Neverwinter Forest Preposterous!
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
@Callyope??? <3
A meager kill, but it was enough to sustain him for now. Fable crunched the songbird's bones between his teeth, wincing as a bone fragment cut into his gums. For a moment he only stood there licking his lips like an idiot, trying to wash the taste of blood from his mouth.

Then, feeling properly foolish, he decided it was time to leave this forest behind. He stood with a shake of his coat and wiped the blood from his mouth. Onward and to the next Thing, then!
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
She stayed near to Moonglow, prepared to be on call at all hours. That didn't mean she was confined to just the village at all hours.

She stalked the forests to hunt, to see who crossed through.

Only a smear of red in the forest caught her attention. Not of blood but of fur. Her heart lurched and she could not stop herself from calling out β€”

Dying Sun?

She had not yet realized that the colors and build were wrong.

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Dying Sun?

He turned, ears perking at the unfamiliar name β€” title? Fable wasn't sure. Not dying yet, I hope, He called back, tail swaying slowly in a hesitant gesture of goodwill. After a moment he decided to step closer.

Looking for someone? Not him, that much was clear. No one had ever called him dying anything before, and he hoped no one else would for a long time yet.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv

She was flustered by herself to have mixed them up. Some part of her wondered if it was for the best that it had not been him. What would she have said to him?

Sorry. This offered with a deep bow of her head and sheepish smile.

I confused you for someone I knew. Had she hands they might have flapped to try and shoo off the mere idea! Instead her head only shook. But you are a new face!

She seemed far more radiant at this than she had moments before.

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
A charmed smile lit his features as the woman brightened. Fable dared another step closer, the friendly motion of his tail more prominent now. In truth he was mostly just relieved at her lack of disappointment; it might not have been anything personal, but he didn't think he could bear to be a disappointment to anyone just now.

I'd remember a face as pretty as yours, He agreed easily, letting his gaze linger on her a heartbeat longer. I'm new to these parts, actually. You live around here? Please be local. It wasn't like he was desperately lost or anything. Him? Never.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv

She had been home not even a full moon and the men seemed so kind. Well, maybe open, but he was kind wasn't he? He did not sputter the words of an overconfident man.

It was just a compliment, she told herself. It did not need to mean anything!

Yet her own amber eyes examined the warmth of his colors. Pleasantly delighted by the way he seemed like autumn incarnate.

I was born to the village that borders these woods. There was pride but not the haughty kind. She was only pleased to be home, pleased to welcome another new face to her days.

But there is a glacier that lays on the other side of these woods. I stay there when I am not needed at home.

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Another step brought him closer, and the sleeping poet in him woke, perhaps roused by her beauty. Sunset's reflection across pristine snowbanks; the pale autumn fluff of dandelions silhouetted by light. A bright winter morning. A flame flickering in a snowstorm.

Or just a beautiful woman. Fable blinked, a little starstruck by his own romantic musings. Tell me about it? He invited, tail sweeping round his legs as he sat. His gaze was filled with earnest curiosity β€” and perhaps something more, but for now it only manifested as warmth and sincerity in his words.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
She found she would have welcomed him very close. Already she had! Yet she wondered after him just like she wondered after White Elk.

Her cheeks burned hotter than his flamed furs.

It is a cold place with many caves for shelter. The hunting can be good if the slick ice does not scare you β€” or if it does, the forest is here. She laughed warmly and found herself reclining as well. Perhaps it will see more life soon.

A soft tap of her tail.

What lands do you like?

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Ice was not unfamiliar to Fable, but few things were by now. He thought sometimes that his real problem must be that he'd seen too much in far too short a time, constantly dragged to and fro by his restless fathers. So much concentrated living had left him a worn, jaded thing, the lines around his eyes far deeper than his years. Ready to retire right out of the cradle. Or so the theory went.

It did make for good stories, at least.

It's hard to choose a favorite, He murmured, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. I've seen mountains cloaked in ice and vast hot stretches of sand - no life around for miles. I've been lost in jungles with ferns taller than any wolf, stranded on islands with colorful birds and strange mismatched creatures. Saw one that looked like a beaver got busy with a duck. Real weird, that.

Easier to name my favorite people I've met, probably, Now his smile turned more genuine. I can already tell you'll be one of them. Why don't you show me your glacier? Fable rose, though he lingered a moment to allow her the opportunity to decline.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
She found the smallest bit of envy in herself, quickly smothered out by knowing that her own life was just beginning. He did not seem older than her but it has seemed like he had lived many lives!

She tried to imagine ferns that grew larger than a wolf. What even was a jungle anyway? It was not hard to imagine him matched alongside colorful birds on an island.

A beaver mixed with a duck!

Indeed the envy had died as long as he would share his stories.

You flatter! She barked warmly before she rose again. Her steps were light and quick as she dared fo begin the process of leading him. She did not yet tell him that she could not be there long. Perhaps he would not want to be there long either!

Come, I will show you many things.

if you want to fade this for one set at the glacier I'm happy to start, otherwise we can just continue on here! I'm not picky <3

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Wanna continue for a couple rounds & then have that new one? <3
Fable had never asked for more than a warm meal to fill his belly and good company. Somehow he rarely managed to find either of those things. It made this meeting all the more special, this chance encounter with the beautiful sunset-eyed woman whose name he still did not know.

A story to help pass the time, maybe? He offered with a sparkling sideways glance. It wouldn't be fair to leave the entertainment entirely in her hands, after all. And he hadn't missed the light in her eyes when he'd spoken of his travels. A wandering heart, then; searching eyes.

He couldn't relate, but he'd always been a sucker for the ones who wanted to hold the universe in their hands.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
perfect for me <3

You are smart company.

Her voice held some kind of humor, but mostly she was just pleased. This was a way for her to ask to hear more without worrying that he might feel...bored? She knew sometimes how it felt to rush all your words out at once and fear no one might listen to you β€”

She would listen.

She would guard his stories.

Will you tell me what a jungle is?

There was a grand wanting in her voice.

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
A jungle. It wasn't his favorite memory to revisit, but for a beautiful woman he would do his best. Fable would spend the remainder of their trip to the glacier recounting tales of his time in the jungle. The dangers of it, the wonders of it, the strange packs his fathers had taken him to. They'd performed for all of them just the same.

He'd hated most of it. But Fable left that part out.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
460 Posts
Ooc — siv
She was enamored.

She wanted to keep him, she wanted to spend hours listening to him, she wanted to live every moment just as he had. Callyope was aware that lately it seemed every kind or handsome face pulled this feeling from her. Yet she knew too that each one was special. Each held something different from the last.

I will have many hours of pleasure listening to your tales.

Pleasure β€” the word was free before she thought of it.

"inuktitut" || "common"
15 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Wanna have that new one now? <3
For perhaps the first time in his life, Fable was rendered speechless for a moment. He warmed under his furs, eyes searching her features briefly.

I certainly hope so, The Dubois-Mayfair finally murmured. Yes, he liked her.

Maybe he would stick around a little while.