Redhawk Caldera Upon which you seek
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia moved through the pack lands. She'd been on border patrol and then she'd hunted alittle there were rabbits in the caches again. Now she moved with no intention and no purpose. Maia had her babies now and Amalia had thought of visiting, but she felt bad going so soon. She felt a mother, father and babies deserved to have a least a week of peace, before everyone just started pressing in on them. It only felt kind.

But they had to eat and she had hunted. So with a soft sound, she dug a couple of the rabbits back up and headed towards Maia and Eljay's den. She wouldn't bother, only lay them outside and then leave. She wouldn't even let them know they were there. They would be ablet o smell them she hoped. This way she didn't bother them.
25 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Ever since mama had taken them out to see the stars, Boris had become captivated by the sky in a different way than before. He still hid beneath bushes and fallen logs, and skirted to shelter when the world became too big, but more often now, his eyes turned up in wonder rather than fear. Hoping to catch a glimpse of other secrets up there.

He saw the moon today. Though the sky was bright and clear, and the sun spoke daylight over the world, he saw the moon. Hanging up there as though it were meant to be out.

So focused on this new thing, Boris forgot the space around him and forgot to be scared. He stole forward with eyes fixed above.

He didn’t notice Amalia until he walked right into her leg and fell backwards with an oof!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Something fluffy her her leg and Amalia quickly dipped her head down to look upside down and between her legs at the little fluffy ball of fur at her rear. Poor dear, he must have not being paying attention. She lifted her head and turned to better look him over.

What was his BORIS...So she smiled. Hi Boris. You doing okay buddy?

She didn't know the child well, but she knew him enough to know who he belonged too and his name.
96 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Ponyboy had not been stargazing, nor had he been gawking at the moon but nevertheless he'd managed to get his fur full of burdocks. He'd tumbled from a log he'd been trying to cross and right into a bush flush with burrs which were more than happy to cling to his fur in clumps. Some of them were easy enough to remove but he wasn't bothered by those.  The ones that irked him the most were the ones he simply could not reach, no matter how hard he tried. 

And so, he went in circles- around and around, growling as he tried to chase down his own tail to pull the burrs from his rear end. He worked himself into a frenzy, until eventually the whirling in circles wound him up into a tizzy, and he simply tucked his burr-filled tail between his burr-filled hind legs, and shot off with a case of the zoomies, whale-eyed and snarling like an angry little goblin. 

He noticed Amalia and Boris as he flew past them- and not being able to put on the brakes, he simply continued to zoom around the pair of them, obnoxiously demanding their attention, as he tried to outrun the uncomfortable, prickly burdocks.
25 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Boris shook his little head in a frazzled daze. When he looked up, a bright pair of emerald eyes met him in a sea of inky black.

He recognized her face from around the den and on the night they’d all shared the stars. Briefly and in passing, but he had listened when he’d heard her name.

She helped to right him. Boris pushed himself up on shivery legs.

Lo, Miss ‘Malia, he said with his still, soft voice. I’m ‘kay. I saw the moon — and as he lifted his dazed little head to find that thing that had led him to his trance, the sound of familiar frothing filled their forest and Boris just managed to tuck himself against Amalia as Ponyboy clipped on by.

Ponyboy! Boris gasped with half a laugh, and half with eyes wide with the nerves that always filled him, slow down, you’re gon’ get hurt!

His gaze jumped to the sky on instinct, and worried for a flurry of wings.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A noise and Amalia quickly tucked the young man further into her leg. Green eyes gazing past. Though then she chuckled at the other child and pressed a gentle touch to Boris's head.

Hello Boris. Ponyboy just frightened me. What were you looking at in the stars?

Then she shifted to call out to Ponyboy laughter in her voice gentle words in her maw.

Heyo Ponyboy!
96 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He careened around the pair of wolves whose conversation he'd interrupted, but the more he ran, the more the burdocks became embedded in his fur, and with each stride they gave him a tweak, spurring him on to run as fast as he could. They called out to him and he emitted a strangled, angry grumble that was much higher in pitch than he intended to sound. 

"MY BUTT!" He shouted, but didn't stop for them to investigate. He yowled. "MY! BUTT! IS! ON! FIRE!" At last, he stopped his zoomies, only to whirl in tight circles chasing after his tail until he spun up a cloud of dust and collapsed to the ground where he writhed and growled as he tried to grab at the prickly burrs and haul them out of his fur with snapping puppy teeth.