Neverwinter Forest walk off the earth
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
Frolic stayed on the caldera’s outskirts for about a week before saying her goodbyes to @Maia, @Eljay and the rest of her family again. She didn’t know where she was going or when she would return—or even if she would, this time—but she couldn’t stay in a place like Brecheliant, what with her dark and dangerous secret.

She passed through Bramblepoint and emerged on the bank of Big Salmon Lake. She didn’t bother washing herself, though Frolic called out a farewell to @Seal, forgetting that her friend no longer lived on the nearby slope. She retraced her steps from there, following the river toward the coast, where she would head in the exact opposite direction of Fisher’s Ridge.

She spotted Neverwinter Forest from a distance and cut away from the river. The deep, dark woods were inviting and Frolic desperately needed a nap. She kept having nightmares about Otto and Merry finding her covered in Raveon’s blood. No matter how much she tried to explain she’d done it for them, they never understood. In her waking hours, Frolic hardly blamed them.

Her eyes felt dry and grainy as she approached the edge of the woodland. Frolic paused to rub at them with one dark paw. When she set her foot back on the ground, she didn’t immediately move into the trees, instead studying the fresh markers that lay thick along the tree line.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
it was known that both he and yuki had been without food and would need to eat soon.

leaving his travel companion in the dugout he'd made to sleep, he ventured off toward the nearest wood in the hopes of finding some fruitful dining.

he hadn't, however, expected to find the form of another so close.

they neared the edge of the treeline, and he paused, studying them carefully. 

from here, they didn't seem a threat. but with yuki close, he wouldn't take any chances. 

hunting would have to wait for now.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She began to turn, swarthy muzzle pointing at the nearby hot springs. Frolic did not deign to nap there, though she decided she would rather avoid fellow wolves right now. Perhaps she could find somewhere to nap in the mountain pass on the springs’ far side. Even a small overhang would serve.

She was too beat to notice the shadowy figure lurking nearby, watching her. Glancing one last time at the forest—curious despite herself, still a traveling socialite deep down—she began padding slowly toward Firestone.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
they went to move past him, clearly oblivious to his presence!

a faint, irritated growl slipped ash.

moving to cut them off, he stopped just a few paces ahead. who are you? he grunts out the words, eyes narrowed cautiously.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Frolic very visibly startled when a dark figure suddenly cut in front of her, halting her in her tracks and sending her scurrying backward a few paces. She blinked at the young man in her path, noting his icy gaze and the disfigurement of his face and neck. A little gasp escaped her before she could stop it.

Most likely he was part of the pack which claimed the forest behind her, though as he demanded to know her name, another possibility crossed Frolic’s mind: he could be a scout sent on behalf of Fisher’s Ridge. One of these things was far more probable than the other, though her chest tightened in sudden fear.

Are you—did Otto and Merry send you? Frolic eked out between pinched lips.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the gasp they gave upon looking upon him was like a slap to the face, reminding him of the marring dealt by his sister.

but nevermind that. he needed to focus.

names were spoken, and his head canted in confusion. who?

were they people she knew? maybe someone was looking for her. was she lost?

er— no... i'm a traveler, just passing through. though, the additions of where and with whom were left out.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She hadn’t realized her entire body had clenched until a single bewildered word allowed it to relax. Frolic blew out a shaky breath, relief mingling with a sense of intense dread. Was she really going to live like this: in fear that every unknown face was coming after her?

Oh, she mumbled before adding, me too.

She did not provide a name, nor did she ask his. Frolic took a few more steadying breaths, itching to get away from this stranger but fighting herself on that. She used to love meeting new people, especially if they wanted to talk shop about travel. Was that really ruined for her?

You look kind of young to be traveling, she found herself saying almost without thinking, although I’m definitely not judging. I left home when I was six months old.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
was he too young? he didn't think so. nor had others mentioned it.

but then, he'd only met two others so far.

i've been on my own for a while, he replies with a shrug. can't remember since when. well, he could. it'd been since he came across yuki at the beach. but, no—she didn't need to know that.

got any place in mind that you're headed? was she heading back towards the mountains? or maybe the valley? the dreaded place.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It sounded like he hadn’t struck out on his own by choice, like she had. Frolic’s lips parted, questions buzzing in her brain. It was a relief to focus on someone else, get a break from her dark and paranoid thoughts. She leaned in to the sudden opportunity with quiet intensity.

Did something happen to your family? she asked with a gentle look. No, she added in reply to his question.

She only had one directive: avoid Fisher’s Ridge. But of course she wasn’t going to mention that to a stranger. Frolic considered that confessing to someone might provide her with some relief, though she swore to herself she would never breathe a word about it to anybody, especially someone whose name she didn’t even know.
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37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
could she read through his expression? maybe his soul, even.

it was frightening.

something like that. he answers vaguely yet again.

but they didn't seem so bad after all. maybe yuki would even like a chance to meet her. they seemed close in age, after all.

there's a lake not too far, if you want a drink, he offers, softening up his glower a bit. there's someone called yuki, there. we're traveling together. if you happen upon her, tell her i sent you. it was a risk to tell her this much, maybe. but he could worry about the rest later. he needed to hunt.

i'm off to hunt... but, maybe we might cross paths again? if you haven't gone by the time i get back, that is.
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He didn’t want to talk about it, Frolic surmised from his vague answer. She wouldn’t push. Once, she might have wheedled him for the details, though Frolic had better manners now. Besides, she understood what it was like to hold secrets close to the vest.

His invitation caught her attention, though she found herself torn again. Frolic was tired and certainly not in the right mindset for company. She’d spent so much time fretfully running about lately, it was very tempting to cool her heels with a pair of fellow travelers. But…

How can I tell her who sent me, if I don’t know your name? Frolic asked, smile rueful. I wish I could and I appreciate the invite. But I need to catch some zees and then keep moving. Good luck on your hunt.

She did not actually wait for a name, nor did she provide hers. She did offer a salute, something young Frolic of yore would’ve handed out with a laugh and a smile back in the day. Now she only bit at her lip as she turned away from her fellow yearling, taking a resolute breath as she continued her search for a rest stop.
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