Firefly Glen Dancing with fairy lights
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Hmm, Kannoyak hummed thoughtfully, his smile lingered on the edge of his lips. This one is pleased to hear of his success.

The white hunter had not forgotten Alaric and their talks. During his time in the northern snows, Kannoyak had thought fondly of the storyteller. Hearing that the other man had found a place among leadership, had carved a home into the mountain, brought joy to the pathmaker. He was certain that their parents must be proud of all they had accomplished.

Has he become a father yet? Kannoyak inquired quietly. He could imagine Alaric as a wonderful father.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled sweetly. She was super proud of Alaric. She didn't know everything that had happened while they were separate. But she did know he had it rough.

Amalia shook her head. Not yet, but Alaric adopts whoever needs adopting. But i haven't checked in with him in sometime.

She tilted an ear. Did you father children while you were making paths? Or do you plan too?
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The storyteller sounded like a father to whoever needed one. This was an honorable thing to do. Children could be difficult. How might Alaric handle such challenges with pups that were not his own? Could children that had been left grow up without bearing some of that trauma? Kannoyak was troubled by the image of small puppy faces without a family.

Ah- No, Kannoyak will not leave his children. If this man were to take a wife, maybe.

It was something he had thought about. It wasn’t the idea of continuing the bloodline, but the thought of tending to a family that softened him. Teaching his children the ways of the pathmaker, caring for a wife- Kannoyak wondered if he might see these gifts in his life.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric just loved kids. It didn't matter whose they were. But Amalia was much the same way. Though, she hadn't had much leave to spend time with many children.

Amalia nodded. perhaps you can find one. I'll keep my thoughts hopeful for you.

She hoped he found all the happiness he wanted. That he found wife and children and flourished.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It will happen when it is meant to happen, the white hunter commented, head bowed in a grateful display. Kannoyak appreciated her kindness. She had always carried that sense of caring around with her. Each time he had happened upon Amalia, he had left feeling warmer than before. She had a gift with it. The man only wished he possessed the words to tell her of such strengths.

This one would like to visit your home, hunter woman.

Not a demand, and certainly not an expectation that she take him there in that exact moment. Kannoyak only wished to know that she had a place where she was appreciated for her gifts, a place that supported her growth and happiness.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded. That is how I like to think. I prefer to go through the days and live each experience as it comes.

She got lonely at times of course she did. But she had learned recently that perhaps she was only meant to be in lives fleeting. And leave them better than she found them. That was her job and she would do her best.

Oh. I live in Brecheliant. It is near Moonglow , umm.

She touched paw to her muzzle and then hopped a little and pointed. There.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The white hunter followed her gesture to the mountain range. His eyes settled on the small slice of land that was called Brecheliant. A curious name, he thought. It sounded as though it came from a language he did not speak, one he would never learn. Though he did not wish to comment on it, Kannoyak found that he enjoyed the naming convention of the moon villages.

This one will bring gifts, he spoke.

The cotton grass man knew that it would not take long to hunt for them, to collect furs that he could carry to their borders. The man did not doubt that Kukutux had already established a relationship with their neighbors. Kannoyak could only work to strengthen it.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia herself didn't know where the tongue of this pack came from. And she hadn't asked. It was not something she was interested in really. She was not a historian of any sorts. A scout a hunter, a trader. But nothing that would force her to hold the history of a pack in the small of her mind. That was too much.

She laughed. Okay. I will try and muster up some gifts for you as well.

She wasn't sure what she would have for him. She hunted alone most of the time. And she was not a large wolf like he.

Amalia didn't know of the ways between Moonglow and Brecheliant. But she did know it was not the easiest alliance between the two. But the matriarchs tried to make it work as best they could.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
No, no, this is not necessary. Kannoyak will create paths to Brech-

He faltered on the name of her chosen home. The white hunter frowned and shook his head, unsure if he should attempt to sputter the name of their village or if he should keep his mouth shut to avoid disrespect.

A sigh fell from his lips and he lowered his head in a show of apology.

This man will create paths for trade. Between your village and the village of the moon.

Perhaps this would help to bond them, to make them stronger. Kannoyak wondered if Amalia would be opposed to such an arrangement.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia chuckled and shook her head. It's such a hard name isn't it! It took me for---ever! She drew it out, and moved her paws about. A kind smile and bright eyes. She didn't hold it against him at all.

She motioned him closer. I still have trouble if I go to fast. She stage whispered and grinned. taking a tongue across white fang, delight written in the plains of her face.

She nodded. Okay. Maia is our leader.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Maia was easier to remember and say than Brecheliant. The cotton grass hunter wondered if they had a similar origin. There would be a fair few who did not speak the northern languages that Kannoyak was so familiar with. While daunting, he considered it a great challenge to learn their ways and expand his mind.

Maia. Can… Kannoyak ask to speak with Amalia, as well?

White head tilted. He wasn’t certain if it was acceptable to request one of their members on the border. If the hunter woman was considered important to their village, it would be impolite to pull her from her duties just so he could talk.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was only in Brecheliant for Maia and maybe Bridget. She didn't speak woth anyone else. Stuck to herself. If she was honest. The she wolf was lonely there. But they had offered her a beautiful peaceful home. How could she leave

Amalia chuckled. Course ya can. I'm often at the borders anyway.

Wouldn't he be surprised to know that she wasn't as important as he was thinking. She barely held a top position. She wasn't social or out there enough she supposed. And that was alright.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Good, this one will visit soon.

The cotton grass man smiled, tail waving. It would be good to stretch his limbs and discover the other claimed villages in the territory. The homes of the moon wolves were known to him. Everything else seemed far away. To make paths, he would need to introduce himself at each of their borders and bring something generous to offer their members.

A shift of his gaze to the sky suggested that he should hurry and find a place to bed down for a short time. The white hunter wondered if he could walk Amalia home and then be on his way.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She gave a firm nod. I look forward to it.

She saw his gaze shift and the restless way in which he moved and she dipped her head. I should let you go. it's getting late. And I've kept you way too long as it is.

A soft little smile. I will see you soon hopefully? Yea?
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes, soon.

Kannoyak smiled to her, bowing his head in confirmation of her question. His mind whirred as he considered the gifts he might bring to the borders of Brecheliant. If he hunted in the high mountains, he was certain that he could collect meat and pelts from the goats there. If their village had any new mothers, the plush pelt would give them and their newborns comfort.

The white hunter departed the area on swift paws, carving a path back to Moonglow and the comforts of his den.