Lion Head Mesa Lovely leisure
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
Perhaps a Senmut, if possible? All others welcome if Senmut isn’t available for a thread. Since Ancient Egyptian Priests were part of embalming processes, I think he would be a good wolf to meet. 
Referenceing the group hunting thread.

It was nearing evening, and Tadihor had spent part of the day out in the field, tracking wild creatures under the watchful eyes of Rashepses and others. Her coat was dusty, dirty, the tall grasses having made her itchy.

She had asked fellahin who were roaming the halls, where she could cleanse. With a good, solid lead, she found her way to a bathing chamber, where she would wash away the sweat and dust from her earthen coat.

She had stepped into the water, which was not cold, but cool, a cool that felt good as she dipped her body, letting the water run off her coat. She sang a song in her native tongue as she went about her bath.
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon
All Welcome 
the wellspring was usually empty by the time racharra went for dips, so the girl was surprised to see that someone else had taken a spot.

a new face, too, racharra smiles to hide the hesitance.
i hope i am not disturbing you..
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
A voice from behind, and she turns to look. A dark young woman, a smile on her face. Tadihor returns the smile and responds: “No, not at all. If you want to bathe, I can share.”

And she shifted to the side of the pool to sit, motioning for the dark woman to come if she wished.

“I am Tadihor. I am new here, in the Red Palace.” And her eyes met those of the dark woman, “What is your name?”
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon
perhaps it was out of courtesy that the nebet had asked the woman for permission — she's not sure!

when space is made for her, she dips gently and with grace — mostly to avoid letting it overflow.

racharra, nebet of akashingo. i've lived here for most of my life, it's refreshing to see new face in the palace.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The dark woman, Racharra, had gracefully dipped into the pool of water. 

“Nebet Racharra, it is pleasure to meet you.” Tadihor grew a curious look to her face, “Tell me, what does Nebet do? I wish to learn more of new home.”
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon
she raised a brow — for a woman who carried herself so confidently around the palace and even now in the wellsprings, racharra believed she knew exactly what her and everyone elses' positions.

i'm a noble lady, i travel and help create alliances, all while representing akashingo.
she didn't know why she'd been given such a rank, nor had she ever asked. if she did, her answer would've perhaps been from the kindness of toula's heart. but even a prisoner is met with that kindness, so even that racharra will never understand.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Tadihor’s eyes glimmer, “A noblewoman. A fine role that is. To travel the land, build ties. You must be a strong, loyal woman.”

She spoke of herself, yet she hoped she did not seem as though she was bragging. It was Racharra who was of status within the palace. “Back in my homeland, I was born to noble parents. I was higher up in the ranks, but had no official tasks. I studied. Studied under alkahanas (priests) and almuhanitins (embalmers), in the art of mummification. Preserving life and soul of those who pass on to the next life.”
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon
must be strong and loyal? racharra nodded only to keep up appearances.

ah? what has brought you so far away from home, then? akashingo didn't have any bodies to practice the art of mummification upon, yet, so if her mentor had referred tadihor to the palace then they may have to wait.
well. she could practice on rashepses. a smile trickled its way through racharra's lips, a giggle seeping through at the thought and her training in restraint was failing her like a damn about to overflow all that it contained. racharra bites her lips, and prays for forgiveness.
my apologies — i assume you enjoy it?
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Oh, what brought her here? Well, that was kind of complicated, but…. 
“I was sent from my homeland on a journey, and while my origins are missed, I hope to make my place in this life.”

She noticed Racharra giggle, then bit her lip to stifle her amusement, but Tadihor returned the light spirit, “Accepted. I do. Though death is sensitive subject, embalmers and priests make sure that they have a safe and sure travel to next life.

“Does the Divine one have need of such a skill? I have not seen him since my acceptance. I wish to know more of the Semer-Wati, Rahsepses.”
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon
this place is wonderful — i'm sure you will come to call it home some day. she relaxes, her giggle-fit subsiding.

i do not know much of the divine consort. he comes from the kingdom of ta-senet, i believe.. came to marry Pharoah when she was still queen. beyond that, i think he speaks for himself. she is not going to flatter the man's image even as pretend. racharra is many things, but she is no fan-bearer. 

your skill will be needed for if one of the royals pass, though that is handled by the erpa-ha. perhaps you may be of assistance to him as an embalmer when the time comes. but let us hope not. she has grown tired of tragedies. for now, her lessons and conclusions speak through her. your skillset is honorable, but for it to be used requires hurt, unfortunately. that is what is so sensitive of death.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She listened carefully, showing her attention, understanding, through gestures.
Racharra made a great point, and Tadihor's skill would not be of need unless tragedy happened. Her curiosity was once again piqued, however, at the mention of an Erpa-ha, a priest. She would ask of him later, but for now... "This is true. It was hard to overcome, and still, none are immune to it. The effect of tragedy.”

"Pardon my asking, but, who is this Erpa-ha that you speak of?"
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon
that's why it must be avoided, for as long as possible. she mutters underneath a gentle breath. the nebet relaxes in her seat until the woman asks more of senmut.

he's absent now, i think. out fulfilling his own duties, but he is the prince-priest. you will see him eventually however, perhaps you will hve more to speak with him with than with myself. racharra offers tadihor a smile.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
33 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
A smile was given in return, “I shall eagerly await his arrival.” —  Then a tilt of her head, “This is not entirely true. I believe you have made fine company, and I’m honored to be among the ranks.” “Wherever the pharaoh sees fit.”

Tadihor looked down at her paws, bringing one of them up out of the water. She chuckled at how wrinkled the surface of her paw pads had become. “I will be ending my bath, before my paws are prunes. Thank you, for this meeting, Racharra.”

Going to end here. Make way for some new content. :D Thank you Bon, it’s always fun writing with you.
Arabic” — “Common”
Speaks basic common. Heavily accented. Speaks in short sentences. 

ogre maiden
320 Posts
Ooc — bon

racharra nods. anytime. is all she says as tadihor exits the wellsprings. her body sinks lower, and lower.
until she submerges. for a moment, her heart races but relaxes just as quickly.
it was just the water and her thoughts now.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this