Ouroboros Spine lens
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts

After exchanging a conciliatory glance with his wife, Valiant went off in search of their wayward young girl. He felt bad for having been gone during the argument, and so he hoped to ease @Vairë's burden by dealing with this — but he did wonder if she wouldn't rather have had a break from the majority of the kids.

He'd go back soon. Take his turn watching their little nieces and nephew.

"Lariat," he called out, his voice soft and low. He had an inkling she'd been in the receiving end of the doe's justice — and she was just like her mama, so that had to have hurt. "Are you okay, baby?"

That was the important part. She was a good girl. He would find out later if there was some behavior that needed correction.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
23 Posts
Ooc — orion
Yuralria hadn't made it far from the ulaq when a soft voice called her name. If it had been anaa - or anyone else for that matter - she would have likely kept on walking, but the presence of her father was not an unwelcome one. And so she stopped, gaze glued to the ground as he asked if she was alright.

In all honesty, the little girl didn't know the answer to that. All the fear and confusion turned rage seemed to have been wrapped in a messy parcel and deposited at the front door at her departure. Now, fatigue overwhelmed her. She was tired, so tired. On shaky legs she came to sit stiffly beside her daddy, head resting against his foreleg as she remained silent for a moment longer.

"A'm fine," came her whispered reply, though she did not feel it. She watched as the ground turned wet and cold from the splash of her tears as she replayed anaa's rage over and over again in her mind.
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
A soft little sigh escaped him at this. She was so much like her mother.

"I got a hard time believing that," he admitted to her, but his tone suggested — reluctantly — that he would try. He wanted his daughters to be confident in their own minds, and so he did not want to challenge this assertion. He hoped that she would do it herself, however.

His head dipped; he nosed at her cheek.

"If I promise not to get angry and to listen real well, do you think you could tell me what you and your cousin were talkin' about?" he asked her. "I didn't hear all that much, but I know it made your momma real upset. Maybe if we work together, we can figure out why cousin and anaa were so upset."
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day