Dragoncrest Cliffs tanpèt lannwit
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
957 Posts
Ooc — ebony
as before, each young one would receive a vision. beneath the great moon, above the saltwater, these youths of sapphique soon dreamt and the lwa moved among them.
first granted vision for @Shadess. led away from the rush of the everlasting sea, viridian grass sprung up beneath her paws. watercolor hues of flowering vines hung round the girl, and splashes of sunlight marked where water glittered in freshwater sweetness among the gentler winds. butterflies winged; waterfalls sang. another one comes early to the sea. your heart has never failed in its devotion, emerald eyes opening with soft smile before the branches swallowed his visage and he was gone. in peace, in comfort, would shadess wake.

Loco is the Loa of vegetation and land flora, largely associated with trees. He also has healing properties, which he gives to the leaves (herbs). He will appear as a wise, grey wolf with dark green eyes, who might smell of comforting woodsmoke. He may also appear as a butterfly. He is an excellent judge of character, and can transform into wind at will. He has an influence over the growth of land plants, and can be appealed to for lush herb growth, as well as for healing purposes. Offerings for Loco should include rabbit meat and dried sage. He prefers his offerings to be left in the woodlands, covered with straw or grasses.

pixabay,  #0f26b6

second the lwa came for @Lafayette, whose sleeping thoughts would weave into a redveined dome. he would open his eyes to the sound of a rushing, rushing drum, and a child's shy laughter encircling his ears even as he curled inside this dreaming womb. look! cried the pale boy who at last showed himself, spreading his arms until they turned to the white-feathered wings of a crane. see what your heart has craved? and the stars fell down through the space of scarlet heartbeating, glitterspills of glassblown light which glowed greater and greater until at last the boy awoke.

Obatala is the Loa of the sky and stars. He is also responsible for children still growing in the womb. He will appear as a young-looking wolf with fair, whispy white fur, and puppy-blue eyes. He may also appear in the form of a white crane. He may seem both wise and child-like, thoughtful and playful. He is most often prayed to for the health of unborn pups, but also if a wolf is looking for more direction in their lives. His favourite offerings are snails, and he prefers that they be left on a stone slate under a full moon.

jess,  #6388df

the third dream was for @Sobeille, whose slumbering mind would envision the darkening of sunset over a deep navy sea, the sun dying to a lacking glow on brined horizon. black sand beneath her paws and the absence of morning preceded the flutter of feathers then. revealed; a womanly figure which did not keep its shape but blurred between wolf and owl. claws ended her palms; shark's-teeth her mouth. forsake all others, that sharpened mouth whispered. kill for Marinette an' you be rewarded. a lwa of evil, or perhaps only one who now held formal command over the violence which led sobeille now.

A visit from Marinette-Bwa-Chech is most certainly a nightmare- but she is also very powerful. Only wolves visited by Marinette-Bwa-Chech on their coming-of-age can appeal to her and seek her help- but she must be worshipped, and all other Loa must be forsaken. She takes the form of an owl — or anything else she wants. All others who attempt to communicate with her might be besought with nightmares and illness. In order to even get her attention, she must be appeased a plucked bird on the night of a new moon, every month, without failure. It can be left anywhere- the shapeshifter will find it.

peakpx,  #715146

fourth did the dreams move for lucette, though it seemed even as sobeille's eyes wakened beneath her lids did Marinette sweep with clawed hands to cup the dreams of her sister. owl-flung; she opened her mouth and a horde of mouse bones poured from the blackened throat; kill for me, girl. kill an' i will make you strong. a cackling, cold laugh, for the lwa had prevailed twice this night. a loon's screaming shattered the black night above lucette's head and then a second blink would bring the reality of a true darkness.

This is an evil spirit, but respected by wolves nonetheless for her ability to intervene with fate. She might speak of horrible crimes, utter threats, and use scare tactics to invoke fear. She does not have only one wolf form, but many- and will shape-shift from one wolf form to another- even impersonating the other Loa- but she can easily be identified due to her long, curved claws. She can also appear as a screech owl.

unknown,  #597383

ah! poor @Jean-Heron, for the last dream would warp in upon itself, narrowing the boy's mind to a pinprick of light upon which a great blackness prevailed. look well, uttered the disembodied voice in a roaring garble, and suddenly the son of the shoreline would find himself surrounded by the slit-eyed demonism of goat-eyes and their thousands of hooves. laughter, and jean-heron was dripping with blood which ran down from the lwa's grinning mouth. i be L'inglesou, an' you be de firs' to catch my eye, salt child. a wink, that tiny spinning portal of black light expanding, expanding. do not lose it. jean-heron would wake to the taste of salt in his mouth.

This is one of the loa free masons. When feeding this loa, all meat prepared for him must be liberally salted. He prefers the ends of the tongue, ears, front teeth, and the end of a tail of a goat. When this loa mounts somebody, it is violent and his voice is highly distorted. he is a well-known and dangerous guard spirit within the Haitian Vodou pantheon. Though this loa is widely revered in Haiti, his character and manifestation are not as well known in the Western world. He is believed to be the ultimate judge of justice, punishing those who have wronged others. This loa is not to be played with as he is not as jovial and free-spirited as his cooler contemporaries. Instead, he provides protection and ensures that justice is served for those who have been wronged. Likewise, he exacts vengeance in the worst way. As such, he is regarded as a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

wallpapers,  #aa7777

once more would it be the role of those others gathered upon the beach to welcome the young wolves when they had come back, to explain in reverent detail the meaning of each dream. thus was another generation of sapphique youth seen and weighed by the wondrous watchful spirits of their sacred seacliffs.

@Sobeille @Jean-Heron: sorry for double tags, this is to lyk that i changed ur banners after the first tag bc i didnt like them lol F

2025 mireille pups will be based on interest. 1/4 available.
PM me if u would like to privately adopt <3
Messages In This Thread
tanpèt lannwit - by Mireille - November 19, 2024, 02:20 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Sobeille - November 21, 2024, 03:44 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Dogfish - November 21, 2024, 03:56 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Lafayette - November 21, 2024, 11:03 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Shadess - November 24, 2024, 01:47 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Chani - November 26, 2024, 07:15 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Jean-Heron - November 30, 2024, 02:37 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Lucette - December 08, 2024, 02:40 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Mireille - December 08, 2024, 03:49 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Shadess - December 08, 2024, 07:57 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Lafayette - December 12, 2024, 12:31 AM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Sobeille - December 12, 2024, 08:42 AM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Chacal - December 14, 2024, 01:45 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Jean-Heron - December 23, 2024, 07:36 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Mireille - December 26, 2024, 07:25 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Lafayette - December 29, 2024, 08:30 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Sobeille - January 12, 2025, 01:59 PM
RE: tanpèt lannwit - by Shadess - February 08, 2025, 10:40 PM