Blacktail Deer Plateau Witchy woman
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pack Formation 
Ash Paw slid along the late evening shadows. They played peekaboo with her patches of color. Lighting one up and then the other. She kept her head moving to and fro as she walked. Her gaze staying alert. This was the time of Amarok. He who would devour all who hunted at night. Though she had done her best to appease him upon the blood moon.

There were new scents upon the pack lands, but she had yet to meet them all. She knew Ingram had been busy, but she hadn't realized how busy until she was set to travel at night, and with no distractions and just her nose. There were at least three that she knew of that had joined their ranks. 

She smiled to herself. As she headed towards the borders. She would make a brief foray to leave her own waters, and fur and claws. Then she would perhaps fix upon her altar of bears and work at building it. It was long overdue.
146 Posts
Ooc —
don't mind me hogging all your threads! lol

The visions of Ingram bore something knew into him.

So he worked, diligently. One of the things spoken of had been bonds. He had none yet other than the one to the Dreadfather. This would need to remedy on the path he walked now.

And it was in the shadows of darkness that he spotted a woman. Eye catching in every way, unique and mysterious.

Mind if I come with?

He could handle rejection if need be.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Never <3 :D

Ash Paw knew of Ingram's visions and bones. Had known he would utilize them more and more as time went on. Because he was what he was. A seer, a god, a daedra, whatever it was he felt to be. She had not asked him for a reading, nor would she. There were some things you needn't know.

A voice curled from the darkness. Cloaked upon her pelage of many colors and dug deep into the ears of black. Swiveled upon her head. Drawing body up, haughty, queenly. She turned, bright blue eyes tracing the multicolored male that came near and upon. He was young, younger than she. A youthful rangy look still clinging to him, much like Ingram. A look of careful consideration drew across her dainty muzzle and she spoke, voice quiet, soft. 

I don't mind. I am simply fixing the borders. Keep an eye out for Amarok. He will devour those who hunt upon the night time.

Tiny petite paws traced backwards to step into position near the other. He was large, larger even than ingram, and he made her feel tiny and small. She knew she was, but it was not often that she felt it.
146 Posts
Ooc —
He felt like he had seen her before.

Only in the way she composed herself before him. Like somebody untouchable, holy and noble. How his intrigue rose! He did not hide the sense of pride in himself as she looked him over.

But he did not strut, he did not aim to win her over in any fashion.

She was a woman, a member of this community. Not somebody to simply gawk at boyishly.

And who is this Amarok?

He asked as he fell in line alongside her step.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw was a prideful wolf. She was haughty and cruel at times, though she hardly ever meant to be. But her gods meant more to her than any mortal tie. Though she wasn't certain if it was because she loved them fully or if it were simply a loneliness to cling to, but she also didn't wish to delve to deep into the psyche of herself.

Pride clung to him in drapes of silvery soft. Though he didn't preen, he didn't need too. What a pack they were building, of the prideful and the haughty. Those who had farther to fall than most. The pedestals of their own making, higher and higher they grew.

To his one paw step she had to take two or three. It was uncomfortable, but she didn't speak. Instead she listened to his question. one soft ear turned towards him and the voice of hushed whispers. 

Amarok is a solitary wolf, a godling, whom devours those foolish enough to hunt among the shadows of nightfall without his leave. He belongs to Atka and Sos, the great bears.
146 Posts
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For a moment he wondered if this was a pack mate, only to quickly learn that this was instead another religion.

Amarok was a godling.

He did not grasp exactly what that meant, but he listened with intrigue all the same. Waiting until she had finished before he spoke up.

You'll have to forgive me, He offered genuinely. I've only just seen the religious side of Basilica. I'd like to learn, though.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Truth be told. Some of what she said was filled to the brim with wrong amswers and half truths. Ahe had not studied under any shaman of the bears. Though ahe had gleaned all she could from her grandmothers memories.

Ash Paw gave a soft chuckle. There is more than one religion in these lands. I hope you are eager to learn. Dreadfather speaks of daedra, i follow the bears. A melding of many.

She stopped to cut paws across the ground. Dig deep grooves of scent to float amongst the borders of their home.

To put it simply. Atka is life and beginning. Sos death and the end. Much like The dreadfathers Sithis.
146 Posts
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Daedra and bears.

He had only been exposed to the way of the bones, of a glimpse into the Dreadfather's ancestors. He had been rewarded (he felt) greatly for it too. Yet here he was uncertain what awaited him in the woman's words.

She cut grooves, he hiked a leg against a free. Prepared to mark pungently. They would continue to lay claims along the land as they discussed.

But there is more than just the bears it sounds, He noted with deep warmth. You seem to have a multitude of creatures to be worshiped.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw had no recollection really of what the Daedra had gone through as he had read the bones, that one day. Beneath the boughs of the raven's trees. Where dark shadows met the light and retreated. All she remembered was the aching feeling of knowing everything was going to change, and perhaps for the better. However, getting there was possibly gonna be bloody and she didn't have enough sacrifices.

At his next words, her ire grew and she stopped midstep and turned to study him. Narrowed blue eyes at his face, the fierceness of her family, of her soul showing through as she pursed her maw and spoke voice low and rather cold.

I only worship Atka and Sos. Do I know not to anger those that follow them, yes. And Amarok gets one sacrifice during this time of year and that is all. Do not mistake my healthy dose of safety for Heresy. I will rip your throat out upon my altars and watch your blood color my paws.

She quirked a brow and huffed. And then returned to her movements. The creatures that color my religion. Are those of the spirit animals or Loa. And creatures that can harm or heal. There are some like Amarok of course, but they are only during certain times of year. No, the followers of Shearwater, follow Atka and Sos.
146 Posts
Ooc —
She was brimstone and hellfire.

Somehow he had misstepped in his curiosity and she would have his throat for it. Literally, it seemed. They had only just been acquainted and she wished to murder him.

Did she greet all who had a curiousity this way?

I did not mean to offend so deeply. He admitted with a deep rumble, some sense of exhaustion seeping into the edge of his words.

This is why I wish to learn.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Perhaps she had been crueler than she meant, but she felt the need to show her entire deck to begin with. She was not an easy woman. But if you earned her respect and her loyalty she allowed her softer edges to show. Little did he realize she had attacked Ingram in their first encounter and look at them now, almost friends. Better to be hard in the beginning and soft later.

She heard the exhaustion and studied him. Eyes taking in his face and roving. Seeking. Searching. She gave a nod. 

it is forgiven. And I will teach if you still have the want to learn.

She tilted her head forward, and gave a soft shake of her fur. The pretty colors dappled by stars. I sacrifice small animals and herbs to my gods and goddesses. There are many rituals, and each full moon is a different one. 

This is from an old board i used to rp on, before this one. It explains some of her stuff that she is speaking of if you're curious.
146 Posts
Ooc —
ohh that is so helpful, tysm!!

She simmered down and he felt a small wave of relief. Although now he knew to be on his toes around her.

Is company ever allowed or must they be private rituals? He inquired, softer now. Less inclined to possibly offend her with presumptions and instead ask only questions.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She turned to him eyes glowing, happy to answer. Both. One that i can think of that is all encompassing is the age of ascension. Once A child reaches 1 year of age. There is a feast in their honor and they are ascended into the ranks of the adults. There is much revelry.

She tilted her head, with a smile. There is room for interpretation of course as well. I know the basics, but I must admit. I learned much of what I know from my grandmother. It was her pack years ago, that were of the shearwater. So there are questions I do not have answers for.

She frowned. Most in the bay would follow either Atka or Sos. I choose not to do this. I refer to have balance in my life. Dark and light. Without one there wouldn't be the other.
146 Posts
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A ritual of age, of adulthood.

It was a ritual he himself was too old to take part in! Unless there was a youth lurking about somewhere that they had to plan for. A thought quickly tossed aside in favor of learning.

Atka and Sos. A grandmother had passed them on and now they lived within the plateau, within this woman.

He hummed a note of thoughtful understanding.

I ask in a hypothetical way, He clarified first with a soft look before he continued. If I learn from you, am I expected to chose? Or will you show me both like you follow?

He ran himself along the grooves of a tree.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash had a small celebration when she had turned of age, but it had only been a small affair, between her and her auntie. her granma to old to help. And her father, well he was gone.

She tilted her head at him, rearing up on back legs to scratch grooves into trees, and then a tuft of fur along a bramble. She chewed on his words, noting the subtle difference between this question and his haughty ways earlier. He was teachable at least, and she had been a bit harsh she supposed, but that was now over.

I would not make you choose. You can certainly choose if you please. I heard of a shaman, who had followed Sos, he was a fearsome creature. But as I said I would choose balance. And that is what I teach. Unfortunately if you were to choose a different path than mine, it would be one you would need to walk beyond me.
146 Posts
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Another thoughtful hum offered as he considered her words.

She balanced and that was what she taught. If he learned her ways but decided to follow only one, he would walk the path alone. Beyond her and her teachings.

Would it help the path to Wocha?

He could not say, not without walking it. Yet he also had no learned enough to decide upon a religion! If he would even take one up!

You've given me much to think about. There is appreciation in his voice, warm and kind.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fade? Thank you for the thread <3

He hummed in response, his thoughts clearly working over time. Though of what she wasn't certain. She closed her eyes for a moment enjoying the night air. Though cold. There was a time when those you had taught surpassed you, and they should. It was the way of the world. So she was not upset at the potential of gathering a student for him to move forward. 

I hope you think hard about it. This is not an easy path. Thank you for listening with an open mind.

I can be. She wet her muzzle, thinking of how to word it. Well frankly I can be difficult.
146 Posts
Ooc —
fading!! :D

His tail waved softly behind him as it seemed they would split here for the night.

You have your rights to be, and I do not mind it. Thank you, again. Respectfully he dipped his muzzle towards her, scratching along a tree near her one last time.

He then turned himself towards the heart of the land and began his journey back to his own space.