Moonspear Trails of the Stars
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Private thread for @Acrux for mommy & son bonding time. Special invite to @Argent as well!

Three days had passed since the birth of her son and Sialuk's daughter. Those days seemed to stretch for an eternity, blurring into one another. Childbirth had taken a toll on the Archer's body, leaving her exhausted. Most hours she rested. Drifted in and out of slumber, just like the pudgy boy tucked at her belly. She had had no physical energy to much else. His most basic needs came first, even before her own.

Today though, she felt a little more well rested. Curled in a loose ball of inky black fur, head resting on her paws, she gazed down quietly at her son. Careful not to disturb him. Unable to take her eyes off the miracle that she and Argent had created. She would not forget Sialuk, who was just as much a part of this as she was. She kept close to her lover, but let her tend to her daughter in these early days.

She smiled to herself. Together with her and Argent, the Archer finally had the family she had hoped for when she came to this wilderness. Her heart was peaceful.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
making some assumptions, nudge me if i'm wrong

in the short days since his birth, the soot cloaked child had not known much other than the touch of those near to him and the taste of mother's milk. he identified those whom he shared a space with by the faint scents he could distinguish and the gentle nudges he would receive. there was the warmth of his mother, her presence a constant comfort. with him also was the support of another who often tended to him when his mother was absent for short periods of time. and then there was the peer in a similar sized body as he, who he often suckled on like a child and their thumb when within close proximity of each other. 

today he was kept close to the company of his mother, and snuggled into her chest while she gaze down at him. he was oblivious to the admiration and love she felt for him, but would soon grow in such affection greatly. for now though he simply cooed and wiggled about, content in the simple life he knew.
"atkan aleut"
83 Posts
Ooc — Twin
by invitation~

maggak scarcely differentiated from the different beings that went in and out of the ulaq. she did, however, notice that the small one did not leave. and he occasionally butted her out of the way for the most precious resource: milk. she wrestled her way to elentari now, sialuk off tending to the villagers injured by the large, striped cat. she sought food, and maggak was determined in her quest.
Two Rivers Isle
148 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
tags just for reference

An attack on the two villagers left Argent in a state of restlessness. He paced—@Sialuk tended to @Njord and Seal and only when he realized he was of no help fluttering about without purpose did the man make his way back to the ulaq of his lovers and children—eager to lay sight upon them and ensure his heart that they were fine, even if logic told him they would be.

The attack had happened outside Moonspear lands, but that did not make the silent guardian any less worried.

Ducking his muzzle down, peering within, the shadow of his large form darkening the den momentarily. His pale eyes fell upon Elentari—a vision as she nursed—and thankfully, a little more alert today. “Hey, you,” he crooned, his eyes then dropping to the miracle of their family.

Somehow, each time his gaze found them, his breath hitched, even as time passed on.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Despite the serenity that had taken hold inside the ulaq, outside and beyond the mountain, was a little bit different. Fortunately, the timing of the attack had not exposed her to it. The Archer had been safe, she and her family well out of reach.

The large form of Argent appeared at the mouth of the entrance. His silver polished form a beacon of strength, framed and kissed by the sun's rays. Her heart skipped a beat, laying eyes on the man who had given himself to her, Sialuk and their children.

Her ebony ears quivered as they flattened, a happy whimper pressing her lips. " burning star..." Her voice was thick. Dark legs reached out, delicate not to disturb either her son or daughter. She beckoned him close, inside in earnest. "Come see them. They are perfect."

Now, she bent down to kiss each precious head, whispering to closed, unhearing ears. "A visitor from the stars. You will know him well, in time."
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
acrux snuggled further into the fluff of his mother, a quiet mewl escaping him as he nestled against her side. here he would remain, relaxed against the steady rising and falling of his mother's chest. his ear rest against her, the beat of her heart a sound he'd known since the beginning. it calmed him like no other tune could. 

he shifted as the steady thrum of her pulse lulled him to sleep, her gentle kiss the final push into slumber.
"atkan aleut"
Two Rivers Isle
148 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Just tacking a reply on this to sort of settle the thread?

Elentari beckoned him forward—his eyes on her, raptly, for a moment before they drifted to the two children she whispered to.

It was a fierce adoration that struck him in this moment—one boy, his by blood and union. A girl, perhaps not his by blood—unknown—and yet equally as loved. His. They were his.

Was this how his father had felt, looking upon them when they had been born? Or had it been with trepidation—for then he had more mouths to feed?

He crooned low, his form moving to press to the ground, muzzle sweeping over to graze Elentari. “Beautiful,” he murmured—both of her, and of them. And silence enveloped him—for this moment needed no words.