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Given to RIP Fury by Andraste on October 29, 2019
Big Salmon Lake · the queens justice
oh my god she is perfect. 10/10, what a Mood, H E L L O
Given to Olive by Reif on October 29, 2019
Hushed Willows · gravity and resignation
Given to Olive by Seabreeze on October 29, 2019
Hushed Willows · gravity and resignation
Given to Olive by Maegi on October 29, 2019
Hushed Willows · gravity and resignation
thanks for making me tear up in class <3 love y'all and will miss these two so dearly
Given to Olive by Ibis (Ghost) on October 29, 2019
Hushed Willows · gravity and resignation
Oh my god.
Given to Olive by Andraste on October 29, 2019
Hushed Willows · gravity and resignation
Olive and wife deserve all the peace in the world ;a; I LOVE YOU AND HER AND YOU <333
Given to RIP Sobek by Sakhmet on October 28, 2019
Fairspell Meadow · Free the ghost that haunts you.
Given to Maegi by RIP Sobek on October 28, 2019
Fairspell Meadow · Free the ghost that haunts you.
I'm sorry mama. :(
Given to RIP Sobek by Maegi on October 28, 2019
Fairspell Meadow · Free the ghost that haunts you.
Rest in peace my sweet crocodile child. </3
Given to ThE nArRaToR by Andraste on October 28, 2019
Dragoncrest Cliffs · [BWP P5] i took my love; i took it down
Ouch, this hurt. Written so well but? Rest in pieces, DCC. (Well. Half of it.)
Given to Alya by Hydra on October 27, 2019
Moonspear · a marked deck
I know I already gave you kudos, but this comment will stick with me forever: "She sees through my eyes, and bites with my teeth." I love it so <3 LOVE YOU, TOO. OK BYE
Given to Alya by Tye on October 27, 2019
Moonspear · you are to me like a very, very wild thing
I love this whole thread! Sister bonding at its finest!!
Given to Mahler by Sokolov on October 27, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · Hang up my heart, let it air out
Given to Takiyok by Sokolov on October 27, 2019
Sleepy Fox Hollow · Hang up my heart, let it air out
Given to Tye by Alya on October 26, 2019
Moonspear · a marked deck
Nice submissive wolf behavior! I love when Alya can wax poetic about the Matriarchy, but it's always fun to get back to more 'feral' threads. Tye is great and you are great!
Given to Alya by Hydra on October 26, 2019
Moonspear · cold mountain
How could one ever skip to the end in your posts?! They're all so wonderful and well-written. Alya is one of my favorite characters (no bias, hehehehe); your writing also one of my favorites. Thank you for writing with me for years and for Alya being a brilliant voice of reason. We love you both; Alya is a strong MF <3
Given to Nightstar by Maegi on October 26, 2019
Blackfeather Woods · and when the band plays "hail to the chief"
"The more Maegi spoke the less impressed Nightstar found himself. Or rather, he found himself reluctantly impressed that she had become this pack's leader, but it did little to bolster his opinion of her." Hahaha this is the most brutally honest opinion about Maegi I've ever read. I enjoy when people actually recognize her lack of competency. I love it and I love you!
Given to Dirge by Hydra on October 24, 2019
Neverwinter Forest · You can hide underneath me and come out at night
King of the Wilderness but also, SASS KING
Given to Mal by Hydra on October 24, 2019
Neverwinter Forest · You can hide underneath me and come out at night
lmfao I love Mal
Given to Clay by Valour on October 24, 2019
Haunted Wood · I am a boy of authentic self esteem
I cannot deal with how cute he is omfg. *eyes emoji* Valour definitely gonna be crushing