Thunder Dome Fools Rush in
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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All Welcome 
The storm was slowing. It no longer wailed and screamed around her. At her paws was a half eaten bat. A little gamey, it was strange to look at creatures like that. They looked like little fuzzy puppies and if she wasn't careful that mother's heart that was filled to the brim with hate and steel, and that small little tenderness, wouldn't have been able to eat em.

But survival was something she was good at, and she would be absolutely damned if she didn't get some tender care here in this godforsaken place. Her body hurt, her soul hurt, but she was getting better slowly as the days moved and she wasn't forcing herself to march. She'd be out to find Colt and the others eventually, but right now. This silent existence she was liking it just fine.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
His injured paw had healed well thanks to Lenina. But it wasn't for but a few weeks ago that it felt back to normal and ready to face rough terrain like the lightening scorched tops of the thunder dome.

The companionship he had gained with his interactions with Lenina had been pleasant. Despite entering this area only a handful of months ago, days spent with others of her caliber was something he longed for more of.

As luck would have it a wolf appearing as though she had been born of the clouds above caught his eye. A tattered creature lay half eaten before her. Not wanting to startle or invoice a resource guarding response, he let his presence be known. "Good day Miss"
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
A noise and she lifted down head. Grey eyes narrowing in on the wolf in front of her. A low warning growl for him not to come any closer, but she didn't move to intercept or snap. Just watched him with wary eyes.

Hello. She drawled. A brown creature with a slight limp. She didn't know him from adam, but she supposed some company was better than no company so she waited for him to say more.

Why are you out in a hells teeth storm?
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He took a step back hearing her rumbling growl. Not because he was scared but because he did not wish her any discomfort that may have been caused by his proximity.

Despite her less than positive response, he remained pleasant. "I suppose I have nowhere more pressing to be and its bite has lessened... Where you hoping for some privacy?" he asked earnestly.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
HE stepped back. Good He was trainable at least. She eyed him again and then gave him a nod towards the ground. 

Yew ken bunk down there if yew want. I'm not adverse to come company.

She pressed the bat forward if he wanted some. She didn't have a lot of manners, but she could certainly pull some from the thin air, maybe. Lucky for him she was in an amicable mood.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
As she spoke he noticed an interesting twang and slur to her works. An experienced accent he thought.

Her standoffish behavior didn't last for long and her prey was pushed in his direction. "Oh no. It's all yours" his response was quick. His rejection was instinctual, not because of the tattered state of the game, but at the thought of depriving even little food from her by consuming it himself. "... I've already eaten" he corrected not wanting to sound rude.

"What brings you out into the storm" he returned.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
She knew her accent made everyone wonder, but she didn't give one whit. It was as much of her as every thing else that belonged to her. Though Colt's and Reno's were much thicker.

Alright if yer sure. She pulled it back to her and nodded at him, but she didn't eat it. Instead she settled it nearby for later if she got hungry again. She was pretty good for now. Stomach full.

Got lost in it. Now waiting until it's all done, and getting a little rest.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Her being lost made it sound to Andr as though she actually had a place to go.

She didn't finish her kill... although that was an assumption. That she had killed that herself. How did one catch a bat? Catch it out of the air? 

"Did you catch that yourself?" Andr asked. A mixed tone of small talk and curiosity
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey didn't have a physical place to go, but she had wolves to go to. Wolves to meet up with. Ole Colt and Lonesome, Reno and Red and that little demonic thing Marsten. They were home.

Sadey had been eating for awhile. She wasn't hungry anymore. 

She nodded her head. They can't see. They make these strange noises and they swoop down real low to catch bugs. A bat to their wings and a crunch to the back of their head and here yew are.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Watching as the creatures flew through the air and left the safety of the high skies for their meal. Then with a carefully timed paw knocking their wings and causing a crash landing. At which point one would finish the job with the jaws.

It sounded like the reverse of fishing. Instead of the prey being in the water they swam through the air. A game of waiting. But as Andr thought about it more he placed the hunt in the opportunistic category rather than a patient one. The controllable variables were far higher with fishing. He couldn't envision someone setting out in the evening with the intent of catching a bat, it wouldn't be a well calculated risk. But if one were to simply fly past...

Knowing there were no conditions one could manipulate to create such an opportunity Andr thought of taking a bite. Just to see what it would taste like... No... something to cross off his list at a later time.

"That's rather perceptive of you. Is hunting less common game a habit of yours Miss...?" he trailed allowing her to answer his question and possibly provide a name.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Bats were not something she found she liked to hunt often, but she would if need be. Just like she'd hunt voles, and gophers and the other creatures that need be.  There was a time she had even hunted skunk and porcupine. The thing with skunks you had to get them after they just sprayed. But lawd did they stink. Porcupines. Had to roll em.

Name is Sadey Walker. And I hunt whatever I can get. Yew can't be picky when yew have an empty belly.

She had lived years of her life hard. She was not yet but 3, and she already felt as old as some of the oldest wolves. Do you like to hunt?
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"Andromed Dorian. Though you may call me Andr if you prefer" he said with a bow of his head fliting it as he continued to speak. "It's a passion of mine yes. A skill of necessity but also one I find gratifying"

Due to his frequent hunting Andr rarely found himself hungry. Though he was mindful not to hunt in excess of the same area too often. The gratification came from knowing the meal would be consumed and eaten by someone who needed it. Not the act of taking the life of something once living.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey dipped her muzzle. Nice to meetcha Andromed Dorian. She said his name with her own accent digging thick into the name. It was a strong name, a bit of a strange one, but it fit him somehow. Names they were fickle things.

She thought about his answer. She couldn't say she ever found hunting fun or gratifying. It filled her belly and that was enough for her. She smiled up at him. 

I can't say I like it as much as yew, but it's not bad. I prefer finding plants and knowing what they do. Not necessarily healing. Just plants.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Flora and Fauna. Some may say polar opposites but both living things that required a plethora of knowledge to master. One needed the other and vice versa.

Though looking at Sadey, Andr would not have guessed her interest in foliage. The image of her flocking through a field of flowers is not something he could imagine in his mind.

As thought conversations continued the stone continued to wain. They would be able to leave here freely shortly.

"A skill arguably more difficult than hunting" reading animals seemed easier to Andr than that of speechless and motionless plants. "You have plans for the clearing?" Andr asked looking up at the sky.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
She could see where it didn't make much sense, but there was something about a garden. How the roots could sometimes F**k up everything when it tried to move. How it could also grow in the most stubborn places, it reminded her a bit of herself actually and Jax had loved it. This was why she continued it.

She shook her head. I don't. Just got stuck here for a time. Got myself hurt a few weeks ago. Had to rest up before i meet up with the rest of my group.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He was right. She did have a group or pack to return to. Not on her own fending completely for herself, Andr felt better about leaving. "I'm glad to hear you are better now. I think I'll keep moving along. A pleasure meeting you Sadey" he stated offering another nod of his head.

Not completely passed the storm continued to softly rumble in the sky. But the rain was less sharp and would allow him safe passage. Unless she had anything further to say he would be on his way.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey would not keep the boy from leaving. She had found she had not much to say about anything anymore. He had been kind and she had enjoyed shooting the shit for a bit, but now. Well now they would go their separate ways. And she'd remember this later, maybe.