She then prompted him to taste it!

I'm trusting you, He warned warmly.

He only managed a brief taste, oils hitting his tongue in an uncomfortable way. Granted getting it out of his mouth only spread the taste further. Mint overwhelmed every sense he had. So he did the only thing he could think of doing —

Smell good? He asked, leaning his face closer to her personal space with a mischievous look.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Maybe if it's not to late after this one we can start another. 

Ash Paw was well versed in poisons, and healing herbs. If only because she had no real social life before this, so she had learned all her auntie's knowledge and her grandma's who was a great healer and midwife herself.

Ash Paw smiled. Perhaps not your best decision.

She raised a paw and smushed it against his face and shoved with a laugh. Perhaps a bit. Yes. Mind you that will last for an hour at least. Try breathing in.

She gave him a mischievous smile.
146 Posts
Ooc —

He took it all in stride, leaning back when she pushed him away. His tail thumped easily at the earth. He had, of course, been breathing already.

This time he focused on it.

Inhaled deeply.

A near ticklish sensation. He didn't want to say burning because that was not entirely correct.

I am starting to question trusting you. He shot her a playful squint of his gaze.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Grey and brown body went easily with her push. His tail thumping  a staccato on the ground. He had been breathing of course, but not deeply. She wanted him to take the deep breath to see what the senses did.

She threw her head back with a prideful glare. I told you it was a mistake. Did I not?

She touched a paw to the remaining mint. Do you feel that clearing of passageways? It does not affect you much right now. You aren't sick, but imagine how amazing that may feel if you had a cold, and your nose was full of gunk.

She weaved her tail behind her. Then she motioned at the cobwebs. Cobwebs are good to stop bleeding and to keep poultices in place.
146 Posts
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He snorted, humored.

He did imagine it would be nice if he was sick. Something good to keep in mind with the coming cold months. They might find themselves with sniffles among the Basilica ranks!

She moved on to cobwebs, and he was left with the tingle of mint in his mouth. Ah, mind humoring me further? What's a poultice?

It was very clear he had never had a day of healing training.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw was surprised that this wolf was so easily humored. She didn't think she was all that funny. But both the men in her life, was often laughing at her more than anything else. She wasn't sure if this was good or not.

The calico lady already knew that colds would come amongst the ranks here. It was only a matter of time. Especially given their small numbers they would need to hunt more than others. Keep the home fires burning.

She smiled. A poultice is a bunch of different medicinal herbs. Say bergamot for infection, aloe for soothing and both are spread upon a wound, and then wrapped in cobwebs. You can use leaves too, sometimes it is good to use leaves like Yarrow, rather than make it into a paste. I recently used Bergamot and aloe on a wolf with a ripped open hip. i have this open one for another if you like.
146 Posts
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Be careful, you might make a healer of me. He teased with warmth, eyes crinkled at the corner as he gave a brief smile.

What happened to them? The wolf with the ripped hip?

Had he lived? Died?
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw chuckled. That would not be a bad thing you know. We need more healers. Though we also need wardens and seers and so many other things. But if you can handle my drivel. I will teach you yet.

She sighed and furrowed her brow. He was very surly. I had to get sharp with him, told him if he didn't listen he would die and he was nothing but a foolish man.

She frowned in thought. He allowed me to heal him and then he simply limped away. I asked him to stay for a few days, but he was determined to leave.
146 Posts
Ooc —
maybe a fade?

Truthfully, he did not know how much he could handle being a healer.

He was not built like her. These things did not come to him with a passion and ease. He admired her for it, though. Content to help her with the things he could.

He was lucky to find you and your healing. Even if he was stupid enough to leave after.

And he meant it in earnest, not attempt to flatter her.

Perhaps this would become their shared thing. He could gather for her, she could share stories and wisdom of the art. He found he did not hate the idea.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gladly thank you <3

Ash Paw smiled at him and nodded. He was, wasn't he. She shrugged. I can only help those that want the help. IF he wishes to die because he is too stubborn to listen, then Sos has wanted his life.

Ash would pass the time listening and talking to him of the herbs and the healing. Something she never grew tired of talking of.

And she would gladly share knowledge in return for herbs.