Northstar Vale You were in the parking lot earlier; that's how I know you!
Little Hotaru had been growing ever more curious as the days passed. Some days she even slipped out when Reiko wasn't looking! It's ok though, or at least in the little Princess' head since she never wandered too far. Generally, she was just entertained by a flower or the clouds, but today she had been a bit more daring.

Twiggy legs carried the girl awkwardly as she waddled near the den. She had been unaware of other homes nearby, so far life contained her and her family just as it should. Speaking of...wasn't that her mom? Hotaru looked to Hime before glancing back towards her own den, surely she had just left her. How did she get over here? And worse! There was a stranger here! Had she been replaced? The other pup didn't even look like her family who were they?

Hotaru rushed to her mother's side with the idea of gluing herself to the side of her leg as she often did. Only after did she poke her head out again to look at this other kid. She was definitely confused, wolves were supposed to be white. This one was grey. Maybe she just had something on her though like when Sumi fell in the mud. A disgruntled grunt slipped out of her followed by a short garble that only she would understand. Words. Still had to work on those. Either way, her message was clear. She wanted to know what her mom was doing with this non family member.
#DDA0DD speech, #66cc00 singing, pawprint, Hotaru's Playlist  4/5* 4/5*, * = incomplete threads