Redtail Rise It is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness
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Ooc — Van
Carrion felt her frustration rise. Found?! she wanted to wail. Why must I look at all!

She knew this was a complaint of the weak - of the frightened. If she ever expected to support her pack beyond hunting or catch the handsome eye of Tall Hill, then it was simply something that must be done, as Wealda said.

Still! Her exasperation with the situation battled freely with her resolve (and it would not be until Swooping Cloud's sudden affliction that she would fully decide).

I don't have to find the river, she mumbled, somewhat petulant. The river will find me. The answers had to be here on the Rise! Nowhere else. Determined to prove this, she abruptly pivoted from Redd and skittered away in a haughty effort to root out answers she most certainly would not find.