Hushed Willows staccato mamba
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
Hoping to capture a wild @Sundance
It was incredible to him that the woods could stand empty, only to call its children back all at once. One of the three brothers was here. It was not Reif; Valiant had known his scent quite recently, and this was not it. Nor did he think it was Atwood, who was more distant in his memories, but who he thought he'd known a little better. That meant this was Sundance, a wolf Valiant erroneously assumed was named after his father, since he also erroneously assumed they were related, somehow.

He was trotting purposefully through the woods today on Sundance's trail, feeling a little hopeful for the first time in several days. It was not much, but it was something, and the meeting with Reif had been a little... weird... but at least Valiant had news. Good news.

Okay, and some bad new, too. But still. He was sure Sundance would care more about his littermate being alive than he would care about his uncle(?) being dead.

"Sundance?" he called when he thought he was getting close. "Sunny?" Ouch"It's me, Valiant."
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel

A voice to draw him from a troubled mind, one that was unfamiliar to him. The druid halted his steps at the calling of his name and, eager to pair this tone with a face from his past, shifted his weight to peer over a shoulder. Powder blue eyes found a yearling's figure, pale-furred and kissed with sterling, and recognition showed in the brightening of Sundance's expression.

"Valiant?" His ears pricked, and the alabaster tip of his ashen tail stirred. "Is it really you?" After his initial encounter with the she-wolf he'd discovered to be an elder sister on his arrival, Sundance hadn't expected any further fortune to come his way. His smile bloomed, and he veered to turn and embrace a friend from childhood with a fond bump of snout to snout.

w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
After the awkward reunion with Reif, Valiant had not expected to be recieved so well by Sundance. He was heartened, however, when the other boy was quick to show affection, just as Brave had been. Maybe it had been Reif's problem after all?

"It's me," he confirmed, noticing something about Sundance that he had not, in his youth. They had the same pale pelt and ashen markings — as did Valiant's sister, Minnow. This did not prove anything to him, because he was already under the impression that they were somehow cousins — and also, that Sundance had been named after Valiant's father, Sunny — but it was a comfort all the same to see their similarities; he was among family who cared for him after all.

"Where have you been?" he asked, but his voice was not at all accusing — rather, he seemed eager to hear about Sundance's life. "Oh — but wait. I just want you to know that I saw Reif maybe... two months ago. We talked, and he seemed to be in good health. A bit sad, though. He asked if I'd seen you or Atwood. He said he'd seen Cam, too."
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Confirmation came swiftly, and Sundance felt relief flood his system. Any uncertainty he had was washed away and he beamed at the other yearling, the pace of his white-tipped tail quickening in his excitement.

The feeling only grew at the very unexpected mention of another ghost of his past. Reif's name brought about a whole new wave of emotion. Valiant announced that he'd seen him recently, and both of the yearling's silver ears were thrust forward with interest. "He's alive!?" Sundance blurted, heart rate rising and head suddenly spinning. He'd always hoped his siblings had made it away to safety from the trembling earth; had his brother been present when their parents perished? 

"Oh, this is great news," he exhaled, "I hope he's not too far." Though Sundance's relationship with his two littermates had never been as strong as the one they had with each other, he loved them all the same. They were his family, after all.

He inhaled deep, tried to reign in his whirlwind of emotion. "I ran when the ground shook, and couldn't find my way back," he shared, "a pack took me in, and I left a few months later to look for a friend - remember Dorea?" He wasn't sure if Valiant would recall the bright-eyed sisters and their mother, who'd been a pretty private bunch during their time in Elysium.

Sundance settled to tell his tale, silver ears attentive for Valiant's own should he have chosen to do so. Only when evening sun began to dip did the yearling pair part ways, eager to rest which was sure to come more easily after such a pleasant reunion.