Great Bear Wilderness Just hanging around
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph darted to the side, allowing the current of water from Shey's tail to hit her side and buoy her in the water as she pushed her body forward allowing the broad side of her chest to create a splash of water towards his own flanks. Laughing she scrabbled her front legs and paws on the landing adding to the own chaos created in the water by her movements through it. It was fun that she had not had in a while, and the memories it brought up were both sweet and sad, though subsumed by the present moment.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
At this point Shey didn't care what part of him got wet, even his face. He had a fun idea though. He quickly waded out of the water, padded back a bit, and went charging into a jump into the water, to make a large splash with his body weight, only half caring if any of it hit Heph. It was fun for him to land in the water like that anyway.

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph gave a startled laugh as Shey launched himself into the water, while she had momentarily thought him through with their little foray when he had left he had quickly disabused her of the notion. She let the small waves hit her, tugging her fur and even, as she began a leap of her own towards the shore and incidentally him, covering the flat of her snout. Her tail flagged out behind her as she bounded to the side and whirled on her paws to face the water. "Look Out!" There was only a moment's warning and a joyous shout before she copied the maneuver, it had looked fun, and launched herself into the deeper waters. As she hit the water her legs churned to push her head to the surface but the wide grin on her face revealed that she was unbothered.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Shey as well let the remnants of her splash wash over him. He dunked underwater and propelled himself around for a moment, enjoying the feel of the cold water of his body, before resurfacing again. He had never had this much fun in the water, but he was loving it now.

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed as she saw Shey duck his entire head down underwater, most wolves she had met liked to keep their heads dry but the pair were far past that at this juncture and she mirrored his movements. The chill of the water pierced her more heavily with her head submerged but it was a pleasant chill and she hopped around in the water until the burn of her muscles had her turning back to land panting in the cool air. She stretched out, on the banks and let herself catch her breath.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Shey too was starting to shiver and his muscles were burning from the strain of trudging through water so he followed Heph to the shore. He batted her over the ear as one last playful gesture before laying down beside her. "being loners, with no responsibilities, is fun sometimes." Shey said. "But I think I'm going to join a pack. I've had some interest in joining the one in Redtail Rise, do you know anything about them?" he asked

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph opened her jaws playfully as he scuffed her ear but gave no other rise to the bait and was content to grin and agree with his assessment. "I'd have to agree with you there." Freedom and no responsibility she quite enjoyed it, though technically she did have a responsibility to find information for the Forsaken while she was away. But information would come as it did and she had no reason to put herself in too much danger. She figured she would figure out the location of these nearby packs and lurk around the wilderness until she was ready to move on and begin the real hunt for more knowledge.

She tilted her head at the question but answered honestly and with a little bit more information than the other wolf might have bargained for although she hoped that if he did want to join a pack that he would appreciate it all the same. "Afraid not, I've only come across a few packs since making my way to Teekon. A pack called Moonglow that's just a little ways from here they don't claim Neverwinter forest but I think they're near that area. I've only met one wolf who's definitely from there and another who might be but they were both nice enough." Heph thought back to the white wolf with sunrise on her face and Rodyn. He had certainly been a gentleman through and through, though not opposed to fun and skilled which made his company all the better.

Thinking back to Atka she hardly knew what Dreven would want her to say, but as much as the wolf in front of her would be another mouth to feed he could also be another set of jaws to hunt and help if he had the skill - Dreven could assess for himself if Shey wanted to take the risk. "The other one's in a place called the Heartwood but also nearby, they're a less friendly lot but I've a dear friend who's made her place there and find at least one other good company when the mood strikes and would be happy to make introductions though I can't make any promises to the state of your hide if they or you don't take a liking." There was a teasing note in her voice at that although a kind of blunt honesty as well. She knew that introducing him to the Forsaken when she was hardly a member herself was dangerous, but she was willing to do it if she wished to find a place before the winter hit.

But she was also curious what he knew about the pack he fancied joining. While she could not say how accurate his information was even perceptions held value and told her something. "Do you know much about Redtail Rise? I've heard less than you I think." Her voice was tinged with curiosity as she curved her throat around the words.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Not much. Just that they have ranks and they're a tight system but not controlling. I'm not too much of a fighter so a pack where I could be a hunter rather than a fighter is ideal for me." Shey said. "thats what really drew me. I've heard of Moonglow, but they're a bit too complex for my liking. Same with Mereo. Also a pack up here, the one my friend went to, called Paleo, but they're a family pack mostly that I dont want to get in the way of." Shey explained. "Hence why I think I'll try for Redtail."

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph hmmed in acknowledgment, her curiosity piqued. She had always intended to travel and gaining knowledge was secondary to adventure but exciting for her as well. "That does seem a good choice in that case." While a part of her knew she might be able to ask Rodyn questions about his own pack Shey was there at that moment and she wanted to know what he meant by complex. She knew that Rodyn collected pelts and that had seemed strange to her but she was familiar with the idea of needing to prove oneself to a pack and nothing he had spoken of seemed so incredibly complicated. "What makes Moonglow and Mereo so complex? I know packs often have their own ranks but I'm not sure I would call them complex?" There was an almost uncharacteristic lack of humor in her voice as her curiosity shone through unconcealed. To herself Heph noted that Paleo was a family pack, it was certain information that Dreven might find interesting if they ever came across them. It meant that though the pack may have numbers they might not have the same dedication to building a fighting force.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Mereo has tight ranks and is a tight pack. You have to be a really strong wolf to join. They will kill trespassers I've heard, and I've heard their leader is like, insanely strong. Their ranks and way of life just don't interest me. And the one wolf I know from Moonglow has to go on quests and stuff to give offerings to these wolves that I don't know who are and he cant tell me who are. And the quests are really hard as well. I'd rather just be able to be in a pack where I can show my worth by typical hunting and fighting maybe." Shey explained.

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph gave a contemplative hum. She had never heard of the fearsome reputation of Mereo but did not find it surprising that such a militaristic pack would have a fearsome leader to match. "Good to know, I'll have to steer clear of him unless I'm tempting him to weakness." The she-wolf gave Shey a suggestive wink as her words lilted into teasing humor. While she had no idea if the leader of Mereo was one to succumb to more feminine wiles it was a funny thought to play.

As he spoke of Moonglow she nodded though. "Huh, that makes sense." Her voice was neutral but light. That matched what she knew of Rodyn. It made sense packs wanted wolves to prove themselves but she had to admit he did range far and wide in his quest to do so. Then again Rodyn seemed to be a relatively confident wolf with a lot to prove about his own worth so it made sense that in his quest he would attempt to do just that.

She gave a slow wide grin. "Packs these days. But it'll be good to have company - is there good swimming near Redtail Rise?" Heph asked turning the conversation a bit more light, not sensing much more information to be had though the company was still enjoyable.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I'm not sure if there's a lake or anything near it. I know its in marshy forests so probably, since there needs to be something to get the ground wet, but I don't know if its just a naturally damp place or if theres a cause." Shey said, answering her question about swimming near Redtail Rise. "i've yet to travel down there, all I know is of what I've been told." He added.

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded her head at his words and observations. She had seen a few lands that were damp with water and assumed that it rained constantly and heavily but perhaps she would have to make her way over there and see for herself what such a perpetually waterlogged place was like. It sounded dangerous and shifty where even the ground was uncertain. "Well I wish you safe travels then, the unknown is the best place for them." She said her smile was genuine and cleanly showed a few of her teeth. The she-wolf enjoyed the ever-changing landscape which revealed dangers and wonders alike. And better yet was returning to once-remembered lands and finding them changed again. There was an exciting steadiness to the change like the coming of the seasons that never let a wolf get too comfortable - dangerous as they could be.
57 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Thank you." Shey said. "I best be off now, but I truly thank you for this interesting and fun experience that occurred with the two of us meeting. and uh, now that I'm more comfortable now, I want to say that earlier, with your flirting and everything, I don't think I like women." Shey said. "So thats why I was uncomfortable. But you're really cool." he added.

Shey is a very friendly wolf. He won't provoke anyone and if someone seems down or mean, he'll try to help change their attitude instead of pushing them into a fight. Don't get him wrong though, he can fight. If he is attacked he won't try to talk things out, but if he is threatened he will. Despite his young age he is mature enough to understand these things and realizes what is worth a battle and what isn't. He isn't afraid to flee a fight if he finds it unimportant and pointless.
Shey is also confused over his sexuality. He's bisexual, but definitely masculine leaning. He just struggles to understand his feelings for men and his significantly lower feelings for women. Though he is still young, he is still interested in finding a mate.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph laughed "I thank you as well, I hope our paths cross again." The other wolf seemed rather serious but she took his words for genuine and though her voice came out airy and winded there was nothing but honesty shining her eyes and the set of her shoulders as her smile was more wide than sly.

She tilted her head at his admission, finding no reason for him to justify his disinterest but tipped her head in acknowledgment nonetheless. Some of his awkwardness seemed to have returned so she offered a smile instead of a chuckle and responded with her voice suffused with a light warmth like the outer edges of a flickering flame "Well in that case I hope you find someone as handsome as you to keep you warm this winter." She gave him a wink before letting him be on his way and waited only a short while longer before being on her way herself.

I'm good with archiving it here or if you want to give Shey a chance to bounce back a reply that too! ^__^