Ouroboros Spine As the night covers me, river sings along
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei couldn't sleep on this night. So without further ado she slid from the warmth of her family. She still preferred to sleep near mama and pop and Chiteo. It was warm and safe there.

The moon rose high in the sky the stars twinkling like sweet friends next to her pearly face. Ajei wasn't one of deep spirtual awakening like those she knew and loved. However, she did find solace in the darkness of Moonglow. And she found beauty in the shadows. They reminded her a bit like Arrluk who wore shadows and light on his fur.

She found herself next to the river. The winding path it followed glimmering in the moonlight. The sound comforting and soothing all at once.

She lay white mitted paws to the edge and settled to her belly. Not quite touching the water, but each movement of it the spray slid along her toes and splashed them.

A soft sigh and she tilted her head, then lay to her forelegs chin overtop watching as the rivertwisted  and twined and sang to her.