Neverwinter Forest When I called the mathematicians and I asked them to explain.
128 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Last for me but I'm going to make a new one for Towhee and... Killdeer? Maybe near Epoch. Or Towhee's will be IN Epoch and Killer's will be somewhere near. *babbling* <3

Jack leaned into the touch offered by Killdeer.

It was good to be around family, he thought. It sucked to think about his sister, though. It sucked to remember her broken, instead of the way she had been – smart and quick and stupidly strong. How had she let herself die? Jack couldn’t stop thinking about it. He wanted to go back in time and warn her. He wanted to tell her that she was a giant doodoo head and lure her into the trees with his taunting. The boy would have taken any outcome beyond what they had been given.

As Killdeer raced away, Jack pressed himself against Towhee. He closed his eyes and nuzzled into the dark of her fur.

I’m sorry, mom, he whispered, knowing she would not hear him. Tears pricked at his eyes again. The young wolf did not let them fall. He only wanted to be close to his mom.
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RE: When I called the mathematicians and I asked them to explain. - by Jack Snipe - February 10, 2023, 11:41 PM