January 30, 2020, 12:41 AM
The subsequent comments were harsher than Ying had expected. It seemed that neither wolf understood despite her efforts to communicate. She huffed a sound of frustration, eyes darting between Hua and Aningan.
Ying would try once more to explain her feelings before allowing the topic to wilt.
Tired does not matter with love.The weight of her burden was weighing heavy on her shoulders, this was true, but Ying would never willingly give it up.
They okay, but only happy by water. I want them happy.Did he understand this? She wondered if anyone had been around to love him the way that the sisters loved one another.
Ying would try once more to explain her feelings before allowing the topic to wilt.
I don't want just friend like you want. I want— what? spit it out! —
You not want me in a way like I want you, so I can leave.She looked to Hua, hoping that she would verify whether it had been clearly worded.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 30, 2020, 01:01 AM
Aningan’s gaze snapped to the other sister as she spoke, struggling to piece together his own comment. “I know she’s not delicate,” he settled for saying. “But… even the strongest wolves need help sometimes. Why can’t I offer my help?” He wondered how much would be different, had help been asked for in the past. Would his own siblings still be with him? Would Caiaphas still have been turned away? He just wanted to help—all he ever wanted to do was help.
“Shouldn’t you be happy, too?” he asked. “Are you happy protecting them?” Was he happy trying to protect Rusalka? He liked to think he was—but moments like this one made him question it. But this conversation had him questioning a lot of different things, too. Especially when she continued on about not wanting to just be friends. What more was there?
“You say I don’t want you but how do you know?” How could she know when he did not? “Maybe I don’t want to be friends, either!” He never actually thought about it; to Aningan, there were friends, family, and strangers. But could there be something more than friends but less than family? Did Ying want to be family? The more she said, the more he thought—and the more confused he made himself, struggling to understand and come to terms with everything.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
January 30, 2020, 01:18 AM
Ying still seemed frustrated, and now Huā wondered if she had misunderstood. Was she as foolish to her sister's intent as the boy? Cheeks reddening under charcoal face, her eyes dart between them as they speak once again. And at Ying's last words, some more puzzle pieces fall into place. She blinks at the realization.
Ying loved Aningan.
Perhaps it fell deafly upon Aningan, who seemed confused still. Or maybe it was their inability to use the language well. But Huā felt she knew the language well enough to make it clearer- perhaps it was so confusing because Ying was walking on eggshells trying to explain. Her seaglass eyes grow calm, like a still sea, and she looks upon Aningan once again.
She would not bother to stick around longer. She gives Ying a quiet look that says good luck, before taking off rather quickly. She had already intruded on enough.
Ying loved Aningan.
Perhaps it fell deafly upon Aningan, who seemed confused still. Or maybe it was their inability to use the language well. But Huā felt she knew the language well enough to make it clearer- perhaps it was so confusing because Ying was walking on eggshells trying to explain. Her seaglass eyes grow calm, like a still sea, and she looks upon Aningan once again.
She not just like you, she love you! Can you not see it!?She sighs in exasperation. She knew her sister might be angry at her for this later, but it seemed they could not communicate clearly because they would not bother to communicate clearly. Why not be completely honest? That was her viewpoint.
She would not bother to stick around longer. She gives Ying a quiet look that says good luck, before taking off rather quickly. She had already intruded on enough.

January 30, 2020, 01:27 AM
The conversation took a confusing turn. Aningan's rebuttal to Hua's words brought forth a low growl that grew quieter as he continued to speak. She would not respond to his initial queries, instead choosing to focus on the latter half. Her sister chimed in — she love you! — and Ying spun around, barking to the charcoal-faced sylph,
Ying stomped with her hind leg, huffing once more.
No, I..., she began, face tight with thought,
Why you don't act like it?Continuing with the attacks was easier than letting them go.
This whole time, 'You my friend, Ying'— she was mocking him then, bouncing one paw along to her teasing voice —
'What more than friend, Ying?' Why you play with me?She took a step closer, her eyes honed in on his,
It's not nice!
Ying stomped with her hind leg, huffing once more.
You want friends or no?she asked. A small smile teased at the corner of her maw, despite her efforts to maintain a serious facade.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 30, 2020, 01:40 AM
She love you! Huā threw out, taking him by surprise. What was surprising more than that was the way Ying reacted, and then how her sister fled the scene. If that were the case, then why didn’t she just say so in the beginning! Frustration took hold, realising that all the shouting could have been avoided. But they weren’t done yet!
Ying continued, now mocking him and questioning him all in the same breath. “I don’t know, I—” What was he supposed to say next? “I didn’t mean to not be nice!” How was he playing with her? Whilst she took a step closer, he remained glued down where he stood. Everything was whirling around in his head, confusing him and nearly making him sick. She loved him—but she wanted to be more than friends?
Another question and he felt himself pushed over the edge, grappling for the right answer. “No!” came rushing out. “I don’t want to be friends.” The smile, ever so small, went unseen—all he could see was her oceanic gaze as he sought confirmation that he’d finally said something right.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
Then, what?Ying demanded. She didn't think that either of them really knew, but hoped that she could shift the burden of naming this "agreement" onto Aningan. Mateship was too much of a commitment, but being friends wasn't enough.. so what was there? She didn't want another fling, especially during the season. She stood tall while awaiting his response.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 30, 2020, 02:04 AM
Then, what?
What else was there? Panic followed as he desperately searched through his mind. Strangers, friends, family. Strangers, friends, family. On repeat, in his head, echoing relentlessly. “Then… then—” What? “Then we will be like Rosalyn and Erzulie!” They were family, he’d determined long ago, but there was always something else there. Something he didn’t have a name for. The concepts of dating and mateship were lost on him entirely—Aningan didn’t know jack shit about any of that sort of stuff.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
Wait, what? Rosalyn and Erzulie...really? Ying would have to verify this once the argument was ended. She looked Aningan over, stomping again and sounding a short, pompous whine.
Another thought dawned on her then. If Aningan and Ying did become official, then he would be her family. His prior responses implied that he didn't plan to leave Rusalka, so what if the sisters did decide to go back to the coast? Who would she have to stay with?
Later, she would seek out both Hua and Mei to talk things over. She took another step closer, this time using her snout to boop! Aningan's before turning and leaving the scene.
Fine!she shouted back, not completely sure as to what she'd just consented to.
Another thought dawned on her then. If Aningan and Ying did become official, then he would be her family. His prior responses implied that he didn't plan to leave Rusalka, so what if the sisters did decide to go back to the coast? Who would she have to stay with?
Later, she would seek out both Hua and Mei to talk things over. She took another step closer, this time using her snout to boop! Aningan's before turning and leaving the scene.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)

January 30, 2020, 02:19 AM
Ying agreed and the male felt relieved at last—he said something right this time. Did that mean their argument was over? He sure hoped so; he hated arguing with her, or anyone in Rusalka, for that matter. But then she closed what space remained between them and had had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, which was soon shooed away by the delivery of a boop to his snout.
What just happened?
Before he could ask, Ying was already leaving. Rather than staring after her, as he tended to do in the past, Aningan took off in the opposite direction—he had to find Rosalyn or Erzulie and quick. He had so many questions.
Characters are more than welcome to mistake Aningan for a polar bear.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
A snowy owl can also be noted hanging around with Aningan, usually in the trees or sky, unless stated otherwise in my posts.
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