The Sunspire I've been wandering lost and unafraid
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace stood and shook the cool dewy water from his shoulders and pelt. He stretched and looked around, the sun hadn't risen yet, but that was okay. He didn't mind the cool dark mornings preferred them actually. Gave him time to think to himself, to run, to search and to patrol before anyone else could spoil the day. There were a few that did not completely ruin his day Vienna and @Amekaze and Summer, and he supposed the others didn't really either, he just preferred his own company in the early mornings, a time for reflection. He began at a slow, loping job and then increased his speed until he was running, something he loved.

He traveled the mountain stopping to scent mark the borders, but mostly just enjoying the freeing air as he jogged. A small smile on his face as he stopped and watched the sun rise high in the sky, in a blaze of glory and colors. It's beautiful here. Then he grew quiet and sat down curling his tail around his paws, and merely watched the area around.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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The dark Rikudou had roved through the night, covering the borderlands on repeat until the sun's colors split the darkness bit by bit. By then, the purpose in her step slowed down and she took up a more casual, meandering pace to take in the scenery in a much more leisurely way. All was quiet on the mountainside.

There was much to consider, and she weighed her options carefully. She debated a hunt, or perhaps retiring for a rest before the afternoon came to hunt later, or attempt to gather some of what she thought to be beneficial herbs to make a better stock for winter.. or maybe she ought to pursue any wolves in particular. She wondered how Rain fared, how Lilly was settling, or even how Vienna was doing in her outriding prospects, so on and so forth. Naturally, there was much to occupy her thoughts. However, it was Jace who her path led her to. Her tail swayed slowly in a greeting. It is, she agreed, having caught just the last breath of his words. I have long felt the views here to be some of the best in the region, of both the nighttime and daytime skies, she smirked.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace knew he needed ot step up his game, he had been lacking as a leader lately and it was not fair to Amekaze. She deserved someone who was willing to help her to the best of their abilities. So he nodded to himself he would make the effort to help her more. Ferdie's disappearance, his own injury all of it had thrown him for a loop and he wasn't sure how to deal with it.

He did not notice Amekaze coming closer to him, until he heard her speak. He lifted blue eyed gaze to her face and a smile split his maw in half. Hey Ame I was just thinking of you. I want to apologize for being a pretty terrible co-leader lately. He bowed his head in slight shame, he was a bit embarrassed by his lack of attention and care to the sunspire wolves.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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Her tail maintained its slow wag, although her ears splayed back when he spoke of an apology. Amekaze did not necessarily see the need right away, although looking at him, it was clear it had been weighing on him anyway, so she didn't aim to discredit him. Ah, it is fine, do not fret. You are here, and your presence on this mountain is still unmistakable. Plus, I knew you have been healing on top of all else. It has been an.. odd time for me, as well, so she did not fault him. It had given her a good chance to figure out herself as well.

On top of searching for Ferdie, I was trying to adjust to the new role and establish myself all at once. But, my searches have since discontinued and.. as much as I hate to say it, I feel more settled without trying to overwork myself. She had her eyes settled skyward, although the thoughtful words came from the heart. It was what the mountain and I both needed, although I still hate to think of Ferdie lost and gone.. She felt comfortable explaining this to Jace; he would understand it better than most, and not just because of their shared ties to Ferdie.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace returned the tail wag and dipped his muzzle in agreement. It had been a tough and strange time for him as well. Jace had been lazy of late with his leadership duties. It was time to change that. He knew there was time to do so, and he needed to continue his trades or he would lose them too. Had to keep things up ot keep your skills honed he knew this.

Jace nodded his head Yes I have since given up as well. As I traveled though it seems that Ferdie had attacked a cougar without calling for help. So as terrible as it is to say, he brought it upon his own head in a way. It was horrible and tragic, but it was the truth. The male had fought and from where Jace was standing he had lost.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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There was no surprise to hear he had given up much the same. It seemed they felt the same way. Amekaze nodded just a little. Mhm, it is.. true. Perhaps there just is nothing left of him to find, thus why we have all turned up nothing.. she glanced away from Jace as she said this, feeling half-frustrated at herself for forming any sort of attachment to Ferdie and then for thinking of such a fate out-loud. But, it was a very real possibility and they were now left to move on without him. Whatever the case, we have gotten along well enough without him I think. Between the both of them, they were certainly not lacking. Sure, it may have been iffy at points for them both with she, an inexperienced alpha and him, still healing on top of all else.

It has been good to see the pack growing a little as well, although some of ours.. have just not stuck as I thought they might. She frowned, thinking of the bright-eyed Akita and Aleera, who had been one she had been growing fond of as well. Then again, she had also not seen nor heard from Hawkeye (another one of Ferdie's strange matters he had left her with) personally. Which, she was not complaining. Amekaze had not really wished to confront that topic. I have welcomed a few promising faces, though.. she mentioned, looking for his thoughts on any new recruits. Vale and Rain were the ones that came to mind for her.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace grimaced without meaning too, a involuntary twitch at the mention of nothing being left. It was a grim and gruesome thought, but it had crossed his mind numerous times. Jace nodded though in agreement, they had done well without him. There had also been no violence, or issues.

He sighed Yea there seemed to be an influx of coming and then going. There had been so many who had come only to live them soon after, it was upsetting. However, it was the way of the world. Some just had the instinct to travel and wander and leave their homes behind. Wonder lust he supposed it could be called.

Jace nodded I have not met them all, though I brought some into the fold as well Sumayl and Cuan, though my sister deserves the recognition for Sumayl.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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To have a chunk of the member-base show up only to leave again not long after did seem odd to her, especially when they were wolves that had said upon joining that they would lend this place their loyalty and support in exchange for a home and pack, but she was growing more used to the idea whether she liked it or not. It was only a part of it all. She nodded subtly, thoughtful then as she considered Sumayl and Cuan -- both smells she had seen around, and Cuan had been at the puppy introduction, but Amekaze did not know either personally. I need to get to know them both better, she murmured, although noted what he said about Vienna.

Rain is promising, I believe, Ame mentioned, for she believed the female to be of sound mind and body. Valerius is another recent addition, although I doubt you have met him yet. He came to the borders injured -- a cougar's work, too, so I was curious, but not seriously. I know he has been laying low to heal. She remembered well his offer to help in tracking down the offending cougar. It was a large part of why she had accepted him with ease despite his wounds. But he was not necessarily a burden to the pack, even roughed up as he was. Time would heal it. Both are interesting, and I am curious who else we will find before winter settles..

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace had learned rather recently, that most of the time you could take no one by their word, unless they were your family. It was simple really, fox had proven it, Bazi, Leaf and Now Ferdie. SO when a wolf told him they were in it for the long haul, he did not expect it of them until he had known them longer and that they had been there longer than a few months. It was a sad outlook, but none the less it was his. It was also disappointing to the dark boy, his father had taught him for years that your word was your bond, and so many others didn't go by it.

Jace frowned and spoke softly We are going to have to find this cougar aren't we? It sounds like it has gotten a taste for wolf. he sighed he was not thrilled with the idea of having ot hunt down a cougar, but he would do it if he needed too. Hopefully we will continue to grow and prosper even during winter.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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Her expression was darkened and distant at the thought of the cougar still as she nodded. So it would seem, she murmured. I cannot be left to terrorize. Valerius said he left it with a few wounds, and my hope is that.. he may be able to help track it once he has healed, she added with a huff. While she did not worry about the Sunspire itself, because if it came here, they would show it their fullest might.. but instead, she was concerning wolves could be sprung upon by it when they traveled alone. With a handful of outriders and matters needing attending beyond the pack territory, it was not possible to keep them all here all the time.

She then thought of winter with a somber nod of her head. Ferdie's intentions had been to secure a mate and bring forth puppies by the springtime -- as Alpha, and all that, and while she had not resonated with his obsessive rush towards it, she had recognized it as secure Alpha thinking. Now that it was passed onto her, she was not sure what to do with the notion. Her priority remained the pack's strength, and thinking beyond that seemed unnecessary. We will have to see what happens, she breathed. With them together, and their core of wolves that had stayed despite others leaving, she had faith.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace listened quietly and with a thoughtful expression on his normally stoic and serious face. he wasn't sure how to take the news that they would need to hunt down the large cat. It was a little bit strange, but he had hoped the creature would just take Ferdie and leave them alone, but clearly it had not done so. He would begin to track it himself while he was hunting. Should we add more patrols to the borders and never let anyone leave without someone? At least until we find out whether or not it has a taste for wolf and is staying around? he would do both if needed, but she was his leader and he wanted to ask her opinion of the matter first.

I think though we maybe small, we are strong and we will do well this winter. he grew quiet and looked out over the home they knew. You are a good leader Amekaze, if anyone can get us through it's you. then he looked down and stood quietly.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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More patrols, definitely, she answered first with a nod, but the next required a bit more consideration. While she could support the idea of never letting any leave alone, it did not seem always possible. And, her comrades were not weak or particularly idiotic. She felt like restricting them too much, even if it was for their own good, was bound to be stifling. She would be adverse to the idea if the tables were turned. And I would suggest the notion of never leaving alone, and if they must, to be exceptionally aware of the possible threat. They could not spread themselves too thin, though. This was her concern.

We will find out more soon, I think.. she said, having a feeling that after a break in the search that to face it with renewed vigor and new noses on the situation they may have better luck. She shifted her thoughts, hackles stiffening at the idea of the cougar and the thrill of possibly killing it. Naturally, she was most enthralled by that notion. I want to.. track it better with Valerius very soon but if it is stupid enough to come to this mountain ever, it will not leave. She could up the patrols to ensure this but she could not always maintain control over what happened beyond the mountain, and she feared attempting would only frustrate her.

Anyway, she chuffed lightly in response and felt a flicker of vague pride at his words. I intend to do this pack and mountain justice, to be the leader they deserved. So many here had become practically her family in just the few months she had known them. Come spring, she wanted to see them flourishing and prospering just as they ought to be upon these slopes.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace smiled I can do that. I'd like to get a few more wardens in our masses. He tilted his head and swirled an ear as he thought of her answer. He didn't mind border patrol, it actually was calming to the otherwise deep thinking wolf. Jace nodded I can get behind that. It would probably be too hard to keep anyone inside the lines, perhaps it was not exactly a very good idea. And he wasn't giving himself the role of victim or naysayer, he was just pointing out that the thought could have had a little more umf behind it.

Jace nodded I can do some searching while I do some gamekeeping duties. We need to build up our caches. They have me a bit worried, especially with Winter fast approaching. He did not want to leave any stone unturned so to speak as far as their home and livlihood was concerned.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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Me too, she agreed easily on wardens. They could not exactly ever have too many. Although I believe we will be able to consider Summer one before too much longer. There may be a few other prospects, as well. She thought through the ranks, considering as she went. Speaking of what tradesmen she wished to see more of.. And I would not mind more warriors.. and having a formal healer, she sighed. Where they had once had a handful of potential wolves gunning for the official status, suddenly there were none. Anyway. That is my thinking. Keeping everyone here seems bound to frustrate us and them in time.. even if it is one of the surest ways to keep everyone safe. If they know the potential risks, though... It was in their paws and their free choice to leave. It just seemed far too stifling to lock them all down like a bunch of grounded puppies. She frowned anyway. There were downsides to anything.

Yes, our caches are.. decent but could always do with more. I would love to see us bring down some large kills, she mused aloud as she thought back to how her father had prepared his pack for the wintertime. More than ever, she found herself trying to imagine what he would do lately now that she had begun to find her stride here.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace frowned as Summer was brought up, not because of anything major yet. The youth had just been acting strangely as of late. Summer seems to be bothered heavily by something. Do you have any idea what? As of yet he had not stumbled upon the youth stoned out of his head, but he had seen him and he had seemed off.

Jace dipped his muzzle Yes a healer would be welcome. I wish I would have learned more from my mother than I did. I should have paid attention to her. Jace tilted his head as he listened. Yes they could not keep other's here, it did not bode well and it was not possible.

Jace nodded I do some small hunting parties, Vienna and I can hold our own and perhaps I can offer others the chance to lead their own small parties, even if we could just get a goat or two from up above the mountain, that would last us a while with the cold.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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Her ears shifted, heading towards splayed as she considered Summer. No, I do not. He is.. a curious individual who seems to have a lot going on in his thoughts, but I do not know what could be bothering him more than usual.. she said as she remembered finding him in the throes of a panic attack. There was something strange and curious about him, but when he had himself together, he was shaping up to be a promising young wolf.

She then nodded, sharing the sentiment about wishing she had learned more healing at some time or another. Her mother was not a particularly practiced one, but did share with her some odds and ends. I feel the same. I only know.. the basics, I suppose. I would like to learn more, assuming I found the right wolf to learn from, and her standards were bound to be high for that to happen; Ame wouldn't settle for the first teacher she could find.

That would be good, I believe, she nodded. The goats were a valuable resource. Perhaps in doing so we could inspire some others to pursue gamekeeping. Or winter itself will, she said with a wolfish shrug. In either case, we should speak more soon. I will be seeing you, she said as she moved to nudge her muzzle against his shoulder, then sprung off towards a mountain path to new duties. She had enjoyed her chat with Jace and now had much fresh in her mind from it.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace sighed, he wasn't sure what was bothering the youth either. Only that it was disconcerting to have him acting strangely and not knowing why. Perhaps he was in love, Jace had certainly acted strangely when he had fancied himself in love.

Jace dipped his muzzle towards her as she walked away. Yes we shall see each other again soon. He turned the opposite way and went on a search for something to add to the caches. The thought of them becoming empty at all was enough to make his blood run cold and his heart sieze.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.

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