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Given to Lucas by Aditya on November 19, 2018
Ravenshook Cliffs · slipping down, down, down
"One guy said he could herd rabbits," Lucas claimed, breathless, "I never saw him do it though. He said it was too cold out for his rabbits." More like than not, that wolf had been full of shit. What kind of rabbit willingly did a wolf's bidding? But Lucas, dear trusting Lucas, believed it completely. -- Oh my god I love him so much already.
Given to Indra by Stigmata on November 18, 2018
Mudminnow River · fiend
Given to Apple by Caiaphas on November 17, 2018
Grouse Thicket · An Irishman walks out of the bar
REGURGITATED CUISINE ROFL. ew. none of that, thanks.
Given to Velen by Ford on November 16, 2018
Gyrfalcon's Keep · memoryhouse
God, thank you for playing my brother. Thank you for being as incredible as you are. Thank you for the blessing that is your writing. I could never have dreamed that I would get to have you in the folds of a family like this, and I am eternally grateful that you exist and are here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. <3
Given to Cephaloryn by Alarian on November 14, 2018
Totoka River · i spend my money on the regular miracles
i love rokig so goddamn much i would die for him
Given to Ashari by Athris on November 14, 2018
Gilded Bay · see the mountains where they meet, smothering me
"he will love him too fiercely, grip too tightly, and he will drown in her cold embrace" <3
Given to Freddie by Cephaloryn on November 14, 2018
The Tangle · all tied up, no more love
"Each day, without fail, he would wake up and observe the bane of his existence from the highest point of the cliffs and complain about it for a solid minute before starting his day. Satan's Butthole, he'd called it —"
Given to Arlette by Indra on November 12, 2018
Wapun Meadow · I need my friend
stop being so cute!! you have child/puppy mannerisms down-point. i love arlette's puppy-logic!
Given to Wraen by Sequoia on November 11, 2018
Blackbeak Bluff · And I'll never be alone
Good wolf doin' a teach! I'm really enjoying this thread, and I loooove Wraen. <3
Given to Ruenna by Elixir on November 11, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · Black Beatles
Ruenna is so genuine. The way you write her is beautiful. And a thanks for trying to help Elixir out! :)
Given to Elixir by Graveyard on November 11, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · Black Beatles
This is so sweet, and the "character who feels they deserve more than they've been dealt" is one of my favorite tropes to explore.
Given to Alarian by Lily on November 10, 2018
Duck Lake · we sang silent night in three parts, which was fun
Given to Aditya by Lilia Mayfair-Cairn on November 10, 2018
The Sentinels · gayatri
Given to Greyback by Corvus on November 10, 2018
Stone Circle · You requested a walk
"... the elder wouldn't hesitate to dig his fangs into him with earnest." I was legitimately shocked to read this, even though I know Greyback has been changing a lot recently. I've always loved Greyback, but seeing him develop and become more possessive, more hovering, and no longer pacifistic is incredibly enjoyable to me. I love seeing his flaws shine through, it makes him more well-rounded and interesting to follow. Ily. ?
Given to RIP Issun by Xynien on November 10, 2018
Blacktail Deer Plateau · little pistol
"jealously lingered in his mind. why couldn't sage be like this corvus? or malice? why did everyone he love have to leave him and this guy pops up like some fairytale?"
Given to Addison by Iliksis on November 10, 2018
Silver Creek · yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death
i think for most of us it takes several posts on a new character account to get into the swing of things -- but i have never seen a first post from a character before that was so convincingly in depth and in-stride. i was reading it and to me it seemed like you'd been playing her her entire life already - so major kudos for that!
Given to Kovertol by Cry on November 10, 2018
Shadewood · Found a little bit of light, tryna find my heart
Given to Kai by Cry on November 10, 2018
Shadewood · You've been fighting the memory all on your own
Because you've needed these Kudos for like ever
Given to Six by Coelacanth on November 08, 2018
Wheeling Gull Isle · canine excavation services
OH, MY GOD. IT FINALLY LET ME LEAVE YOU KUDOS. Where do I even begin? Thank you for being my soulmate, for having characters that interact so colorfully with mine, for inspiring me, for being patient with me, for raising a pack and a family with me, for loving me when I am absolutely unable to love myself...for everything you do just by existing and letting me be part of your life. I don't say it enough, but your writing [in any and all of the worlds we create or play in] is beautiful and versatile, funny and evocative and poignant and heartwrenching by turns. You are my perfect partner. I love you so fucking much and I've been waiting to be able to post this for so long that I CANNOT CONTAIN ALL THE THINGS. I appreciate your selfsame addiction to HC, competence porn, dumb dogs, and kittens. I have so much more to say but I need to actually do posts so I have to bring this to a close.
Given to RIP Niamh by Caiaphas on November 07, 2018
Heron Lake Plateau · now i’m free from what you are
i wanted to give this post kudos when i first read it, but was on mobile, ugh. i have always loved loved loved niamh - and you have always done an amazing job writing from her perspective -- but this post so clearly defines her as a character wrestling with her own thoughts and opinions in my book. even if i am not a RH anymore i will always stalk niamh-posts!!