Recent Kudos
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Given to Komodo by Reigi on September 19, 2018
Herbalists' Cache · blue
a super belated kudos; but i always thought this was one of the prettiest death posts i have read.
Given to Eris by Alarian on September 16, 2018
Broken Boulder · sometimes i wish i'd stayed inside my mother, never to come out
Given to Coelacanth by Graveyard on September 16, 2018
Wheeling Gull Isle · angry smol
Given to Merrick by Marten on September 14, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · her perfume crucified me with memories
forever loving how you write! merrick is such a lil menace and i love him. got a good laugh out of this post <3
Given to Indra by Marten on September 14, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · her perfume crucified me with memories
typical MEN. love u. love indra. love this post.
Given to Ghoul by Elixir on September 10, 2018
Mount Apikuni · The trouble is, you think you have time.
Thank you for whumping Elixir! Your writing is amazing. It was truly the aesthetic of a Ghoul. Can't wait to read more of your threads in the future! :)
Given to Rosalyn by Erzulie on September 07, 2018
Stavanger Bay · than a breeze next to this night
ah man <3 literally this post amazed me. rosalyn is a direct character that still manages to be so nuanced. you play this stoic pirate with hidden passions very well. i look forward to seeing where time and development takes her <3 <3 <3
Given to Shardik by Titmouse (Ghost) on September 06, 2018
Wild Berry Meadow · You're not gonna make it.
This character is terrifying (in a good way), and your writing is a joy to read! I loved writing these episodes with you, and look forward to future sprees. <3
Given to Merrick by Indra on September 03, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · her perfume crucified me with memories
this whole thread as a whole deserves a kudos. i love how you play merrick; he's such a wonderfully amusing little tyrant. making mahmee proud :'^)
Given to Marten by Indra on September 03, 2018
Bearclaw Valley · and we'd break under the weight of any pressure that was ever applied
for making me lol
Given to Titmouse (Ghost) by Shardik on September 03, 2018
Northstar Vale · And nobody owes you now
i think this kudos is overdue; i couldn't really pick a specific post, but wanted to give this whole thread/series a kudos because it is the most fun i have had on WOLF; mou/screech is one of my favorite characters, and i'm thrilled to thread with him and be a small part of his story.
Given to Faeryn by Tomkin on September 03, 2018
Wheeling Gull Isle · Demanding my mind be set free
You've always had beautiful writing, but this one is amazing!
Given to Kaali by Olive on August 30, 2018
Redsand Canyon · iv: the wind, unchained
Kaali is simply fascinating!
Given to Charon by Hydra on August 28, 2018
Bramblepoint · Friends from the other side
LIKE FATHER, LIKE DAUGHTER. Charon has been an ALL TIME FAVORITE OF MINE. I am SO BLESSED to have gotten to write with u and to BE A LOVED ONE OF CHARON'S AND BE A DAUGHTER!!! I love him I scream!!!!
Given to Hydra by Terance on August 28, 2018
The Heartwood · i'm faithless now though we win
fuck dude ouch. my whole heart. love hydra and love you-- you write her so beautifully and she's such an amazing character. BRUTAL.
Given to Hydra by Seabreeze on August 28, 2018
The Heartwood · i'm faithless now though we win
Given to Durnehviir by Dawn on August 28, 2018
Swiftcurrent Creek · and the place you need to reach
I love her depth and your writing!
Given to Merrit by Seabreeze on August 26, 2018
Stone Circle · Why is the [water] gone?!
Given to Terance by Coelho on August 26, 2018
The Sunspire · love, oh lord, my love
the feels, man ;-;