Swiftcurrent Creek aisa des hai mera
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Ooc — mercury
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Master Ranger
All Welcome 
as much as he tried to make it so, swiftcurrent creek still did not quite feel like home.

aditya had mostly himself to blame. he'd squestered himself away, focused mostly on his own internal musings and the progression of dawn's pregnancy, albeit from afar. he wasn't himself, not like he used to be. he had assimilated much more easily into morningside, but then. . .he had been so innocent, when he'd come to the plateau. . .

today, he padded the borders in a half-listless patrol, ears swiveling to pick up the noises around him. his senses were rooted in the present, but his thoughts were only on the past—and the near future.

what would the pups be like? would they grow up to make his same mistakes? would he eventually leave them, like he left everyone else? would they invariably hate him? these questions and more plagued aditya; he mulled over the answers from bad to worse, mouth working silently, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
He had been patrolling, as well, something the alpha could often be found doing. He picked up on the man's scent eventually, and quickened his pace to seek him out. He hadn't seen much of him since his joining, and Kavik was interested in getting to know him better, as he was with any new packmate.

He soon saw the agouti man a short distance in front of him and released a low chuff to announce his presence as he neared. He hoped he would be allowed to accompany his packmate on his patrol, but he wouldn't impose if he wished to be alone.
I'm no good without you
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he turned at the sound to find kavik approaching, the question obvious even without words. kavik, aditya greeted, tail wagging behind him, low but friendly as befit a subordinate. happy to have you join me. he slowed to let the dark man fall in step at his side, an amicable smile set over his muzzle. the company was good, though he was a little nervous the alpha would dress him down for not pulling his weight.

how are you? how are your mate and pups? perhaps small talk would distract kavik from his shortcomings, but aditya figured the man was much too intelligent and forthright to be fooled for very long. still. . .it was worth a go, and he was interested, anyway.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Truthfully, he had a lot on his plate right now, and since Aditya was still fairly new, Kavik hadn't really paid much mind to his lack of contribution, not yet anyway. He fell into step beside his packmate, glad for the company as well.

The pups are growing every day, He answered, his tone a little sad. He was glad they were thriving, but he couldn't deny that he was afraid that they would all too soon be old enough to go their own ways into a world he wouldn't always be able to protect them from. My mate is well, he answered next. And, how have you guys been settling in? he asked, hoping they hadn't had any problems since joining the creek.
I'm no good without you
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
soon, he would know all too well kavik's bittersweet pain. but he could sympathize, at least, with the concept of children growing up too fast. hadn't he watched not one but two of grayday's litters become adults before his eyes? he pushed away the sorrow that came with that thought; no use dwelling on the fact that all of them were gone, now, scattered to the winds.

i'm glad to hear all is well with you, aditya said cordially, nodding. we are both fine. still getting used to the new territory, exploring, hunting. . .but no complaints. we can't thank you enough for allowing us to join your pack, he said, voice fervent as he turned to kavik. after all, the alpha male very well could have turned them away. with pups, resources were at a premium.

i've been meaning to ask you, he continued, the diplomat within emerging at last, how are your relations with neighboring packs? do you have allies, enemies. . .?
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Keeping DA stuff vague since he has a thread in progress there

Kavik nodded. Of course, he replied in response to the other man's gratitude. I only wish I could have done the same for the other family that came shortly after you arrived. He felt immensely guilty that he had turned them away, and he wished he knew if they had ended up somewhere safe. The pack's resources could only be spread so thin, though, and he knew they wouldn't have been able to properly support any more pups.

He thought for a few seconds before answering Aditya's question. Well, things with Diaspora were not the best at first, but hopefully I have repaired that some; they claim Arrow lake. He wasn't sure if his new packmate knew of the mountain pack. Our only true alliance is with Elysium. I'm afraid we haven't reached out to anyone else, although it is my intention to propose and alliance with all the packs in the area, the alpha continued. His fear of not being able to adequately provide for the pack had forced him to find other solutions, and forming alliances seemed like a good place to start. It's been a slow process for various reasons, but most importantly, I don't feel comfortable being gone from the territory for too long. He worried too much about the children, and he couldn't help that he often felt like he needed to be here to make sure things ran smoothly. 

He wondered, though. How would you feel about helping me some with that? He asked after a short pause. I know you're going to be busy with young pups soon, but maybe we could take turns visiting the packs around us so that one of us is always here. It seemed like a decent plan, but he wouldn't judge the other man if he declined for now. Kavik knew what it was like to worry about newborn pups and to not want to be too far away from them; he still had those reservations even now, and his pups were no longer newborns.
I'm no good without you
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
kavik must be speaking of lucas's family, of indra and laurel and their children, and adi frowned, feeling guilty. he oughtn't to—dawn needed a safe place to raise her (their) children, after all. but he couldn't help it. he hated to see anyone left out, especially when it was kind of his fault.

he was grateful for the change in topic and listened in: diaspora was not familiar to him, so he'd have to pay a visit, but elysium. . .that was where the morningsiders had ended up. that was good, that the two packs were friendly. he was surprised kavik wasn't familiar with easthollow, given that the stone circle was so close, but he understood if it was a timing thing. the query gave a newfound twinkle to his eye.

i would be honored to help with that, adi responded, smiling warmly. i might be somewhat tied down here when the pups are young, but they won't be small for very long. visiting other packs and forging alliances was, ah, sort of my role in my last few homes. it was what he thrived on.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Of course, he said first in response to his not being able to leave while the pups were young. He understood that completely, having felt that way when his own were just born; nothing could have pulled him from the territory then. I would very much appreciate the help once you're able, he added next. In the meantime, he would need to do some searching of his own. 

I'm preparing to go out again and search for other nearby packs, Kavik said, stopping to mark a tree that needed its scent marker refreshed. I won't be gone long with Rosalie getting close to giving birth, but I wanted to scout once more before I have more young pups of my own. He didn't want to be gone too long even now, but alliances might save them in the future. Would you mind keeping an eye on things while I'm gone? He knew Aditya hadn't been here very long, but something about the other man made Kavik feel like he could trust him, and he might be a fraction less worried if he knew someone else was watching over the creek in his short absence.
I'm no good without you
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he looked toward kavik with interest when the man expressed his plans. at the question, his eyes widened just slightly, but quickly resumed their respectful, mature glow, and he dipped his head in a gentle nod. of course, aditya responded with an infinitesimal smile curving his lips. i would be more than happy to do so.

it would go a long way in further securing his family's place here, and that was what mattered most to him at this juncture. that his children could have a stable home, throughout their youth. . .whatever it took, he would do it.

are you familiar with a pack named easthollow? he asked, turning his head in the rough direction of that pack's claim. they live near a circle of tall stones. they were good allies to my old pack, and i knew some in their ranks fairly well. they are kind wolves. the cultures between the two packs seemed similar; it was definitely worth reaching out, or so he thought, at least.
963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Good. He was glad there would be another set of eyes on things while he was gone. He'd probably still worry the entire time,  but at least there was a better chance that he would return to the creek with things the same as how he left them. Alessia would probably appreciate the help, too. Thank you, Kavik offered.

He thought for a few moments, searching his memory, especially the time when he and Liri were traveling around without a territory, but he didn't recall ever hearing of Easthollow. I don't think I am, he answered. They sounded like a good pack from the way Aditya spoke of them, though. Since you already have a relationship with them, maybe you could pay them a visit once you're able to leave? he asked. If not, then he didn't mind going there himself eventually. Maybe they would be up for an alliance.
I'm no good without you
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
jesus Hela I'm so sorry -- fade this out with your post?

he nodded, trying to keep the grimace at bay. he wasn't sure whether easthollow, by virtue of their close ties to grayday's family, had been informed of his treachery at wheeling gull isle. there would be no love for him at the stone circle, if that were the case. but it was worth a shot. . .and he had to prove himself to his new pack, somehow.

i'll go, aditya agreed, forcing a smile. it's been a long while; it will be good to see them again. that is, if they didn't immediately chase him away.

he canted his head in question, eyes drifting down the path. are there any places along the border of note? adi asked, hoping to change the conversation once again. perhaps you could show me. he had played tour guide often enough that he was grateful when someone else stepped into that role, and he could take a backseat as tourist.