Hushed Willows sávvato
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
All Welcome 
His sister had done it.

Reverie had discovered paradise.

Despite winter still holding the land, the Hearthwood flourished. Meadow stretched to meadow, broken along the perimeters by marshland, mountain, and weald. Signs of spring peeked prematurely through the ground, brought on by the warmer gales of recent days. It was in every way Reverie's place, perfect in every way. As he walked, he thought of ways to tell her.

In sonnet. Poem. Song.

Did she still dance?

It was this question that lingered on his tongue when he came upon the opening to the cave. He ducked down and peered inside, silver eyes flashing in the dimming light.

maybe @Reina if you have the time? :D
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She watched as he ducked into the cave mouth, her heart stuttering with apprehension at this new male’s presence. The red-coated she-wolf had scented him on the wind, some vague familiarity to it that eased her, if only slightly, and her curiosity in him begged her to follow. 

Her mind and body were at war; having just gone through a trauma so fresh, her mind pleaded to steer clear, yet her body edged her closer. She thought of Tuft, then, a pang of sadness, guilt, and excitement battled within her. She would pause halfway to him and, so she wouldn’t startle the male, she cleared her throat before she spoke.

“Hello, stranger…can I help you with something? Do you know these lands on which you stand belong to Hearthwood?” 

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
This place reminded him of the Lion's Den, and of the days he had spent inside, engraving the bones of long dead pretty with the rough etchings of prophets and priests,  and with the history of their people. He had left them at Sweetharbour; perhaps he might return and bring them here.

A noise cleared his thoughts of all that took them, asked he turned to find a stranger in his steps.

She was stark and fire-like. Where the Mederios had been the gold of sun fire, the girl who neared him - polite, yet seemingly careful - resembled the flames that had followed both he and Reverie through life's every turn. Yet he welcomed her fire. A friend of Reverie's was no one to fear.

Hello, he returned, voice lifting softly over the still air. A slight smile, I do know, he did not carry the pack scent yet, so of course she would wonder. It's almost like Eden, and he let his gaze linger about the land again, still struck by what beauty Reverie had found, my sister has chosen well.
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt

The mention of family and the familiar scent clicked. 

Reverie. This male’s presence made more sense to her now; the familial ties resembled in the coat, the warmth of his eyes. She watched him scour the land in wonder, and she smiled for she felt the same way about her home. Her apprehension dissipated; he was Reverie’s brother, there was no need to fear him. 

She wagged her tail and came closer, enough to where he couldn’t reach her and could inspect him safely. “Welcome to Hearthwood; I am Reina. I assume your sister is Reverie? She hasn’t mentioned family other than Boone, and of course, the littles that she now carries. It is nice to meet you…? I’m sorry—what should I call you?”

She gave him a once over, again, finding him easy on the eyes. Where Reverie was the rising sun, the male was the descending moon. His presence was a gravitation pull, her tides ebbing and flowing, hitting the shores of her core. She was internally embarrassed, not quite comfortable in her own skin. This was not how she wanted to greet a newcomer, especially one of the masculine variety, not during this time. It had come on quickly—the warning signs gone unnoticed since her attack.

Was this the reason for why she felt drawn to Tuft and now this male? It bothered her immensely, the curse of womanhood a bane to her existence. If only her want for a family of her own creation wasn’t so strong in her being, she would be able to successfully ignore it. Having lost her own so young, it was a deep void in her heart that she wanted so desperately to fill. 

But not like this…not after what she has been through.

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
His allegiance to Hearthwood seemed to soothe this woman Reina, and he smiled as brought his attention back to her.

Thank you, he said with the whisper of a laugh. Despite her curiosity, she still kept him at a comfortable distance, but he didn't mind. Evander had always been the more touchy-feely sibling, out of the two of them. Everett was happy to share in good company, with enough space to breathe in between.

You assume correct, and though his smile edged with a flicker of sadness when Reina mentioned Reverie's silence about him, he couldn't blame her - and, he reminded himself, she was so happy when she saw I had finally followed her home. But how much had his absence hurt her? He doubted her silence was because she'd forgotten him; he had often thought of her, and he knew her enough to believe she had done the same of him. Our family isn't a point of particularly pleasant conversation, he said, we both don't speak of them often.

And wasn't that the truth.

Everett, he offered, and dipped his head; old habits still died hard, it's a pleasure to meet you too, Reina. It seems my sister has found more than a good land, but good company, too. He did find her gaze tracing him a little more often than normal wolves did. Perhaps she was still putting two and two together and finding those little familial signs of Reverie in his face, his fur, his eyes. Whatever the case, it felt nice and too much altogether. He quickly turned the conversation back on her, so, Reina, as a seasoned member of Hearthwood, what would you say is your number one favourite thing about living in the pack so far?
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her caring nature caused her to take a step forward as if to comfort the male. Thinking better of it, she stopped and sat on her haunches, though slightly closer to him than before. “I am…sorry that you both feel that way of your family, Everett.” His name on her lips sent pleasant shivers down her spine. She shook herself for anxiety threatened to grip her as her body couldn’t help but to react. With an embarrassed clearing of her throat, Reina continued. ”For what it’s worth, Hearthwood can be your new family—I mean, only if you want it to be. Some of us seem to have some form or another of broken ties with family. I am glad that Reverie has you here, now.”

His question had slipped her mind for a moment, so she thought on it quickly. Her thoughts were of Reverie; the first time she saw her, it was as if an angel had come upon her pour soul, either to breathe into her new life or take her into the heavens. Whichever had happened, Reina knew that she was in good hands. Her love for Reverie tip toed on the line of friend and lover, but she couldn’t quite say that to her brother. And, of course, Boone would have her head. Her Coach and Harbinger were head over heels for each other and she would never come between that. And, there was Tuft, the happy-go-lucky male who had made her laugh for the first time in a very long time, his smile her favorite feature, but that was also something she wouldn’t divulge on.

So, she thought of her attack and how quickly her pack had come to her aide. It was the no questions asked response in the defense of her honor that solidified the pack bonds and the sense of family. “Those who reside here are my favorite things about this pack. They saved me not too long ago from a rogue male…well, unfortunately not before he, um…he forced himself on me.” She couldn’t quite believe she had said it out loud, but, it surprisingly felt cathartic to speak of her trauma. Sure, her body could still remember the way she was caged beneath him, the pain and fear it brought, but her mind did not crumble as it once did.

The fiery woman smiled despite the quick beating of her heart, blue eyes searching for understanding in Everett’s soft silvers. She had promised herself that no one would ever take from her again, that her life was hers to choose. It was also why she could not, or rather would not, bring herself in closer proximity to this male, despite her body screaming at her to do so. 

He was polite, she had noticed from his bow as he had given her his name, and also very well spoken. And has made no attempt, no advance, to come any closer. He must smell her, she was sure he did, and it was a relief that he hasn’t acted upon it. Though, despite everything she has been through, she still wanted to know him.

Nodding towards the cave opening, she gave him a questioning look. “Were you planning to go in there? I’m afraid there wouldn’t be anything interesting in that cave. If you wanted to explore, I’d suggest Dogtooth Cavern. There is a natural lake inside. I like to go there when I need to ground myself. It is also a great place to sing, the stalagmites and stalactites are a wonderful audience.” She laughed at her own joke, something she hasn’t done in so long.

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Little by little, she seemed to warm to him. This was always a new feeling: being seen as just a man, and not as some saviour seen through eyes of expectation and disappointment and envy and hate. In the world beyond the Gilded Sea, he was just Everett, and frankly, just Everett was all he wished to be.

It is what it is, he said to her apology. Her nerves seemed to get the better of her, so he met her again with the warmth of a smile, Thank you, he gave to her offer - and yes, he wished this place to become home for him. For good, this time. And I'm blessed to finally be here with her, too.

A pause while she thought. Everett thought her eyes went somewhere else; they glazed with that look of an all-familiar feeling. Thoughtful, as one drifted out from this world and into one locked away. That recall of memories, some still sitting in the light, others pushed to corners that could be dealt with later. He could wait for her to find the ones she wished to share. And wait he did, tail curled against his side.

And what she shared sent a sharp prickle up his spine.

Oh - his mouth parted, looking for something more to say, but all he found were Reina's eyes searching the depths of his own, and the weight of what she shared, fallen across his shoulders. His heart thrummed. Shock? Sadness? Anger? A mix of those, and many more; the tempest swirl he hadn't felt in many long days - but not for her to see. If anything slipped out, his gaze softened to one of compassion, though a hardness still lingered along his brow, I am so sorry. There are many good men, but some do wicked things. If I may ask... what of him now? Had he escaped? Did he still loom at large? Or had they done away with him for good?

The former gave room for repentance - risky, but a hope for reform. The latter gave vindication, a just and final blow. He wondered what Hearthwood had dealt.

She distracted him by a nod towards the cave, at which he turned, having forgotten his plan to enter it only some short minutes before. He had, in fact, wished to explore it, and still might. But the mention of a bigger cave had him turning back to her - and at the mention of singing, his eyes lit up. You sing? and her laugh brought a stretching smile, Mmm, they may listen well, but I've known them to be rather lacking on their standing ovations, he quipped back, do you make your own music? Or did your family have songs they passed down to you? Either is good, of course, of course - I'm just curious. I, ah... well, I may have dabbled in the art myself, from ah... from time to time.

From many times to many times, every day, for many hours when he was younger, but she didn't need to know that yet. Maybe never; he didn't want her to know. It would only lead to questions, and unlike Reina, Everett wasn't ready to be so vulnerable to share.
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
“He is gone, by the way. I—I ended his life with the pack’s help. Thankfully, there is no more threat lurking in these woods.” Just inside my head, she thought. Not that she would tell him so. No longer wanting to discuss the former, she continued with the discussion of the cave. He had asked of her singing and her cheeks reddened.

She giggled at his addition to her own personification of the cave structures. “I do, well, I only just started up again after coming here. I am not from these lands, I come from further north. My life has always been a bit…stressful, and my family was always in the middle of something or another for being the largest and oldest pack of our territory, so you can imagine how often I would get away to find some solace amongst the noise. Why not fill it with something beautiful instead? I would travel high up into the mountains, though not so high where the air thins, but just enough to be alone with my thoughts and my songs.” Her eyes had grown distant as she remembered her home, for the first time not thinking of what happened there in the end. It was a reprieve, that was for sure. Reality had rushed in as he had asked of her songs.

“No, no, this was solely something I did. My family, lovely as they were, did not share the same passion. They were more focused on pack protection and war stories. Though I have the same knack for fighting as my father once did, I do not enjoy it. I am tired, so tired of fighting life tooth and nail. It has to give at some point, right? At the very least, I can escape it here, in Hearthwood, in the Cavern. I can wrap myself up in the melodies, the notes, and create a space where I can feel comfort.” She loved the lakes and ponds on the surface of Hearthwood, but she felt at home underneath the hardened rock that housed the lake of which she visited most often. It was interesting to her that she favorited the underground lake over the Sunspire Mountains that embraced her home. Maybe it was the open air that frightened her, where someone might find her? She missed the birdsongs above, but felt a comfort only those who felt like she did would understand.

What did Everett enjoy beyond songs? Was his life as tumultuous as her has been? She had hoped, for his sake, it has not. If there was ever such a way to turn back time, she would do so in a heart beat. If only to see her family and the rest of her pack once more.

It didn’t escape her that she has only been talking about herself and so she asked of him, now. “You said you also sing…do you have a song, or even a tune, that is your most favorite?”

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
She had ended his life -- and that is where the conversation ended. Reina, quickly shifting her attention to the caves, and Everett, deciding to press no further, though he confession would linger beyond their time today. It was good, of course, that the pack had destroyed the threat of the man ever returning to harm Reina - or anyone - ever again. But a myriad of questions filled him, of morality, mercy, and just recompense. And if he had been in her paws, would he have been able to do the same?

He let the thoughts fall to the back of his mind to focus on Reina now. His musings could trouble him later.

It sounds beautiful, he agreed, noting the far off look in her eyes. Is that what had led her away -- the need for solace and greater space?

Reina answered without the need to ask. Escape. A misalignment of values. In a way, he could understand, not word for word, but concept for concept. The Gilded Sea has never been a place of peace, their lives devoted to quelling a malicious god and stirring up an apathetic one to act. They had been at war against forces they had never been able to control, and the more distance he put between himself and the Gilded Sea, the more he found his eyes opened and his heart angered he had ever been so tricked into thinking it true, and ever been proud to be a part of that.

Well, hopefully here, you'll continue to find rest from the wars of your home, Everett said, though you sound like you loved your family nonetheless. Will you ever go back to see them again? Maybe bring some peace you've learned here into their camp? Or bring likeminded members back here with you?

He would like to do the same with the Gilded Sea, though he wondered who might listen to him, after all he had done.

Ah -- oh, me? it had been nice just to listen, without the need to divulge much of himself, by of course, her interest would turn. He glanced at the sky. Hmm... that question used to have an easy answer, but many things have changed. He no longer sang to the fire and rain, after all -- but he thought of Sweetharbour, and of the pilgrimage that led him to the Singer of Worlds. Many of my songs are prayers; I make them as my spirit is moved along. But, there is one I often enjoyed singing while I lived on the Isle somewhere north of here... he hummed the first notes, then stopped with a laugh, a single chuff of air, an uncertain splay of his ears, well - I don't know. Was that you asking to hear it?
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Reina had known that once she had mentioned her family in her musings, there was the possibility of having to talk about them. How much could—or, rather, should—she share? The man before her was certainly easy to talk to, non-judgmental in his responses to what they’ve discussed thus far. At least, not outwardly.

Yet, why does her heart feel shame to speak of them? Was it because she had been too late to save them, or, was it because she had not been strong enough to stop Ruin? Just like she hadn’t been strong enough to stop Greysin from attacking her. At least he was gone for good, but she couldn’t say the same for Ruin.

“I did love them, still do, of course, and I always will. Unfortunately, my family, my whole pack, are…well, they’ve all passed on.” A pause. A deep breath. “A rival pack leader had set off an avalanche while my family slept. I was…I had been kidnapped and tortured, held captive for how long I do not know, but I had managed to escape. I was too late…to save them. My parents, my younger siblings. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, friends—gone.”

She looked away, eyes closed, not allowing her well of tears to empty. Her breaths were deep and slow, an attempt to calm her raging, bleeding heart from breaking. Oh, how she missed them all. But, what’s in the past can only stay there; all she can do now is make new memories with their spirits to guide her.

Someday she will see them, again, and that brought her comfort.

She turned back to the male, a soft smile playing on her lips as she continued. “After about a year of traveling south, I was found by your sister. She has been and will forever be my guardian angel. I would be lost without her, without Hearthwood.” She did not mention, however, that she still felt alone in this world, despite being surrounded by her new pack. There was a void so deep that she, alone, could not fill it. 

Everett had hummed a melody, softly, but she heard it, nonetheless. He had mentioned prayers, a term that was not entirely foreign to her, but one she did not practice. Though, it sounded similar to her own way of song making. Maybe she was also praying.

His sudden shyness had caught Reina off guard and she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her. He was handsome, for sure, but she also found him endearing and intriguing. “Only if you wish to share.” 

Her smile deepened, then, her heart skipping beats in anticipation. There was no expectation to how well he sang, if he chose to, though she couldn’t help but daydream slightly, hearing echoes of his voice as he sang for her. Only ever for her. 

She snorted a sudden laugh at how ridiculous her brain worked and immediately blushed. “I’m sorry, my mind sometimes drifts. Please, forgive me, I was not laughing at you.” 

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Another heavy blow. The only one Everett had lost was Rose, and the weight of that had nearly crushed him. Reina... she had lost everyone.

Oh... Reina, I -- I'm sorry, felt so small next to her loss, but what else could he say? Any platitude would feel empty. And whisper of the hope that Hearthwood would soothe the sorrows of her loss. Friends could be a healing balm, but couldn't replace the family she'd lost.

And he saw the change in her, like sunlight obscured by a cloud. And he the feeling, every steady breath. Concealed from breaking; the rain of tears never came, and he longed to comfort her. But though he shifted closer, he stopped short of touching her with the kind of empathy he'd often lend his sister. Uncertain, still, from the hesitancy she'd shown at being near him to begin with. Unwilling, still, to cause her discomfort in his attempt to help.

Her smile would meet his troubled gaze, speaking the comfort he could neither say nor give through any touch. But he was glad to hear that Reverie had been there first, to help her in ways only she probably could. Reverie, who had once been so broken herself. My sister is a woman few words can adequately describe, he said, allowing his careful smile again, but, I also think angel is a good one.

How much he sang to the Singer in thanksgiving that the Gilded Sea no longer caged her! His heart brimmed with wordless love for all He had done for them, at how far both he and Reverie had come.

If you wish to hear, then I wish to share, he finally said, but when her laughter broke the brief silence between them, his own voice cracked out in a nervous chuckle instead of song. Was it he'd said? Had he done something strange, or... ?

Oh, it happens, and he laughed with her, more relieved than anything, how about we walk, then? It'll be easier to keep your mind from wandering, and it would make it easier for him to sing for someone he'd never sung for before if he had something else to focus on, I will sing as we go. It's too beautiful a day to be sitting still, anyways.
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
“It’s alright. It can’t be helped…not that I don’t wish for time to reverse some days.” She longed for just one more hug from her father, a kiss on her brow from her mother, and a romp around their family lake with her siblings. But, she knew it would not come to be—all she could really ever hope for now is to become what her parents were to her: everything.

“Please forgive me, I’m sure you’ve noticed my…distance, for lack of a better word. I guess you can understand the reasoning now that I’ve shared some insight into my unfortunate life thus far.” There was some slight self-deprecation in her tone, a feeling she has not been able to rid herself of since the attack. 

In truth, she would gladly accept any comfort, and wondered how it would feel to be pressed up against the male’s chest? Would his fur be as soft as down? Would it tickle her nose and make her laugh? Would his heart quicken, or have no reaction to her touch? Would he sing her anxieties away?

She felt them now, just bubbling under the surface. Not because of him, but rather from the thoughts of her life as a whole. What would her future be like? There was a distant hope in her heart that, yes, she would be happy, but it seemed so out of reach.

The moments he spoke of Reverie were always accompanied by a soft and loving look, and Reina wondered of their relationship. Were they close? Everett has only spoken highly of her, so it was safe to assume that their relationship was a more positive one. She hoped, anyway. It made her heart happy to see her Coach’s family around.

His offer to sing for her on a walk left her feeling giddy. Her head bobbed enthusiastically, wordlessly encouraging him. With tail wagging furiously, her hind end slightly wiggling, she looked around the area, looking for places to show him! She thought of the lakes, Opal Lake and Fisherman’s Keep, and of the Meadow in the north of their homeland. Of the three, she decided on Fisherman’s Keep. Opal Lake was too close to the area of where she had been attacked and the Meadow was too far for her, too far away from the main area of her pack, and too close to the borders. 

“Have you been to Fisherman’s Keep? It’s a rather large and gorgeous lake. I visit there most often with it being so close to my den. Wait, no, that—that’s not the reason why I chose the Keep, I swear.” And she was absolutely flustered. Damn the male species, damn the hormones! Damn the slip of tongue. 

“Oh, please start singing, I can’t hear myself talk anymore!” Her embarrassment was evident; for the love of the sun and moon, could she be any more of a heat-crazed female?! She had told herself to be different, to choose herself over the wants and desires of males. And so she would continue, but, damn, did this charming male bring it out of her. He was polite and has not made any sort of advancement on her—she felt safe.

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
the weeping prophet
106 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
A time to reverse. Didn't he wish that, too? Yet at the same time he wondered what would have been different. Rose, Rose, she had been what shook the Gilded Sea from their damning delusions. The Singer, what shook him from his. The night of the fire, hadn't he still lay beneath the stars with the mushrooms at his paws? Crushed, but not eaten - and his vision, and her death, were what it took together to snap him out of his own stupor.

To turn back time would be to lose everything he had learned and discovered and grown into now. A better man.

It's okay, I understand, he reassured her. At least, as much as he could. He would never know what it was to be a woman. They faced fears he as a man would never experience. But he could find the empathy to understand. He did so with Reverie, he would do so now, with Reina, Healing takes patience, time. I know you will find it here, in time, another smile - oblivious to the thoughts that ran through the woman's mind. He merely felt a soft warmth blossom up like some spring time flower in his heart when he thought of Reina without fear and apprehension, living in the freedom he, too, had found in facing and overcoming the shadows of his own unfortunate life.

There was so much hope for her yet, and he prayed he might help her find it, he and all the wolves of Hearthwood.

For now, he would offer his part in song. Singing, after all, had a calming affect on the soul. And didn't he know it! Redeemed from the anxious cries he used to shout at the skies, always vexed, always hoarse, and ambling on when the rain didn't come. He sang for Adonai who saw him, now, who didn't base his worth on what he sung, and who sent the rains according to His song, instead of waiting for the wild dance of His creatures to reach Him first. He sang for the family, friends, and strangers He wove alongside him, like a tapestry threaded with many colours - red and cream and steel and gold.

Everett fell into easy step alongside Reina, with a humoured chuckle at the ramble of her nerves. I've never been to the Keep before. I would love for you to show me. It must have been beautiful, if she chose to set her den nearby. Even knowing her for these small moments, he took her to be a thoughtful wolf - a little jittery, but one whose eye seemed to turn towards that which was lovely and bright.

His smile broke with a laugh. I could listen to you talk for miles yet, and he meant it; she was good company, and his thoughts were calm with her. Something about her. Honest, and pure. Like she wasn't hiding anything. Refreshing, after a life of so many secrets. But if you insist,

And as they walked towards the lake, through the springlife awakening around them like a lamb from its sleep, he started to sing.
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Very minimal PP entering the lake area—let me know if it needs changing!

Her cheeks warmed with a blush as she guided him to the lake. This man, familiar yet unknown, was unlike anyone she had ever encountered. Apart from Tuft, who possessed his own unique qualities, Everett was kind, tender, and gentle. It was evident in his demeanor and the soft steadiness of his voice. And, what a voice he had.

In contrast, the men from her past, with the exception of her father, were domineering, harsh, and savage, believing everything was theirs to claim. She tried to shut their memories out, to ignore the fear and anxiety they brought, but they always seemed to find her, in the dark recesses of her mind. Her sleep, the little she would get, was always restless, their eyes haunting her from the shadows.

But here, in Everett’s presence, she felt protected, sheltered. His aura a shield, the shadows cannot touch her. She walked, quietly listening, the song like a blanket, a soft touch of calm enveloping her. The words were hopeful, enlightening, captivating, and left her wanting a far away kingdom.

She had allowed his song in full, the ending aligning with the beginnings of the Lake. Pulling away the guard of branches, she gestured for him to continue ahead, hoping to shield her face from the man. The song touched her, it spoke to her own dreams. Dreams that were only just ever so slightly just out of reach.

She gathered herself, again, before she spoke. “Your song was beautiful, Everett. I have never head it before. Thank you, I am…glad that you shared it with me.” What was unsaid, however, was how glad she was that he had come, that he had joined her. This lake was special, much like the lake in the Cavern. The Keep reminded her of the one she would visit with her own family.

The lake shimmered in the sun, birds seeming to swim below its surface as they flew above. A breeze skirted through the trees, swaying their branches as if welcoming the two wolves, waving them to the edge of the Lake. Small prey animals were out and about to feel the warmth of the sun, melting away the frigid cold of winter. Spring was still weeks away, but this day was a sign of the coming change of season.

Softly, Reina welcomed Everett to Fishermen’s Keep. “Welcome to the beauty of Hearthwood.”

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

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I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.