March 05, 2023, 01:01 PM
Heph was determined to become familiar with the area and had been methodically making her way across the territory for the better part of the day. But it was worth it for the nooks and crannies she encountered. While the she-wolf did not plan on residing in the territory for most of the year she wished to become familiar with it so that when she returned it was obvious that this was where she belonged, a place to call home when the world got too big. She interspersed her scent when she came to places that would hold a mark well, but on the inside of the borders at least it was already becoming more and more apparent that a group of wolves resided within.
March 05, 2023, 02:05 PM
Void was unsure who else Rodyn had in his pack, other than his wife. So when he encountered someone in the territory, who he did not know, he was unsure if she was an invader or not. "Hey. Are you in Moontide?" He asked cautiously.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
March 06, 2023, 07:29 PM
Heph noted the other wolf, a large black-furred creature, approaching. She was unsure who this might be, but they appeared more cautious than threatening and so she easily adopted an open posture, languid. Grinning at the question it seemed he was a friend not foe and she answered honestly. "I am!" By way of introduction she added her own name. "My name's Heph - how about you?" Her lips twitched in amusement and she could not help, her tail gave an amiable wag and she lilted out a laugh "Or should I just call you good looking?" It had the air of a song about it she thought, but did not sing.
March 08, 2023, 10:35 AM
If wolves could blush, Void would be red at that comment. He got very hot, and took a step back, his head dropping a bit and any dominance he'd held being wiped away. "Uh." He said, forgetting his identity for a moment. "I mean, I appreciate that, but uh, my names Void." He said finally. "I'm also of Moontide. My best friend in the world is Rodyn." He added, easing out of the embarrassment that came with her first comment.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
March 09, 2023, 04:23 PM
Heph grinned it seemed as if she was in good company indeed, she considered friends of Rodyn potential friends of hers. While the other wolf was amiable and honorable enough to attract all sorts of characters he also seemed discerning enough that she trusted him to not invite wolves into the pack he thought would pose an unwarranted threat to her. "Rodyn is a friend of mine as well, although if he's been keeping someone like you from my sights perhaps I'll have to put him on probation." She put no stock in it though, if she remembered correctly Rodyn had described this wolf to her before as lacking respect for members of her own sex. While it seemed as if he had developed some of it she could not say for sure. Nonetheless her tone remained playful and light, since Rodyn and Void did seem close it was likely that she would see more of both and she wished to form her own opinion and perhaps even reach a kind of peace if more were not possible.
She looked around at the landscape, she had explored a fair bit of it, but she had no doubt that a few hidden crannies would reveal themselves upon a second pass of the territory. And with the seasons too hopefully the snow melt would reveal more without posing too much of a danger for those who chose to settle. "What do you think of Moontide so far?" Her voice was open and curious as she considered the issue.
She looked around at the landscape, she had explored a fair bit of it, but she had no doubt that a few hidden crannies would reveal themselves upon a second pass of the territory. And with the seasons too hopefully the snow melt would reveal more without posing too much of a danger for those who chose to settle. "What do you think of Moontide so far?" Her voice was open and curious as she considered the issue.
March 10, 2023, 02:31 PM
Void chuckled. "I used to not be so nice to woman and girls, used to try to force them to mate with me or join my nonexistent pack, but that was when I was younger. I think I've matured some, Rodyn's said so too at least. But I just joined this pack, so perhaps thats also why you've never seen me. I was in Moonglow before, and before that, a loner. I lived with Rodyn for a bit when we were both new to these lands, up in the sunspires. Was trying to create my own pack but I failed, so thats why I joined Moontide. To be in Rodyns pack. Which is the next best thing to having my own." Void told her.
"I like it, like I just said, I'm happy to be with Rodyn, and he also told me he'd give me a job fit to my skills, which I appreciate. And he said he'd help me find a mate too, but perhaps I can do that on my own..." Void said, getting a little flirty with his tone as well, starting to sense potential feelings for this girl.
"I like it, like I just said, I'm happy to be with Rodyn, and he also told me he'd give me a job fit to my skills, which I appreciate. And he said he'd help me find a mate too, but perhaps I can do that on my own..." Void said, getting a little flirty with his tone as well, starting to sense potential feelings for this girl.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
March 11, 2023, 11:54 AM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: mentions of rape
She let her own laughter trail alongside his, but it seemed he took her jest seriously in his answer and she listened with curiosity to his reply. But as his words continued to run over each other she felt the previous lightness give way to a roiling in her stomach that was telling her to fight, flee, or perhaps hurl. The word disrespect seemed insufficient. And he had laughed! At his own description. Her lips curled inward from her smile closing her expression. Wolves could and did change, but if rape were something natural for the younger wolf that one just grew out of as the seasons passed. A harsh bark of laughter escaped her and she followed after his speech glancingly as she let out a few breaths of it.
And again that return of the volley she marked the moment when his voice shifted - and Rodyn...Rodyn had said he would help this wolf find someone? Not a change in him but a change in her own perspective. The roiling in her stomach returned. There was intent there in the flirtation and while she knew well enough how her own tone could be taken and she enjoyed playing the game it came on quickly and strong. A forthrightness not tempered by sense or empathy or sensitivity to the flow of the words and the air between them. And she wondered if he had changed his aim or thoughts at all but merely tried a different method to that same end. Like two young wolves tussling in play and all the sudden a bite that was all too real.
Her tail lashed out behind her in broad side to side strokes as she let her own response bite her tongue spurring it to action. "When it comes to love one often needs all the help they can get." There was a sharp edge to the lightness of her voice, that same ironic twist of humor so often aimed only at herself but with an undercurrent of something less than playful, perhaps more coming from within.
March 11, 2023, 05:43 PM
Void didn't understand where the turn in her temperament came from and he winced. He wasn't sure what he had said wrong. "Yeah, I know... thats why Rodyn said he'd help me." He muttered. "I guess I can't do it on my own." He sighed, noticing the drop of lightness and flirtation in her tone the second he attempted anything
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
March 12, 2023, 09:35 AM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: some cursing
Heph's tail lashed again in movement. There was a bitterness she did not like in his muttered words that she caught flashes of. Nothing in this wolf's approach had allowed Heph to come the conclusion that he was capable of successfully plying his own suit. But it seemed at least he had noticed her own drop in tone and mirrored that, though with a sullen sigh that had the hair on her shoulders bristling before it calmed. What did he want her to do? Console him? Assure him that he was deserving of being someone's mate as he was? Comfort him that he could and that it was her - as if she had acted differently from any other she-wolf he might spoken like that towards? If he wanted such lies he could go and find another hapless male to commiserate with.
She was done, nothing she said was going to change the past, and if he truly was a changed wolf, if not as much as he thought he was, then there was no use dithering about it. But he was not some pup just out of whelping and if he was old enough to think with his dick then he could very well try thinking with his other head. "I'm going to mark borders." Her voice was firm and even, no compromise within it and a force behind it that hinted at the tension in her own shoulders. "If you're serious about your pursuit and not just pulling my leg with this bullshit perhaps Rodyn will help you with how to approach she-wolf at least." A mocking edge accompanied her otherwise uncharacteristically staid voice - in her most generous interpretation he was simply playing some part for his own amusement, his faux ignorance and the casual violence in his voice nothing more than a way to see what she would do. But even if that were true she did not think it was amusing - all the more reason to end that there. And if a saint like Rodyn could not help him then she surely could not or would not, so with that she turned away and set off to do what she had claimed.
March 12, 2023, 11:25 AM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: one swear
Void sighed. He'd fucked up, yet again. He thought he'd changed, gotten better, and he had no idea where he'd gone wrong with this girl, but something about him must've cursed him when it came to getting a mate. He dipped his head in parting, trying to be as nice as he could, and headed off in the other direction.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
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